Online Games Plague Master

v1 Chapter 84: Sound of Nature: Ding

   The first picture was completed in the rainy night and forged more than two thousand hammers. Now I only feel that my body is about to fall apart, a feeling of soreness spontaneously; every muscle is trembling, greedily replenishing the nutrients in the air.

   But the good news is that the inherent pain in the body seems to be suppressed. Does strenuous exercise help reduce the pain?

   No, I have to try it when I return to reality. Now even if there is a slight possibility, I will not give up on rainy night.

After the rainy night successfully unlocked the first picture, I just wanted to turn my head to look at the second picture. Suddenly, the surrounding environment changed. Everything in front of me drifted away with the wind and turned into bubbles, gradually disappearing, as if everything had never been Appeared.

At the same time, an electronically synthesized voice appeared in Yu Ye’s mind for no apparent reason. It was distinguished from the system prompts. The voice was not rushed and did not contain any emotions: you can continue to view the second picture after successfully promoting the bronze forge. .

  Note: The level of the blacksmith is the same as the equipment level: apprentice, black iron blacksmith, bronze blacksmith, silver blacksmith, etc., and so on.

   After all the space around the rainy night turned into a bubble, he immediately fell into the endless darkness and fell into the black hole that devoured people. Suddenly, a little life-saving light appeared in front of Yuye's eyes, close at hand, he pursued the light and gradually walked out.

   Brush, climbing **** the rainy night, placing himself in the white light, ah, the dazzling white light is so passionate, the rainy night only feels that I can't open my eyes, and the tears slowly flow away.

   There was a dizziness in his head, with a slap, the whole person returned to the studio, and he staggered. The figure first shook suddenly, and then fell backward following the gravity. Fortunately, the rainy night reacted in time to avoid making jokes.

   Watching the rainy night finally come back, and with quick response, Batu's face showed a knowing smile, and then the whole person closed his eyes slightly, seemed very tired and tired, fell straight like a wood, and fell into a coma. Boom, a huge sound rang, and a burst of smoke was raised.

   Seeing this on the rainy night, he shook his head vigorously to wake up as soon as possible, ignore the system prompts that kept ringing in his mind, and then hurried over to check the situation of Brother Batu and breathing, that’s good.

  The body of Big Brother Batu couldn't move at all in the rainy night. After several attempts, he gave up.

   So I had to clear out the space around Brother Batu so that Brother Batu could lie down more comfortably.

   After finishing all this, Yuye hurriedly ran out and summoned Big Brother Buss to help.

Opening the door of the studio, bathed in the bright moonlight, I only felt refreshed and happy. Bass was still forging the sound and ran over all strides. The two worked together to bring Batu out and put it on the outside steps. Allow him to breathe fresh air.

   A few minutes later, I saw Big Brother Batu let out a cough, and slowly woke up from the coma, the rainy night finally relieved and let out a sigh of relief.

   Buzz just wanted to say something, but his lips rose slightly but he was cruelly interrupted by Batu. Batu represented absolute authority, Buzz shut up quickly.

   Although Batu's face is pale and weak at this moment, his eyes are piercing and gleaming. He grabbed Yu Ye's hand and asked urgently: "Did you succeed?"

   Seeing Yuye nodded, Batu smiled with relief, a relieved laugh.

   There are successors, he can safely wait for March to hang in the air.

In fact, he would be like this, because after the release of the watch and help contract, a part of bad memory popped up in his mind: if it fails, the person who accepts the conclusion will be backlashed into serious injuries, and death will be severely injured in the worst case. forging.

   He is afraid of failing to conclude the contract, and even more afraid of ruining the rainy night. I really don't know how he survived this period of time, a double blow to his mind and body.

   So although Batu has full confidence in the rainy night, he still fears in his heart. After all, it is inevitable that he will make some mistakes in the first time. But now that the ending was good, Batu was relieved instantly.

   Batu stretched out his sturdy hand made of steel and iron and gently and delicately touched the plum blossom mark made by the three drops of blood on Yuye's head. Suddenly, a feeling of perfect harmony emerged in his heart.

   However, he faintly feels something is wrong. Why is his own breath so weak in this, but another strange breath is so strong, are there really some unpredictable mistakes?

   With a puzzled mood and a puzzled expression, Batu quickly checked the record of the Shouwang Mutual Aid Contract in his mind, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state, as if it were down.

   Rainy night and Bass were left standing in place at a loss, not knowing what to do.

   As rainy night had just returned to reality, before he had time to watch his own changes, Big Brother Batu fell to the ground.

   Seeing that Batu was in deep thought at the moment, he finally had time to watch his own changes, so he made a small noise, tiptoed to the basin, and looked at his appearance. is especially the place where Batu had touched just now!

The bright red imprint is as if it was just painted on, and it is delicate and green, so tempting, the overall appearance is a character shape, the upper and lower two, each shape is like a cylinder, but if you look closely, you will know that it is blood The pouring hammer is a hammer forged by death, so it's not strange.

The combination of the three hammers seems to be an indescribable pattern. After looking at it for a long time, there is even a feeling of being unable to break free and wanting to stop. No, the rainy night's heart is alarming. This pattern must have a secret, not so simple!

   Yuye forcefully forced himself to come out of the pattern, and after thinking for a moment, he had no clue and began to listen to the sound of nature in his mind:

  Ding, because you have the honor to watch the forging ancestor: Wutian’s forging memory, and have the honor to listen to the forging ancestor: Wutian’s teaching, the special reward is forcibly reduced by 10

  Ding, strength attribute -10, current strength attribute: 24

  Ding, physical attribute -10, current physical attribute: 35

  Ding, agility attribute -10, current agility attribute: 24

  Ding, spirit attribute -10, current spirit attribute: 75

   This one basically defeated all the rewards for contact with the plague magic god.

   Fuck, I've never had a rainy night with vulgar words. At this moment, I saw this first system prompt and couldn't help but curse. What happened? Why do you watch Ancestor: Wutian’s forging does not give rewards, but lowers all attributes?

   Is Wutian the **** of plague? Isn't he the ancestor who forged a line? Did he curse himself? Is he fake? One question after another appeared in Yu Ye's heart, and every imaginary appeared in Yu Ye's heart, but they were overturned one by one immediately.