Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 124: Fortune teller: Shengtian

"Uh, I still post a spit on the circle of friends? I think you are insulting yourself. What do you, a level 8 player know? Let the old man tell you what everyone has experienced in the previous wave of Order. The word adventure is not enough to describe."

   A certain tenth-level player ridiculed him, and began to talk about his own experience and the experience of others.

   After listening to this person's story, a group of eighth and ninth-level little cabbage chickens were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. On average, one person would get three to four pieces of silver equipment. What's more, gold equipment? Wow, is this tenth level dungeon a dream? Is it heaven?

   The person who had said that he wanted to post to Moments immediately withdrew his Kyogen, and ran to the side dingy.

   "Hey, I remember what creation value was said before the door of order was opened? Or something? Did you get it?" A little 7th-level rookie with eyes seemed to think of a wise question.

   If it were not for the lower limit of the gate of order, it would be impossible for him to enter the gate of order at his level.

This seventh-level rookie looks very ordinary, without any singularity or shining; white complexion, wrinkles disappeared, people can’t tell the actual age, and the height is also average, about 1.75 meters, without any pressure. .

   There is no high-level equipment on his body. The third-level chicken black iron suit matches the fifth-level little bear black iron suit. Every place and point on his body cannot help revealing the word'caiji'. Just put the words "I am the best dish, come and bully me" on the forehead.

   This set of equipment on his body should be regarded as the most **** in Novice Village at present, none of them.

But even so, there is no loneliness or low self-esteem in this person's eyes. On the contrary, the eyes are shining as bright as moonlight, full of curiosity and thirst for things, facing those who are higher than him and have high attributes. Yu his character is not timid at all, and he looks at him and talks with him.

   "Yes, how about the creation value that you said? Why hasn't it been released yet?" This question is like a pebble flying into the lake, splashing layer upon layer of ripples, causing waves of waves.

   "Genesis value? I don't know what it is, but I look forward to it."

   "Protest and protest, the propaganda is completely inconsistent with the facts, protest."


"President, this person gives me a very familiar feeling. Is it our old acquaintance? Or is it our previous enemy?" The old bull's eyes were confused like fog, and he scratched his head very irrationally. But the familiar feeling lingers like rooting.

   Even if they enter the gate of order, Changjian Hengge and others are still together, and they happen to be around this man, the whole process of that person's words and deeds are in the eyes of everyone.

   "Coincidentally, I also have the feeling that I've known each other before. What's the matter?" The two Gemini also asked in doubt.

"I do not have."

"I do not have either."



   "I don't know if you still remember our first military commander before Qingshan came to the guild?" Others don't understand or recognize it, but how can Changjian Henge not recognize it? The habit of buckling her nose and wiping her pants, and the details of her buckling through her clothes, she never forgot.

   At this moment, she sighed slightly, her emotions were a bit agitated, her expression was very complicated, and she explained to everyone with emotion.

   Lao Niu and Gemini suddenly understood, their eyes flashed and exclaimed: "Guild Leader? Is it really possible that it is him?" But after speaking, they were a little lonely and some didn't believe it.

   The doubts on the faces of the remaining few people are even thicker, presumably they have never met the legendary person, and have never interacted with them.

   "I heard that the first strategist of the Dragon Touring Guild was a fortune teller: Shengtian? Is that person Shengtian?" Rao was a Confucian with rich experience and mature temperament. He couldn't believe it at this time.

  'God fortune teller: Shengtian' is not a name, nor is it a player nickname, but a unique title made by people crowned by battles and blood ceremonies.

  Katsuten, what an honor is this? How old is the fate to be able to bear this title?

   In that game, Youlong Guild was very popular for a while because of him; because of him, the word "youlong" is remembered; because of him, Youlong pointed directly to the peak.

   But at the moment he successfully sent Youlong to the peak, he disappeared without a trace like a ray of breeze, and then he withdrew from the arena.

   This is the legend: Brother is no longer in Jianghu, but the legend of brother has been circulating in Jianghu.

   After the departure of ‘God fortune: Shengtian’, the Dragon Touring Guild encountered a crisis, and the title of ‘abc Long Sword Hate Song’ gradually gained prestige during that time.


   "Is Xiao Ming you?" At the moment when everyone imagined, Changjian Hengge had already come to him. He stretched out his hand to touch but didn't dare to touch it, so he stopped in the air and said with a little trembling tone.

   She is scared, afraid that this is not Xiao Ming? Fear that this is not his former brother.

"President, don’t come here unharmed." The tattered, eye-catching seventh-level man turned his head and clasped his nose while looking at Changjian Hengge with a gentle smile. After speaking, he put down his hands and hugged Changjian Hengge. Wipe her golden armor.

   "Hey, you still have this problem with this dog day. Fortunately, my old lady responds quickly." Changjian Hengge suddenly reacted in the next instant, and violently broke away from his embrace and jumped back.

   "Hey, hey." Xiao Ming let go of the Long Sword Hate Song, smiling and holding his nose, Xiaoming, where have you been all these years? It made me think so hard. "Lao Niu, the clean freak, didn't approach Xiao Ming, but shouted from a distance, four or five meters away.

   "Hey." Xiao Ming was still smirking and silently, but the snot that had been rubbed in his hand was thrown at the old cow uncontrollably.

   The old cow instantly transformed his body and said, "Old boy, just waiting for your move."

   The two Gemini also greeted Xiao Ming in different ways. They both went into invisibility at the same time. One and one dagger pierced straight and mercilessly into Xiao Ming's two empty waists.

   Ah, Xiao Ming let out two screams and fell to the ground.

   "Haha." Gemini is very satisfied with this effect.

   After a fight, everyone got together to relive the past.

   The people in this area saw that it was the Dragon Touring Guild, and consciously gave them a place.

   "Xiao Ming, this is Xiao Ye, the most terrifying existence in Novice Village No. 990 at present." Chang Jian Heng Ge recruited Yu Ye to his side and introduced him to Xiao Ming with a smile.

   He instinctively didn't want to talk to strangers Yuye. After saying hello, he shrank to the side, reducing his sense of existence, and thinking about the previous question, do you have parents? Why don't they want to be gentle with themselves?

   However, Xiao Ming watched the rainy night with interest. He has heard a lot about the "Holy Dragon" murderer these days. It is inevitable to have some thoughts when seeing a real person at this moment, but it is not easy to talk directly with him due to the current scene. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends