Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 108: 9-piece gold set: troubled times

If the proficiency level of the skill goes up, it means that his damage can be increased by a lot.

Uh, except for being a little tired and a little boring, the rainy night is still very happy.

The environment on the other side is gentle.

When the gentle consciousness slowly recovered in the darkness, her bright eyes shook slightly and sprouted with a moving color until she opened. What greeted her was a complete set of well-equipped, safe and secure children's playground.

Children’s naughty castles, slides, track racing, Kubao trampoline, etc. have all kinds of children’s amusement facilities, and there are intimate manual guidance.

Note: Beside every facility, there are instructors with doll-shaped mouths with smiles and look very easy to get along with.

A curious light flashed in her soft eyes, and she put her little hand in her mouth to **** her milky voice, as if she wanted to play in the past. The small appearance was so cute that people couldn't help but want to pinch her little face.

Ding, please ‘Brother, be gentle and be afraid’ to play all the amusement facilities within the specified time. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with a resurrection order.

In-situ resurrection order-death will not perceive pain, no pain, and in-situ resurrection can be carried out, the current number of resurrections: 5.

Hey, isn't this reward a bit too generous...How can those who have worked hard to brush dungeons and skills?

Hearing this softly, he immediately carried out a certain project like a free and easy little wild horse.

She decided on these items, and she wanted to play each of them twice.

The next moment, giggling, soft laughter, like Yingyan's cry, made people happy and exhausted.

Fortunately, the Gate of Order separates everyone. Otherwise, some people will definitely get angry when they see such a scene?

Is this Xiao Nizi the careless liver of Tao Yuan, general manager of the final chapter? Or the little baby of chief designer Xiaoyu? Is this partiality too obvious?

Grandma Sun, Grandpa Li, and others are in different situations. For example, Grandpa Zhang, whose task is to clear a single copy within the specified time, seems to be a punishment for his usual lazy snacking.

Old Litou built a small building within the specified time...

The old head Zhao found three figures hidden in the forest within the prescribed time, uh, like hide and seek.

Grandma Sun’s task is very humane. Just restore the scattered puzzles, which is very suitable for a careful woman like her.

Note: The puzzle is a thousand pieces in total...

Everyone in the Gate of Order has different tasks. Some are helpless choices, some are dangerous crises, and some are rewards for sitting back. But they have one thing in common: it takes at least two hours to be able to do it. Complete your own tasks and even more.

The players inside the Gate of Order are a scene, and the players outside the Gate of Order are another scene. There are more and more players reaching level ten, and the number of places that can enter the Gate of Order is decreasing.

Everyone tried their best to hope that the last fight can be successfully entered...

And at the moment the outside world:

After the opening of the door of Order, all players in the tenth level dungeon had committed suicide, and they were all wiped out, except for one case: the shallows were caught in a shrimp scene.

Note: In fact, even if they were in the tenth level dungeon and did not die, they would be summoned in time, but no one knew.

In the scene within the tenth level dungeon, all the heroic warriors on the second layer seemed to be disturbed by a powerful mysterious force, and they were all turned into fly ash and integrated with the environment, and all the experience points were submerged in the body of the ‘Shrimp Play in the Shoal’.

The fourth wave...The gray mist mage of the sixth wave also failed to escape the fate of being fogged and turned into experience points into his body.

The two bosses have just been refreshed, and they have not yet revealed their hideousness. They are also converted into experience points and submerged into the body of the ‘Shoal Shrimp Show’. During this period, according to his ‘Gentle Burst Mage’ career, he automatically condensed two mighty and extraordinary equipment to cover him.

Both pieces of equipment are of gold quality, and they are the best in gold and barefoot gold in gold: each piece of equipment has two special effects and two skills, and depending on the appearance and name, it turns out to be a set: the nine-piece set Two pieces.

During the whole process, the shrimp scene in the shallows just needs to stand aside... No hands, no skills, just a stare, and both the mobs and the boss will be wiped out. This is the legendary stare kill.

At this moment, there was a trace of unnatural flushing on his white face, as if there was no remedy, and his eyes were slightly blurred and confused, as if entering a drunk state.

Ding, the second level of reward distribution is another two-piece set flying out of the feet and shoulders that seem to be spiritually drawn and fixed to the "Shallow Shrimp Show".

Ding, do you enter the third floor?


Before the "Shoal Suffered by Shrimp Play" could speak, the enchanting magic sound in the emptiness was the first to speak, and the words were full of meanings that could not be rejected.

A trace of clarity flashed in the eyes of the confused "Shoal Shrimp Play", but he quickly obeyed and stopped rejecting it, because he felt the sense of power flowing from his body, which was exactly what he dreamed of.

The third layer is also the six waves of mobs and the final boss.

But what's strange is that once the figure of the "Shallow Shrimp Show" enters, it seems like a fish enters the sea, and the eagle strikes for nine days. The whole body is very comfortable and I want to moan.

The charming corners of the mouth on the white face set off a confident arc, the confused eyes were completely clear, and he shook the fist in the handshake. He liked this feeling very much.

Along the way, the mobs kept appearing, turning into fly ash, and gathering into his body.

The first wave of customs clearance...

The second wave of clearance...


Complete the sixth wave...

After the six waves, a set of golden equipment on the "Shallow Shrimp Play" was also successfully assembled.

The nine-piece suit is called: Troubled Times.

The boss facing the seventh wave is indeed the ‘Endu’ of the Celestial March, Vanguard, and First Squad.

In the copy, ‘Endu’ looks very young. He is wrapped in armor with full armor. There is no sense of iron and blood on his body, and no sense of grandeur.

Although the corner of his mouth has a smile like a sun-like smile, for some reason, once he stands there, he can feel death, silence, uncomfortable and other emotions.

The'Shoal by the Shrimp Show' was also instantly suppressed by this momentum. He should not speak for a while, but after all, he is the leader who manages the Great Guild. He quickly reacted and asked in a flat tone: "The second level Is it your voice?"

After saying this, he adjusted his aura, tried to imitate his father's posture, and kept telling himself in his heart: It's just a game, why take it seriously.


"Thank you, is your opponent my opponent at this level?"'Shoal caught shrimp drama' sincerely thanked him, and then asked.


After saying this, a question mark appeared on the head of ‘Endu’. This is the rhythm of tasks. Is it possible that my spring is coming?

"Shrimp in the shallows" feels that his life is about to reach its peak, about to reach a climax. If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or" on WeChat and talk about your favorite books with more book friends