Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 100: Full screen-50,000

The entire form of this piece of equipment can be said to surpass the rainy night's currently unopened cloak of the Holy Gods to a certain extent, but it is only to a certain extent.

"Grandma Sun, get it on now. This equipment is the most suitable for you, and with the powerful output of Grandma Sun, Xiaoye will not have to fight alone in the future, haha." Seeing Grandma Sun's evasive eyes, Yu Ye smiled a little Said hurriedly.

"Put it on, sister, although we are jealous, I am not a mage." Old Zhang head squatted on the ground, slapped, and wailed.

"It's uncomfortable." Old Litou instantly followed, showing a distressed picture.

"Cut, naive, mature men's expressions can't be superficial, you can learn something." The old head of Zhao proudly glanced at them and mocked them, and there was even a kind of thinking in his mind that he wanted to abandon the shameful old head of his own small team. Thoughts.



Well, I watched too many TV series, and the three of them wanted to act unconsciously, but the acting skills are a bit exaggerated and still need to be improved.

Speaking of Grandma Sun, she replaced her previous staff of thorns, and replaced it with this staff of Jing*Red Flame. All of a sudden, her temperament changed drastically. If you look closely, you can see the two causes Stamen composed of flames.

Like the elf born from the flame, youthful and unrestrained; like the exclusive queen of the flame, passionate and unrestrained.

The emotions such as fiery, enthusiasm, scorching enthusiasm and so on are displayed, which is dazzling.

Seeing the grandmother who was equipped with a staff, smiled at the corner of the pacifier, the trace in Yu Ye's heart was weaker, although she didn't know what grandma would face next? But presumably things will not be too bad.

"Xiaoye, remind me if this equipment is on the tenth list of weapons, or should I announce its identity?" Grandma Sun's bright eyes flashed a trace of doubt and asked softly.

"Don't, don't announce." Yuye's tender voice suddenly came.


"By the way, Brother Gentle also has a gift for you." As Rainy Ye took out the priest skill book from his backpack:

Group Healing——Expend a certain amount of mana to restore blood to multiple targets, the specific value is 200% of the mana!

Cooling time: three minutes

Mana consumption: 1000

Seeing that I still had a gift, I gently and happily took it over and stuck it on my body.

Ding, congratulations on your successful acquisition of skill: group therapy.

"Brother, fight quickly, Gentle wants to test this group therapy."

"Yeah, Xiaoye, start soon, the snacks are almost moldy in the backpack."

Alas, I just bought it for less than ten minutes, and I haven't covered the heat, how could it be moldy.



Ding, whether to read the progress.


Ding, it is detected that your current progress is the sixth wave of the second layer of the gray fog mage, and the progress is jumping.

"Gentle, summon a stupid bear."


The giant silver bear that just came out of the pet space just wanted to roar to soothe the depression in his heart, but suddenly discovered that there was a red fruit next to him, staring at him with a slightly murderous look.

How could Yinguang hesitate, put on a flattering smile instantly to please the rainy night, and came to the soft back and gently knocked her back.

Gluck, softly amused by the silver light, playing with it happily, ignoring the dangers around him.

What can we say when we see such a situation on a rainy night? Only by the silver light.

At this moment, the silver giant bear's psychological activities are very rich, and there is a bad idea in his eyes.

Three hundred and twenty gray mist mages gathered out, making a terrifying sound from their throats. Swallowing potions in rainy nights increased their movement speed, and swished out a single disaster to reduce their attributes.

Ten minutes later, under the alternating combination of rainy night and silver light, all the gray mist wizards were attached to the blight of a single body, and at this time a group of lifelike fire phoenixes fell straight down in the sky.

The time of Grandma Sun’s card was just right, but at the moment the three grandpas were very upset:

"There is no place to sit for us to eat snacks quietly, which is very annoying."

"Yes, it hurts the attacks of these gray mist mages."

"Hey, Xiao Ye will come back soon to help us fight the injury."

Looking at the stone statues beside them, several people sighed heavily, summoning rainy nights like chasing souls.

As mentioned in the previous article, there are one hundred and sixty gray mist wizards fixed in place. Although their hatred falls on Rainy Night, Rainy Night is not in this area, and the damage can only fall on the three nearest squats. On his grandpa.

In just a few minutes, the three of them had used five or six bottles of instant recovery potions, but Yuye had no choice but to return to cooperate with the giant silver bear to clear all the fixed gray mist mages on the grandfather's side.

After three terrifying damages, Boom, Boom, and Boom, the blood line of the Gray Mist Mage was suppressed to 90000+.

However, even so, the hatred still steadily fell on the rainy night.

Giving Yin Guang a wink, one person and one bear quickly cleared the blame.

After half an hour, all three hundred and twenty gray mist mages turned into a little bit of starlight and gathered in the light cluster in the sky, and the reward was sealed.

In the sixth wave, the first boss appeared. Similarly, the boss did not take the initiative to attack, but pulled everyone into a small expansion.

The grandparents were dumbfounded in an instant and looked around vigilantly, but with the rainy night's explanation, they quickly calmed down and quietly enjoyed the magnificent scene.

Huh, what is that? Maybe it was because of the second time to watch the battle. The focus of the watch on Rainy Night was a little different. There seemed to be a little red light flashing behind the battle group commanded by General Heroic Spirit? Can't catch its trace, can't confirm its shape, what is it?

Yuye repeatedly confirmed in his mind that there was absolutely no red light when I watched it last time, it is definitely a new one this time.

Shocked, or shocked, everyone still couldn't return to their senses for a long time after the expansion, but Yu Ye's heart showed a trace of uncertainty and a trace of anxiety.

Was that red light the red light that appeared in the battle, or is it the red light that people have added for weirdness? Will it affect the boss this time? Will it affect the historical trend afterwards?


For a time, rainy night's mind came up with many thoughts that shouldn't have appeared, and many thoughts that were not his age.

After the rainy night tasted the sweetness, he would naturally not give up, and use theft technique at the great sword in the hands of the Heroic General without hurriedly, hoping that good luck would continue.

Theft was not intended to be used in the rainy After all, the words of the dead Grandpa Li's heartfelt words still echoed in his mind from time to time: no gambling, no stealing, no provoke... ..

But think about it carefully, this is just a skill, it's not really stealing things, um, it should be available.

After understanding this, Rainy Night's theft technique became more and more flexible.

Ding, the theft failed and the heroic general was disgusted. Do you want to continue trying?

This system reminder sounded, and the rainy night suddenly felt a gloomy, lifeless gaze descending on him. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends

