Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 110: Hall of Fame No. 1

No. 18 Novice Village:

The extremely mysterious No. 1 player in the Hall of Fame,'True Man, Real Man', is currently conquering the tenth level dungeon alone. The equipment on his body is very luxurious, with purple gold and dark gold. I really don’t know how he obtained this equipment. of?

Got the **** luck or was hit by a pie in the sky? Too fake, right?

At this moment, he seemed very comfortable and relaxed. The tenth level dungeon seemed to have no difficulty for him, and he was almost asleep.

Uh, "real man, real man"? What is the name of the first player in the Hall of Fame in this game? This name is too stupid.

Real man, real man: It sounds much better than that **** sacred dragon, get out.

If this were seen by his former opponents, he would definitely be ashamed...

This player who makes countless people nightmare and fascinated by countless people looks very ordinary in appearance, like the uncle next door, giving people a kind of approachable feeling. The corner of his mouth is always smiling, and the sword in his hand is fluttering, but every Can hit -3000+ damage at once.

You know, this is within the tenth level dungeon... how is it possible?

If this scene is seen by the rest of the people, they will definitely doubt life! Is the gap between this person and person really that big?

Hit and hit, suddenly time and space are still.

Huh? what's the situation? How is this going? "True man, true man" was puzzled and waved the rapier in his hand.

In the next second, an abruptly enchanting magic sound sounded, seducing it...

Do you want power?

Don't want to.

It seems that he himself is the strongest...

Do you want power?

Don't want to.

"True man, true man" thought about his identity in reality, and decisively refused.

Do you want to trample others under your feet?

Don't want to.

Well, playing games for so many years seems to keep others underfoot.


Hey, God, can you keep telling the truth?

The magic sound of temptation is uncomfortable, and I want to cry. Isn't there something wrong with this guy's brain? He was kicked by a donkey when he was a child, and refused everything?

The members of the third-tier Celestial March, Vanguard, and Tenth Squad ‘Generously’ want to change candidates, but once the magic sound temptation selects a player, the established program will be activated.

After brushing, the boss of the second layer suddenly turned into fly ash, and the experience value merged into the body of the ‘true man, the real man’, and the two pieces of golden equipment quickly condensed and wanted to fit him.

Unexpectedly, the ‘true man, the real man’ grabbed him in his hands and put it in his backpack with a look of disgust, as if he were not allowed to defile his body.

Golden equipment? It feels like garbage? No need at all.

"Magnificent" is very sad, can't even look down on the golden equipment? Who did you seduce this time?

"Real man, real man": Huh? Compared to gold equipment, this experience is quite useful, and it saves me a lot of effort.

The gray fog sphere in the sky burst again and flew out two pieces of golden equipment. "True man, true man" put it into the backpack without looking at it. His face was full of chagrin. So many mobs changed two pieces of golden equipment? It seems to be a loss.

But no one could hear his voice, and the picture quickly jumped to the third layer:

The first wave...

The second wave...


The sixth wave...

All the mobs are converted into experience points and contribute a piece of golden equipment.

Nine-piece suit: troubled times? The attributes are okay, but it doesn't seem to suit me...a bit too low...

The members of the Celestial March, Vanguard, and Tenth Squad appeared out of thin air and issued tasks to them.

Ok? Choose the camp? Huh, interesting.

So many benefits? That would definitely join the ordinary camp.

"You have to think clearly. If you choose commonplace, it means you have to be my enemy and bear my anger."'Magnificent' was a little bit angry and turned into anger, his eyes breathed fire, and the whole body exuded a strong black air. The momentum crushed it.

The opposite "True Man, True Man" didn't seem to feel it, and sighed lightly:

"Enemy with you? You too value yourself. You are just a little chicken in my eyes. You can pinch it to death with your hands."'True man, man' scratched his head and said with a sigh. I don't put it in my eyes at all, the words are full of gunpowder.

Uh, why do people now like to tell the truth so much?

"You, you, you, deceive people too much."'Magnificent' instantly moved out and turned into a black mist to attack.

Ten minutes later, the system prompts to sound.

Ding, congratulations to the team ‘Don’t Persuade Real Men’ for successfully clearing the level ten dungeon,

Hereby reward dark gold equipment: rising dragon shoes.

Reward reputation value: 1000

Reward gold coins: 1000

Bonus skill points: 30

Reward skills:



For an instant, the sky above Novice Village on the 18th kept red, all for reward.

Real man, real man: Hey, there are so many rewards, so annoying? Can you give the people behind me a little motivation? Some hope?

As for what kind of junk gold equipment, put it in the auction house, do you want to play the door of order? Let's go, let's play.

The crisis of destruction of Novice Village on the 18th has been temporarily lifted, but no one knows whether there will be a follow-up.

More than a thousand small doors of order in Novice Village are actually just projections, and the true doors of order have not yet emerged.

At this moment, No. 990 Novice Village.

The old village chief still walked around the Xinshou Village with a cane as usual, watching Aunt Li at the tailor shop throw a wink at the little girl Zhao from the pet shop, and his life was very fulfilling.

At his age, nothing upsetting is a problem, and everything can be seen.

However, these days he seems to have some unknown premonitions, the old heart and liver are thumping, and there is still a period of inexplicable loss of memory, I don't know why.

So he walked out of the room with doubts and left the fixed position to visit familiar people in the village one by one.

"Old village chief, hello, do you want to roast chicken? I'm ready to roast it, here you are." A player was walking to stop the village chief, and took out the roast chicken as if offering a treasure.

"Thank you, young Now there are not many kind people like you." So the village head took the three and five divisions and resolved it, then patted his stomach and continued to move forward.

"The village chief, don't go, where is my reward?"

"Huh, reward? What reward?"

"Task rewards, don’t pretend to be stupid? Didn’t you release this task yourself?" The player was almost crying. He saw an answer from an article in Post Bar, saying that the village chief’s task of eating chicken was actually There is a follow-up, as long as you persist in completing 999 rounds, you can get a piece of silver equipment.

As a result, the young man began to work non-stop. He had clearly completed 889 rounds before, and the deadline was not too far away. But now, how can the village chief turn his face and deny him?

"Young man, thank you." The old village chief turned and thanked him seriously, but he refused to mention the reward, and at the same time he thought to himself: When did he release this task? No impression.

Forget it, it's probably because I'm older and forget it. Verbal praise should also be a reward, um, also count. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~