Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 142: Mutant Novice Village

Phew, the first reward has finally been distributed, but the process is really twists and turns, which makes people worry.

   "The first epic seal? I don't know how different it is from mine?" The dark ghost hand was hidden in the void at the moment, his lips moved slightly thinking.

   He has become accustomed to the feeling of being number one. At this moment, the protagonist's halo is robbed, and he is very upset.

   But the unhappiness can only be suppressed forcibly, hoping to suppress the rainy night in the future.

   At the same time, I made up my mind: I must find a rare profession to play. The gap between the ordinary profession and the game profession seems to be huge.

   "Epic seal, how scary is that?"

   "It would be great if it were equipment."

   The first system beep ended, and everyone suddenly held their breath, closed their eyes and listened carefully to the next system beep.

  According to the previous routine, get an epic-level creation value seal, which will definitely be able to obtain epic-level equipment.

   "Wow, epic equipment, are we going to witness the birth of an epic equipment today?"

   "This is only level ten? Ten level? Lao Tzu's silver and bronze mixed outfit, why are they both artifacts and epic? Unfair, **** game."

   "Will epic equipment really appear? Probably not."

   "Uh, it's uncomfortable. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to take a step ahead. It's too heartbreaking."


  As we all know: the equipment is based on the epic level, the equipment below the epic level is like a civilian, and the equipment above the epic level is like a tyrant.

   The gap between the two is huge, huge.

  Ding, congratulations to the player "Holy Dragon" for obtaining epic equipment: ripple*silver ring ring.

   "Crossly, or the rarest ring? Did the'Holy Dragon' save the world? The system is so good for him?"

   "It doesn't seem to be a good name, I don't know the attributes."

   "Great God, I beg you to post your attributes, okay?"

   "Send attributes."

   "Send attributes."


   One person made a fuss, and all of them instantly followed, wanting to watch the attributes of epic equipment.

   As the first person to get this piece of equipment, Rainy Night must be the first time to watch it, but the results often backfire.

  Ding, because your level is not enough, you can’t view it. The lowest view level: 35.

   Uh, it’s cold, another useless thing after the dark gold level cuisine: Longgan Meatballs.

   So the rainy night sent this news intact...

   Everyone sighed, but they secretly delighted.

   But the Phantom Sword King and the Dark Devil are not happy at all.

   Because of their equipment, one is an epic of fifteenth level and the other is an epic of twenty-fifth level, and there is a tenth level difference.

  Ding, congratulations to the player "Holy Dragon" for getting the temporary buff: resurrect in place.

   Effect: Can be resurrected on the spot if killed within one day, resurrection times: five.

   After all the rewards were distributed, the figure in the Gate of Order was cleared before they could react, and there was no system prompt.

  The domineering gate of order is forced to be summoned when they need them, completely ignoring the player's feelings; after completion, it is swept away like garbage.

   The place where everyone appeared was not elsewhere, but in the Novice Village.

   And everyone at this moment was shocked and shocked.

   His eyes are wide and round, and his mouth is open enough to lay two eggs. Oh Maga, where is this? where am I? What happened?

   Before they were surprised, the Gate of Order in the sky swallowed again, and all the people in the other space were also released.

   Novice Village suddenly smelled of fireworks, and it became lively.

"Haha, level ten, and a piece of silver equipment. I feel that my life has reached the peak." The people in the other space have poor mental qualities and are prone to great grief and joy. The person speaking at this moment is a very good person. example of.

   "Me too, the pinnacle feels so good." The players who mix and match the three attributes of black iron, bronze and silver have a gentle smile on their faces, and they are very happy.

   "Hey, where are we?" After talking for a long time, someone finally noticed the situation.

   "Where is this? Didn't we come out? Or are we talking about another dimension?"


   Hundreds of thousands of eyes, you look at me, I think you are a little unclear, so in the end, I can only look at the surrounding situation individually.

   "The gate of order is gone!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone's eyes shifted.

   I saw the magnificent and magnificent gate of order in the sky as if it had existed for thousands of years, as if it was directly weathered by a devastating blow, and disappeared into fine sand.

   Three seconds later, the sky was clear again, and a warm sun shot in, as if the gate of order had never appeared.

   "Huh, it's gone? What if I want to go in?"

   "Me too, the meaning is still unfinished."

   "Don't think about it, since we can see the gate of order, it proves that we are still in the Novice Village."

   "Brother, are you sure this place is Novice Village? If it really is, it would be too scary."

   "This is obviously a prison, a cage, how could it be a novice village?"

   "It should be the Novice Village. Look, the shiny black steel building over there should be a small grocery store."

   "Yes, isn't that npc the tailor aunt? This is definitely Novice Village."

   Even with all kinds of evidence, everyone still doesn't believe that this is a novice village.

   The No. 999 Novice Village at this moment is completely changed, as if it has been renovated as a whole from the inside to the outside, no, it is the renovation with reinforcement.

   First, the most shocking and unbelievable wall of the village completely protects the entire Novice Village.

   The material of this wall is extremely unusual, like gold and iron, but also like stainless steel. It emits a strong blue and black light, and its defense is extremely strong; it seems to be a whole entity, and no flaws can be seen.

   Seen from the bottom up, it looks like an eggshell has a hole in it, completely covering the Xinshou Village; from the top down, the Xinshou Village is like a big bowl upside down, firmly embedded under the ground.

   This city wall can not only block the enemy, but also the sunlight. If it were not for the big hole above the head, everyone would hide in the darkness at this moment.

After watching the city wall looking at the surroundings, the previous soil buildings were all flattened and replaced by neat rows of steel-lined fortresses. The fortresses were not placed randomly, but were extremely regular and meaningful. .

   groups of three to five, able to exert the greatest combat effectiveness.

   There are holes in it, and every weapon protruding from it has a frightening atmosphere.

  The closer to the center of the village, the denser the fortresses, the higher the attack intensity, and the more shocked the hearts of everyone.

  The familiar blacksmith shop becomes the steel blacksmith shop...

  The warm tailor shop has also become a steel tailor shop...

  The periphery of the peaceful medicine store is also inlaid with steel...

   Even the ground has been remodeled, and the steel floor is all covered, full of traps and terrifying lethality.

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