Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 101: Golden Equipment: Heroic Great Sword

But it is only limited to this. The Heroic Spirit did not rush Yuye with anger because of this, and did not take any other actions. Instead, he turned back to the wisdom of looking at the silver giant bear that threatened the most at this time, and started with the great sword across his chest. Get ready for a thunder strike.

The silver giant bear was also stared at by the heroic general and felt uncomfortable. He felt that he was severely provoked. For example, you little silver boss? Still want to shake the sky?

Roar, with a hideous face, craned his neck, flared his claws in a combat stance, and let out a roar. The roar was shaking the sky and resounding through the mountains and rivers. With this roar, the momentum of the giant silver bear was lifted to the extreme. .

The spirit of General Heroic Spirit was immediately suppressed. Looking at General Heroic Spirit who was shaking with a little bit of fear in his eyes, Yin Guang was satisfied with his mouth and swallowed the dried fish that was gently handed over.

In the next moment, the corner of the eyes of General Heroic Spirit appeared with a black scarlet color, his wisdom was suppressed, his animal spirit was aroused, his aura suddenly increased again.

The aura he exploded at this moment was enough to compare with the silver light golden claw giant bear, the silver light eyes were covered with a layer of dignity, it felt a hint of danger from his body.

This little scum on Yuye was suddenly forgotten and left aside.

However, he did not give up. In order to brush a wave of existence, Yuye hid on the side and quietly continued to use theft technique again and again.

Theft cooldown: one second.

The use distance of theft: ten meters.

Ding, the theft failed and the heroic general was disgusted. Do you want to continue trying?

General Heroic Spirit didn't even watch the rainy night this time, just a small ant, who could pinch it to death at any time.

After five or six attempts, none of them succeeded. Instead, it attracted the attention of the heroic general. So the rainy night simply stopped provoking, and went straight to the previously marked point to dig out the stone box. The moment when the pendant and the letter appeared, just The born heroic general instantly entered a three-minute violent time.

A pair of black scarlet dead eyes suddenly appeared thicker black red, the sky full of blood rose into the sky, the whole body's oppression was more terrifying than before, staring at the rainy night and dragging the huge sword to kill the rainy night. , Recapture the pendant and letter.

Huh, unscientific? The last heroic general is not this routine, shouldn't he fight the person with the highest hatred?

Rainy night was a little flustered and a little chilly being stared at by the heroic general.

Uh, the boss has just been refreshed, how can anyone hit and hurt? Are you stupid. Yin Guang gave Yu Ye a contemptuous and cute look, allowing him to realize it by himself.

Yu Ye just short-circuited his brain for a while, and quickly reacted to let Yinguang hit the damage, and he quickly ran away.

Sure enough, General Heroic Spirit was stopped by Silver Light, but the violent General Silver Light couldn't hold it, and his blood volume dropped a little fast.

Thousands of them fall in a second...

The silver light with 51,000 HP and the silver light with 5100 defense value, is that a joke? In addition to blood volume, the rest suppressed the heroic generals regardless of rank and defense value.

The heroic general can only adopt the strategy of exchange blood. The heroic general with double the blood volume and a lot of skills takes advantage in this aspect, especially the fatal blow may directly lose the silver light in seconds.

When the silver light's blood volume was suppressed to the extreme, Yuye quickly shot to find the time and played a series of controls to get it out of the battle, and resumed the real male Kuma in three seconds and continued to fight.

Uh, this method of spawning monsters has no possibility of being copied by the rest of the team. It is only suitable for rainy night and silver light.

During the period, probably because of rainy nights that have been using theft technique, hatred has also been chaotic, but the active skill ‘absolute defense’ is 100% safe and secure, 200,000 gray shields? Is that a joke?

A total of 60,000+ damage was dealt with rainy night and silver light in one minute, of which 50,000 were all caused by silver light.

At this moment, Grandma Sun decisively used a giant fireball, causing -30000 damage to the Heroic General.

Silver light flattened twice again, and the Heroic Spirit entered an invincible summoning state aggrieved.

In this state, the violent time did not stop, the perfect cooperation of two people and one bear, and the high outbreak directly stuck the copy bug.

A smile appeared on Yu Ye's mouth, and she whispered: It seems that my guess is correct.

The ten heroic warriors Yuye dragged on for three minutes before beheading, successfully dragging the violent time of the heroic general.

After the death of the ten heroic warriors, the heroic general who recovered the ability to act is no nonsense, jumping is a fatal blow, and the target: the giant silver bear.

Yin Guang keenly felt the madness and lethal power contained in that blow, and immediately shrank into a ball with his head and squatted defense, even shivering.

Bah, really embarrassing the golden boss...

Silver Bear: Haha, I'm waiting for this blow, kill me quickly, you can be lazy if you die.

Uh, the brain circuit of this stupid bear...

"Hey, stupid bear is still a bit unreliable." Yuye saw such a spineless silver light, and his immature face showed an expression of hatred for iron and steel, sighed deeply, and quickly threw the chaotic stone that had been prepared.

Boom, the figure of one person and one bear was immediately uncontrollable, moving in the opposite direction, and the fatal blow of that time was of course emptying. Although the skill was empty, the blood reduction effect was not empty, and the blood volume of the heroic general suddenly decreased by one. Dajie entered a state of invincible defense.

Ending the chaotic effect, Yin Guang put down the bear-eyed little hand, and ended the defensive posture of holding her head and squatting. A trace of confusion flashed through her little eyes. It seemed that she was very unhappy that she was not dead, but she felt that she was behind the photo from the rainy night. Bear's gaze instantly stood up and continued to join the battle.

Silver Bear: Has my little secret been noticed by the big demon? impossible? It should be impossible? Is it really noticeable? Hey, try it next time.

At this moment, the heroic generals were beheaded without any doubt after more than 20 minutes of hard work, and converted into their trophies for storage.

When the heroic general had only one drop of blood left, Yu Ye felt his heart and used theft technique again:

Ding, congratulations on your successful theft of gold-level equipment: Heroic Greatsword.

Huh, succeeded again?

After the side mission is completed, each person can add 100 points of damage.

Grandma Sun is undoubtedly attached directly to the flame staff, and gently attached to the spiritual staff, the old Zhang's head is directly attached to the heroic great sword.

Uh, Lao Zhangtou’s equipment was updated very quickly. The last piece of equipment was not hot yet, and he was replaced with a gold-level giant sword. This speed was jealous and shocking.

Equipment name: Heroic Great Sword

Equipment introduction: The saber of the deputy general east of the eighteenth division of the dawn battlefield, because of special reasons, contains special power.

Equipment type: heavy armor

Suitable profession: Warrior, Paladin, Wingman

Wearing level: 10

Durability: 100

Quality: Gold

Grade: Supreme

Additional attributes:

Strength: +8

Constitution: +5

Agility: +8

Attack power +20

Evasion rate: +3%

Physical critical strike rate: +5%

Hit rate: +3%

Special effect: Heroic Blessing-Players wearing this can offset half of the attacks from Heroic Warriors. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~