Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 109: Celestial camp

A knowing and insidious smile appeared on the corner of the "Shoal by the Shrimp Show", and wrinkles appeared on his white face.

He felt that the current situation and the balance of the whole reply were shifting toward him, so he assumed the player's proper posture and continued to ask: "What can I do for you? I promise to do my best."

These words are very confident and powerful.

Ding, ‘Endu’, a member of the Celestial Rapid March, Vanguard, and First Squad, will release a mission to you: choose a camp!

God or mundane?

This means obviously that you are going to join the Heavenly God's rush to destroy the world together under the guidance of the God of Creation?

Or do we have to fight against the gods and the creation gods with mundane bodies?

This question, "Shrimp in the Shoal", thought it would only appear after level 40, but he didn't expect to encounter it now.

Note: This task will cover your current main task after receiving it, please be careful!

"The Shallow Shrimp Play" was not eager to answer, but fell into deep thought. Then his eyes rolled and he made a living, instead of directly answering this question, he asked:

"What are the benefits of choosing the Celestial camp?"

"All attributes are increased by 20%, and at the same time the set of golden equipment on you is given to you!" At this moment,'Endu' seemed to be programmed, and his expression was cold.

"What's next? This is just a reward in front of you." Some snakes swallowed the elephant in the'Shallow Shrimp Show'.

"Huh? You need to fight for everything in the Celestial camp, and I can't help you." Suspicion appeared on the face of'Endu', and he continued to answer after a soft hmm.

"Then I have to choose the ordinary camp?"

"Fight with me, after losing, all attributes will be permanently reduced by 20% and the equipment will disappear!"

Er, there are two options. Normal people will definitely choose the Celestial camp, and the "Shoal Shrimp Play" is no exception.

"I choose the Celestial camp."

"Wise choice."



Ding, because you chose the Celestial faction, the main mission is being fully covered, please wait...

"Shoal by the Shrimp" looked at the covered main mission: looking for the lord, there was no wave of trouble in my heart, the garbage mission, I had long wanted to change it.

Ding, congratulations on accepting the blessing of the gods, all attributes are increased by 20%.

Ding, congratulations on accepting the blessings of the gods and solidifying the troubled times.

Ding, because you choose the Celestial camp, facing mobs with apocalyptic aura will be immune to their extra damage.

Ding, because you choose the Celestial camp, players facing the ordinary camp will suffer more damage.



There are many system prompts like this. Although it seems that there are advantages and disadvantages, it is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Ding, the new main mission is completed. The current mission is changed to: Assist the member of the first team of the gods ‘Endu’ to destroy No.99 Novice Village!

Mission success reward: Successfully destroy the Novice Village and become a member of the rapid march, vanguard and first team.

Mission failure penalty: Permanently reduce a certain attribute by 100 points.

Hastily, seeing the task of "Shrimp Play in the Shallows" burst out of 10,000 words in my mind, and my soul seemed to have been stepped on by 10,000 grass mud horses.

Not scientific? Why is there a penalty for mission failure? Is the punishment still so strong? Let Lao Tzu assist'Endo'? Just relying on the fact that the two of us were able to uncover any waves in Xinshou Village? Can fight millions of players?

Too stupid, too stupid, is it possible that this task is dedicated to cheating people? By the way: Is it okay if I want to get off now?

Give yourself a cool song.

Give me the task of "Finding the City Lord", I don't want this task!

For a moment, the "Shoal Shrimp Scene" thought a lot, a lot, and there was something different in his eyes when he looked at "Endu".

"Captain, are there any other members? Is it just that the two of us want to destroy the Xinshou Village? Is it a whimsical thing?" The "Shallow Shrimp Play" finally asked the deepest doubt in his mind. He was testing and looking for a way to get out.

"No, just the two of us..."'Endu' answered very honestly, still expressionless.

This appearance is completely different from the previous one, and the shrimp scene in the shallows is somewhat unacceptable.

Brother, you restored the previous domineering and the previous horror, let me see a glimmer of hope.

"Just the two of us? Go to destroy a village?" The'Shoal Shrimp Play' meant to lift the table. He forced down this impulse and asked again coldly.


The ‘Shallow Shrimp Play’ was a little desperate, and he seemed to feel the strong malice from the world towards him.

"Are there reinforcements?"


"Any plan?"


"Then what do you have?"

"I have a heart that swears to be loyal to the gods and creation gods."

Uh, the "Shoal by the Shrimp Scene" feels like a runaway, I want to rush forward and knock it over.

Too annoying.

"Since there is nothing, what shall we do now?"

"Wait." This time, the meaning of death and death reappeared on the body of'Endu' again, and the whole person has recovered as before, which is shocking and frightening. The eyes of the'Shoal Suffered by Shrimp' are also full of aggression. Sex.

Upon seeing these eyes, the "Shoal by the Shrimp Play" suddenly closed his mouth, and all the grievances in his stomach disappeared. At this moment, his grace and demeanor were like his father, so that he did not dare to act rashly.

This is obviously a game? Why is it so real?

"The good show is about to start, I'll take you back first." After saying'Endu' waved, the shadow of the shrimp show in the shallows disappeared in the copy.

When he appeared in Novice Village, it happened to be the end of the five-minute countdown. Unsuspectingly, he followed the large forces that were attracted by the gate of order in the sky.

The adventure journey of ‘Shrimp in the Shallows’ is not a case...but...

The same thing is still happening in the rest of the Novice Village and the rest of the tenth level dungeon.

There is one thing in common between them: that is when the door of order is opened, this magic sound of temptation will sound, and only one person will be selected.

Xiao Ai is a fat idle player in the No. 3 Novice No popularity, no powerful equipment, or even a girlfriend, a typical waste dog; in reality, he is also a typical otaku and loves fat. House happy water.

Tonight, he managed to reach level 9 and successfully joined a wild group fortunately to enter the level ten instance.

Although the head of the regiment was very dark and impatient, he was very happy; although he had been scolded, he was very happy; although others deliberately united to cheat him, he was still very happy.

Nothing else, just because he is a fat house, he has a fat house happy water!

After playing for so long, the wild group has only passed the first level and the sixth wave, and the next wave is very likely to be destroyed.

A few minutes later, three hundred and twenty wild monsters rushed out of the group leader, deputy group and others, and were killed one by one. When it was his turn, time and space seemed to be static, and a magical sound filled the brain: You want Power?

The next plot is similar to the Shoal Shrimp Playhouse, Xiao Ai chooses the Celestial camp, obtains exclusive golden equipment, and successfully embarks on the pinnacle of life. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~