Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 123: The gate of order changes again

"Lao Niu, really, do you want us to unite and help you suppress the shallows? Break it? Bankrupted? You just need to worry about the forces behind the shallows. You must know that we are not easy to knead the persimmons. As long as they dare to retaliate, they must be prepared to break their arms."

The Long Sword Hate Song is like an eclectic Valkyrie, as if an absolute leader speaks boldly, his face full of murderous intent and full of anger, seeming to completely ignore the consequences, as if suppressing a company with a market value of several billions is a joke .

"Yes, Lao Niu, my dad doesn't care about the things in the game, but he can't care if his son suffers from the outside world." The Confucian scholar in Qingshan changed his former temperament, put away his folding fan and replaced it with a giant sword. Murderous, gritted his teeth and said.

   "Count me, my father means more money."

   "Haha, my father also has a lot of money."

   Gemini's two cheating daddy also spoke up, in their tone of indifference, as if they had no idea about money.

"Chairman, blue shirt, long sword, short sword, thank you, I will speak if I need it." At this moment, a man such a big man and such a strong man have entered the sand and lost his eyes. Some Redness, some tears.

   As for the set of golden equipment in troubled times, almost no one mentions it, it seems that it is not a big deal to them.


   Yuye: Hey, what else are uncles and aunts talking about? Why can't I understand? Seems to be fighting father? Hey, do I have parents? Do i have a family?

   Because of this topic, the rainy night's mind flew outside the clouds... long time no return.

   If you hear this not on a rainy night, but by another adult, you will probably be frightened and stupefied. What kind of people are these? Is it so influential?

  Grass, you are already rich and still playing games? Is your brain sick? Not to enjoy the blessing? Don't eat bird's nest? Not to travel? Not going to make a girl?

   At the moment when the figure of the'Shoal Shrimp Show' disappeared, the second phase of the rainy night mission was also forcibly completed.

  Ding, congratulations for completing the second phase of the mission: hunting down the spies of the Celestial camp.

   Mission completion: the highest

   Quest reward: dark gold level cooking blueprint-dragon liver balls.

  Note: The specific effect cannot be checked, and the chef can only cook after reaching the Adamantine level.


   After working hard for a long time, it seems that I got a useless thing...

  Ding, the third stage mission has been changed: Find the core gems in the Novice Village.

   Mission time limit: forty-eight hours.

   Task reward: 10,000 experience points.

  The second stage mission is completed. Rainy night will share the third stage mission with everyone. Please give your suggestions. After these days of game rainy night, I deeply realize the lack of knowledge, not only for reality, but also for the game.

   He is like a piece of white paper, waiting for the writing of knowledge; like a white cloud, waiting for the infusion of breeze and moonlight.

   "This task shouldn't be difficult, just look at the reward." Long Jian Heng Ge gave the most pertinent evaluation based on his own experience and the common ground throughout these three tasks.

"Chairman? I have a bold guess. Will'Shoal Shrimp Play' also look for this thing?" As a supplement, the Qingshan Confucian, as the current military commander of the Dragon Guild, can often suggest different and impressive A refreshing argument.

   "It's possible." Everyone present thought of this, and they agreed with his argument.

   If this is the case, then the opportunity is still on their side.

   ‘Shrimp in the Shallows’ as a spy from the Celestial camp has been beaten back to reality. They cannot log in the game for at least eight hours. They still have a chance and time.

   "Xiaoye, you can go find the npc that sent you the task, maybe you will get something."

   "Yeah." Yuye's tender little face showed a nod, and he had the same idea.

   Rainy night just wanted to act, there was a ghostly temptation system prompt from the sky.

  Ding, warm reminder: Do you want to enter the gate of order?

miss you

   Immediately after the Gate of Order in the sky, a slight change occurred:

   The gate of order, which has been transformed into a substance, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, is transformed again, but the pattern does not emerge to form a vision, but is more vivid and more watery, as if it is about to come alive.

   The overall volume of the Gate of Order has also been reduced by half, transforming from obscuring the sky into a cloud; from overwhelming the sky to a stout Optimus pillar.

At 10 am on July 10th, the Gate of Order at this time is different from yesterday’s single-player dungeon and single-player income, and different from yesterday’s level 10 before entering. At this moment, all players who are online can enter and are Absorb into it.

  Uh, how come there is a sense of seeing the artifact as it goes online?

   At this moment, whether it is a member of the fighting dragon guild, a member of the shoal guild, or idle personnel, they all turn into white light and enter the gate of order indiscriminately.

   Changjian Henge and Yuye are no exception.

   At this moment, the novice village is as if the server has not been opened, there is no trace of people, no life.

   At this moment, the figure of the God of Cooking Ghost appeared along with the Erha Giant Tiger from the void, and cooperated with the rest of the NPCs to begin to strengthen the defense of Novice Village and strengthen the attack.

This series of Sao operations not only existed in Novice Village No. 990, but the rest of the Novice Villages also imitated them, but they lacked the defenses built by the God of Cooking and the Erha Giant The additional attack equipment cannot be compared with it.

   But there are also some players with strong attributes and outrageous luck. Before the tenth level, they used their own advantages to inexplicably inspire hidden tasks, so as to attract the attention of the gods or establish a relationship with the gods in advance.

   Then the gods will also give feedback and help the Novice Village where it is located to build fortifications, which is consistent with No. 990 Novice Village.

   However, even with the help of the gods, they are only in the dark, unable to help openly.

  Note: Such novice villages are rare...

   After the second batch of players entered, the small copies of the first batch of players, and the journey of all kinds of income ended, and replaced by magnified ten-level copies that could hold a million.

   The gray and strange mist behind the gate of order disappeared. The distance between people is no longer far away, and even the eyes are facing each other. The concepts of time and space have been able to stop again.

   What catches everyone's eyes at this moment is an endless platform, which is large enough to accommodate millions of people.

  Note: The size can refer to China Plaza.

   Millions of players gathered together to make a sound of discussion, it can be described as loud and earth-shattering:

"Wow, this is behind the Gate of Order? It looks average and no big deal. I thought there would be any big surprises or surprises. Cut it, I have to send a comment on the circle of friends when I go out. "I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends