Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 144: Day 8 God: Cruelty

"Endu? Did you find it?" Suddenly a vague figure emerged from the void, rubbing a few knots like gold and iron. He was like a ghost, like air, and he did not exude any power.

   But even as soon as this sound rang, Endu felt sweaty, trembling all over, throwing his sword to the ground and accepting the patrol of the gods.

"Big...big...person..., belonging...below this...just contact that . Degree." As usual, Endu's tongue had been rolled up, and he couldn't say a whole word.

   A few seconds later, Endu's face suddenly turned pale, and he realized that he couldn't even contact the'Shallow Shrimp Show'.

   is over, this is the only thought in his heart.

"Big... big... people, the shallows suffered from... the shrimp drama... the previous contact... not to go." Although he knew he was going to finish, he Still bite the bullet and tell the truth, he knew in his heart that lying to an adult would be even worse.

   "Huh?" The vague figure whispered, seemingly dissatisfied with the answer, and disagrees with it, so it leaked a little breath.

   It was this little breath, Endu suddenly felt as if a tens of thousands of catties weighed down, as if the sky was about to collapse, and his whole body immediately clung to the ground.

  噗, the seven orifices bleed instantly, the face was distorted, the bones shifted, the blood was also red, and it was no different from ordinary people; the bones of the whole body were twisted and broken at irregular and impossible angles.

   Endu wanted to make a scream, but suddenly found a puff of blood coming out of his mouth, unable to make a sound.

   Snap, the breath strengthens.

   Endu fell into the ground before he could react. The ground that was sinking at this moment looked like a big windmill, very beautiful.

   "It turns out that death is such a feeling." This was the last thought in Endu's mind, and then the whole person lost consciousness.

   In the next second, the vibration of the tenth level copy seemed to lament the death of the guarding boss, and it seemed to celebrate the birth of the new king.

   The vague figure looked at Endu's body, got into it disgustingly, and replaced it.

   A few seconds later, Endu's figure slowly rose as if supported, and his twisted figure gradually returned to normal.

Endu opened those black and red eyes, like gods and monsters rising from hell, from which a terrifying luster flashed, shaking the world and weeping ghosts, and the aura on his body rose rapidly. He seemed to be testing Xinshou Village. The bottom line.

   A few minutes later, there was no sound in the entire tenth level copy, and all the monsters crawled on the ground regardless of height, and did not dare to make any noise.

  Endu's level is also gradually improving: gold-level bosses, adamantine-level bosses, dark-gold-level bosses, and purple-gold-level bosses. Just when he wanted to go further, the tenth level dungeon showed signs of collapse.

   He hurriedly stopped, stabilized his grade at Zijin, and raised his level to twentieth.

   Twenty-level purple-gold boss, how should Novice Village resist? How can the Novice Village resist millions of silver-level elite monsters?

   At the moment Endu raised his aura to Purple Gold rank, the old village chief in Novice Village raised his head and looked towards the entrance of the village.

   This breath: Is it the eighth **** of the Celestial camp: Cruel?

   The wave of God of Cooking who killed the village chief escaped too fast, so he didn't sense the breath of the God of the Eighth Day, but it was clearly felt at this moment.

  The God of Cooking felt a little panic. The Eighth God: Cruel, he seems to be unable to beat him by his current level...

   Uh, it's not that I can't beat it, it's that I can't beat it completely.

   The ten gods are second only to the creator gods, and their power cannot be measured by common sense.

   In the next instant, there was a roar that shook the sky from the direction of the tenth level dungeon. How terrifying is the roar of millions of creatures mixed together?

   Many people in Novice Village were sitting directly on the ground, their expressions sluggish, and the inscriptions and imprints that were drawn suddenly failed. Even the well-trained soldiers with strong mental qualities, at this moment, have many vain figures and pale faces.

   This is a provocation from the Celestial camp, and a mockery from the Eighth Celestial God.

   The confidence that had just gathered in the novice village suddenly dissipated more than half...

   Things in the game come to an end.

In reality, the shallows were calmly walked out of the nutrition bin by the shrimp drama, as if they had not experienced the previous 50 deaths. The liquid on his body was automatically dried. After changing his clothes, he rubbed his temples and lit a cigarette while sitting. Above the crocodile leather sofa.

   Calm down, you will see more——Pharaoh's Quotations.

   He had always regarded this sentence as useless before, but during this time he deeply felt the correctness of this sentence.

   He has some idea: everyone in the Dragon Touring Guild should be aware of his identity, so they specifically target it; why can they detect it? Could it be that they are on the side of Xinshou Village? It is possible, in this case, there may be news about the core gems of Novice Village...

   After trying to understand, the cigarette went out.


   "Xiaoli? Now start the oppressive strategy against the'Niu Martingale Company', and it is best to let it go bankrupt."



   "Lao Li, start an undercover program to secretly infiltrate the Dragon Touring Guild."



   The old cow seemed to be in a hurry for a few more days.

In a warm little home on rainy night in   l County:

   Rainy night rubbing hungry and panicking stomach bounced out of bed, eh? No, why is Gentle still in the bed? Huh? How is Gentle in the game?

   Thinking of this, the rainy night turns the ring to return to the game.

  Ding, the system is being updated, please log in after five hours......

   Why is Gentle still in the game? What is she doing? Yuye was a little puzzled.

   But it was clear right away that all players quit the game during system Gentle should not be in any danger, so he went downstairs to eat.

   "Wow, Novice Village has changed a lot, all of them are black fortresses."

   "It's very conscience that a game can do this."

   "Now that the technology is advanced, Zhang, did you dare to play games with the ring before? And it's still this kind of simulation game?"

   "I dare not think, I really dare not think."


   Listening to the emotional words of grandparents, Yu Ye frowned and asked:

   "Grandparents, are you in the game? Why didn't I see you."

   "Haha, we saw the scene of Xiaoye killing the Quartet, our Xiaoye is indeed the most powerful." Old Zhao looked at the ceiling and said to him.

   "Saya, we were attracted to the Gate of Order as soon as we entered the game, but a hundred thousand monsters impacted us and died soon, and we arrived in another space..."

   Next, the old Zhangtou told Rainy Night in detail.

  Old Zhaotou: Pig teammate, shame.

   Old Li Tau: Didn’t you say it’s good? Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

   "Wow, there is such an operation? You have all obtained the creation value seal? And they have all reached the tenth level? This is great." Yu Ye asked with a bright eyes, very happy.


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