Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 83: 300,000 hammers

   Yuye understands that these words in his mind are all Wu Tian's complaints, but who is Wu Tian, ​​what experiences he has, and what contributions he has made. He doesn't know or know all of this. It seems that he has to consult Big Brother Batu after he goes out and ask him to understand.

   The voice in my mind ended here, and the message passed on came to an abrupt end. Yu Ye summed it up earnestly, and only nine words: Forging a line of wicked people, other than that, no other information was revealed.

A little helpless, so Yuye’s eyes resurfaced on the nine forged drawings, trying to find some information from them, the figure above seemed to be tirelessly repeating the action mechanically, other than that, nothing Any response.

  After observing for a long time, a sentence came to mind: Practice brings true knowledge!

Suddenly, the rainy night moved and followed the figure to imitate the first picture. The first picture is very simple, with arms rounded, holding the forging hammer, slamming down, booming, sparks splashing, the action is over, and a new round begins.的抡 Hammer.

   is that simple, rainy night feels nothing.

   Yuye’s hands don’t have any weight or any technical content. They just waved up and down to imitate wildly. After a few waves, he always felt that something was missing. Yes, he lacked authenticity and real objects.

   Thinking of this, the environment around the rainy night changed again, and with a bang, all the items in the first picture appeared in front of the rainy night. This sudden change directly dampened the rainy night.

   There is no slight deviation in the comparison between the two sides, no shortcomings bit by bit, the only difference is that the rainy night is different from this figure.

  Hu, a cold wind blew by, rainy night slammed a violent spirit, and instantly recovered from the surprise, it seems that this needs to be done by yourself, but since you can learn things, rainy night is not ambiguous at all.

Withdrawing the sickle of good and evil, stepped forward, raised his head and confidently picked up the forging hammer lying quietly on the table, and padd it twice to adapt to the weight. It felt okay, so I kicked the forging hammer on rainy night and started again. Repeat the movement of that figure over and over.

   Once, twice, three times, there was no sound except the sweet forging sound.

   Four times, five times, ten times, one hundred times, there is still no sound.

   Finally, one hundred and sixteen, two hundred, three hundred and four, when there was a ding sound:

  Ding, warm reminder: the standard of action, please keep it, hammer forging one thousand times to automatically unlock the next picture, the current number of successes: 1.

When I heard such a system prompt, Yuye was stunned for a moment. It was because of his extraordinary temperament, but at the moment he was also hit hard. The solid hammer held high was slowly put down by him, and he slammed it hard with a bang. On the ground.

   More than three hundred hammers only succeeded in one hammer. This, this, this, the full of anger cannot be released, this is too...

   Yuye was already angrily unable to say a complete sentence.

   Although it is in the game, although it is in a special environment, the pain and tiredness of the whole body can truly affect every inch of skin and every inch of mind. This is the first time since the rainy night's life began to give up.

   Three hundred hammers can only be successful. It takes three hundred thousand hammers to accumulate a thousand hits. This is simply beyond the reach of manpower, and it is impossible to complete it.

   was grumbling in the rainy night, not when forging, the ding sound sounded again:

  Ding, it is detected that the player’s “Holy Dragon” has stopped practicing and the contract is about to fail. Please continue to practice on the first picture. After five seconds, if you don’t throw a hammer, it will be deemed as a failure. Players should consider it by themselves.

   was repeated three times in a row, seeming to be forcing the rainy night.



Hearing such a system prompt, Yuye almost didn't get angry, but the eyes of Big Brother Batu appeared in his mind, and the expectations of Big Brother Batu emerged from him. After all, he picked up the hammer again and began to be serious. Swing hammer.

  咚, once, there is no prompt.

  咚, again, there is still no prompt.

   In a blink of an eye, he has swung more than a hundred hammers again, and the rainy night is still unclear. I don't know what to do. Is it really going to swing 300,000 hammers?

   With Yuye’s current physique, he can only swing at most two thousand hammers at most. If he can force his potential and stimulate the whole body, he may swing three thousand hammers, but three thousand and three hundred thousand are still far apart.

   When overwhelmed by the rainy night, the sudden system prompt sounded pleasantly:

   Ding, warm reminder: the standard of action, please keep it, the next picture will be automatically unlocked after one thousand forging hammers, the current number of successes: 2.

  咦, the system prompt sounded again, this time it was more than 100 hammers and one hammer appeared. Isn't it that three hundred hammers can only be produced, but based on my own reasons, such as angle and strength?

   A bold idea appeared in Yu Ye's mind. Instead of starting to imitate blindly, he carefully observed every movement of the figure, every point of force.

The figure of the figure turned into small dots in his eyes, one by one small dots that could swing freely, bang, a hammer fell, the small dots tremble instantly, in the midst of the struggle, rainy night felt like I understood a bit , So he followed the figure, threw a hammer with a bang.

   The hammer fell, and the hammer sounded, imitating seven or eighty but there was still no system prompt.

   Yuye began to decompose his previous actions in his mind, turning them into small dots, which complemented each other with the small dots of the figure of the figure, comparing them one by one, he instantly found the mistake.

   I have to say that Yuye's spatial structure ability is really strong, which may be a natural talent. Modeling, structuring, etc. are not a problem at all.

   This time, Yu Ye tried to coincide with all the small dots on the figure, and there was a bang, without any other sounds, and it failed.

   It seems that something went wrong. I looked for it again, swung the hammer again, after repeated imitations, repeated comparisons, and repeated learning, Yuye finally understood this action.

  咚, a hammer fell.

   Ding, warm reminder: the standard of action, please keep it, the next picture will be unlocked automatically after one thousand forging hammers, the current number of successes: 3.

  咚, hammer again.

  Ding, warm reminder: Action standard, please keep it, one thousand times will automatically unlock the next picture, the current number of successes: 4.

  Finally, after the two people's actions were exactly the same, it was a success, and a smile appeared on the corners of Yuye's mouth. I was really a genius, haha.

   No, you can't be like Grandpa Zhang, you still have to be low-key.

  咚, Ding two people one after another, bringing a trace of life to this boring environment, so that the boring forging is not so dull.

   I don’t know how long it has passed, and the system prompt sounded twice in succession:

   Ding, warm reminder: the action standard, please keep it, the next picture will be unlocked automatically after one thousand times, the current number of successes: 1000.

  Ding, congratulations on your successful learning of the first picture. You have just entered the gate of the forger. You can go further and further on this road. I wish you a happy life.