Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 73: 400 people must die

The damage is like a chain eruption of a dam that bursts. Nearly a hundred points of terrifying damage emerged from the tops of the two people. Under the pain, the two of them just wanted to give up the sword and Hengge and turned their heads to teach Yuye a lesson, but they found that they were greeted by a slap in the face. Unscrupulous giant sickle attack.




   The high amount of damage drifted by, directly weakening one-fifth of their health.

   Although two people, one warrior and one paladin, the equipment crushes everyone, they are all absolute blood bulls at this stage, but they can't stand the toss!

   Seeing this, the two of them made up their minds and ran away hurriedly, ignoring their status as first-class masters.

   Because they had previewed the death scene in their minds a minute later, the rainy night was too scary. The damage of this level A is as high as the damage they trigger a weak point attack. How to fight, if a rainy night triggers a weak point attack, their result will be death.

But how could Long Sword Hengge give up such a good opportunity? Finally, with Rainy Night’s help, it was able to bring back a round and let them also experience the feeling of death. How could it be possible for them to leave so easily, wave the long sword, and block Live the pace of the two back.

   The sword flower dances, that is the prelude to death; the strange sword shadow, that is the eve of parting.

   Tearing, slamming, and blasting, there was a sound. Ten seconds later, the two disappeared quietly with indomitable, unwilling, resentful, and helpless into white light, and returned to Xinshou Village.

   One minute, it is too high to look at them.

   Ding Ding, the two people's full set of equipment fell on the ground, and they were half-waste, and the red name ruined their life, but this time, the long sword hate the song is a big profit.

   Although the current stage is only the second day after the start of the server, the value of the equipment of the two first-class masters cannot be underestimated. The standard armor plus the BOSS drop weapons, 30,000 gold coins did not run.

   However, this little money and the loss of the economy in the whole melee is not a heavyweight at all. No wonder, the guild is a gold-saving cave, and those who have no financial resources can not play at all, and those who have no brains just lose money.

The Long Sword Hengge quickly converged, without discussing the issue of distribution, because the focus at the moment is not here, the two aunts and nephews looked at each other with smiles, and then turned to look at the'Shrimp on the Shoal' which is still calm at the moment. .

   It's time to teach him how to be a man.

   completely ignored the hidden assassin beside him, and began to concentrate on hunting down the ‘Shallow Shrimp Scene’.

  Note: Seek the psychological shadow area where the first-class thieves are ignored at this moment.

   Thief: Hey, can you give me some face, anyway, I am also a top-notch master, can't you pretend to look for me?

Seeing the two fierce and wicked people coming straight, the shrimp scene in the shallows is still a breeze, with a sense of victory in hand, with contempt and contempt in his eyes, and he stretched his waist leisurely with his head in his hands and looked at it. Surrounded by the two people Nunu's mouth, motioned for the two Changjian Henge to take a look.

   The expression of strategizing and decisive victory is really nauseous.

   However, I don’t know. I was shocked. At this moment, in just a few seconds, all the members of the Dragon Touring Guild died and returned to Xinshou Village to be resurrected. What, does it need to be so fast?

   But after another thought, I felt that it was reasonable, four hundred to one hundred, plus the compulsory order that the shallows were caught in a shrimp show, this result was normal.

   All two hundred people died, and most of them couldn't log into the game again in a short period of time. The loss of the Dragon Touring Guild was too great, and the three hundred members who were rushing over took at least three minutes.

   In the face of four hundred people and more than twenty sub-class masters, can Yuye and Changjian Henge survive unharmed? Can you survive for three minutes? How many people can be pulled as a cushion? let us wait and see.

Because all the dragon players on the field returned to their hometowns, a part of the manpower was released to block the Novice Village to prevent the two little angels from continuing to add blood to them. In other words, the two surrounded by no foreign aid can only rely on themselves .

   Some people may want to say, a plague bomb will end directly, it's not appropriate, is it such a powerful hole card, is it only used to clean up some little ones? Isn't it too bad.

   Changjian Hengge was surrounded by four hundred people, still seeming not to panic, this kind of small scene is not a mention to her who has been in the sand for a long time. As for Yuye, although he received endless rewards, the pain in his whole body did not mean to abate.

   But he found that as long as he can fight, fight, and bathe in blood, the pain can be suppressed for a short time.

   So on the contrary, the rainy night at this moment is calmer and fanatical than the Long Sword Hate Song. His fighting spirit is high, his fighting spirit is high, and he is fearless, and he can't wait to fight immediately.

   The two are back to back at this moment, just like Snow White and a dwarf, relying on each other, trusting each other, and swimming incessantly to prevent the upcoming attack.

Changjian Hengge's burly body muscles trembled slightly, and the high-intensity fighting made her a little bit overwhelmed. A smile appeared on her delicate face, and she said faintly: "Rainy night, I'm sorry, auntie has troubled you. You will be in trouble for a while. Run quickly and leave me alone..."

Changjian Hengge wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the cold rainy night's merciless and seriousness. His little face was full of and said in a low voice: "Auntie, we can all go out alive. Definitely."

   Yuye’s tender words revealed extremely firm conviction, full confidence, and unquestionable domineering.

   Although Rainy Night is still a child, after hearing this, at this moment, this second, Changjian Henge has listed him as an adult who can talk to him on the same level.

   was caught in a shrimp scene in the shallows and waved at will. There was no more time for the two of them. The enemy pressed in and the battle began.

The two squeezed the weapons in their hands, took a sigh of relief, and rushed into the crowd. The flu raged so much that the masters could not use them without authorization. The cooldown time of Tianditongmei was too long and could not be used. Use again.

   At this moment, the rainy night didn't even have a skill that could be used. It could only run the fur of Tiangang Thirty-Six Sickle, giving the enemy a high amount of damage.

   In the melee, what are you most afraid of?

   Of course it is control, Yuye has a deep understanding of this.

  Ding, your friend ‘Holy Dragon’ asked to trade with you, do you agree?

  In the battle of Long Sword Hate Song, when he heard such a system prompt, he was confused, but he chose to believe in rainy night and agreed.

   Rainy night directly threw the colorful cocktail buckler up and clicked the transaction to complete.

  Note: The colorful cocktail buckler had already been handed over to Grandpa in Yuye at the entrance of the village before, but he did not expect that Grandpa was willing to spend one silver coin to start the transaction and hand it over to him again.

   Rainy nights are also a waste of use, so I hurriedly borrowed flowers to present the Buddha and traded them to Changjian Hengge.

   Changjian Hengge saw these three-level shields, and was puzzled, what exactly is Yuye selling, and what is the use of the third-level shields? How about holding weapons in both hands and causing a little more damage?