Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 145: 11 artifact owners

After finishing talking, Grandma Sun got up and went to the kitchen to prepare for the meal. Xiao Ye wanted to help, but Grandma Sun forced her to leave.

   This old man with a dying year has her last stubbornness...

   Everyone was unable to go offline in the dungeon before, so they didn't eat.

   "Grandpa Zhang, have you played softly?" Rainy night took out a bag of French fries from the cabinet, went to the sofa and glanced at the kitchen and saw that Grandma Grandma was okay and could handle it before sitting down and asking suspiciously.

   "Huh? Yeah, how about gentle? Why don't you see this little trouble? It's not suitable." Grandpa Zhang didn't know and didn't understand the situation. At this time, he heard the rainy night's account and he just reacted, and said vaguely with the dried pork in his mouth.

   "Gentle, come out quickly, or Grandpa Zhang will eat up all the dried pork." Uh, this old naughty boy.

   "When I went downstairs just now, I found that the soft ring was on, softly in the game."

   "Oh." Lao Zhangtou hummed, then picked up the dried pork and ate it, but he quickly reacted and said excitedly with a slap on his thigh. "its not right."

   "Gentle is still in the game, it's impossible. Didn't it mean that the server upgrade made us all quit?" The old head of Zhao put down the beef jerky in his hand and turned his ring to enter the game.

   "No, no access, the system is under maintenance."

   "Me too, can't enter."

"me too."

   Grandparents were worried about the experiment again, but the results were the same and they couldn't enter.

   "There should be no danger." Yu Ye recounted the previous inference, and grandparents were relieved.

   "A gentle morning sleep until ten o'clock to wake up to study for two hours, after lunch, about 12:40 into the game."

   Several teachers were originally preparing lessons in their exclusive room. At this moment, they heard the movement outside and walked out to report, letting everyone know the exact time to gently enter the game.


   Three o'clock in the afternoon on July 8.

   After the five people had finished eating, Grandma Sun couldn't sit still, she hurriedly came to the teacher's side and asked them to start class for the rainy night without clearing up the dishes. The old man was very worried about the rainy night's study.

   Rainy night happened to be fine, so I accepted it, and the first class in the new city began.

   From three to seven, a total of four hours, exactly four teachers each one hour.

   The final chapter was maintained for five hours at a time, and many volunteer defenders were left blank for a while, wondering what to do?

   After this incident, all the novice villages have unified their timelines and are all under maintenance.

   Everyone's levels are even more consistent than ever before, all at level ten, but after entering the town, the gap will widen again.

   Brush will dy? Or watch a movie? Watch the live broadcast?

   Turn on the hot attention, and every message is printed in front of everyone's eyes, and each one is bright and refreshing.

   Surprised, the first master of the Hall of Fame appeared, the first level ten dungeon cleared, come and pay your respects.

   The door of order in Novice Village disappeared. How did everyone gain?

   Shocked, the epic creation value seal and epic equipment appeared.

   The list of those who control the artifact, come and see if anyone you know?

  嚯, there is even this kind of news? This must be read.


  Ding, the link you opened has a virus. Do you want to continue watching?

   No no no no.

   Decisively choose no, it's cheating. Smelly sb.

   The verbal abuse sounded overwhelmingly, but the Internet was all virtual, so it didn't hurt or itch.

   But some people bite the bullet and clicked on, wanting to watch. After clicking on, a series of game names and names of artifacts really popped up.

   There are a total of eleven from top to bottom. It is unknown whether it is true or false. As for the specific district, it has not been announced.

   1. Game name: ‘I have a long and straight big sword’; the name of the artifact: Butterfly Double Winged Sigh.

   2. The name of the game: "Night", very simple; the name of the artifact: the teardrop of the light wizard.

   3. Game name: ‘the best man in the world’; artifact name: Chenlu Liming.

   4. Game name: ‘Brother, be gentle and afraid of fear’, and the name of the artifact: Injury of the Soul.



  10. Game name: ‘Final Chapter Mainland’s No. 1 Wholesaler’, artifact name: Dragon Bone Libra.

  11. The name of the game: "The World is Peaceful", the name of the artifact: Measuring the World Ruler.

   Eleven names, eleven artifacts, and people who see it are excited and can't help themselves.

   "Tsk tsk, is this real or fake? It's horrible, right? Have eleven people got the artifact in just seven days after opening the service?"

  Uh, in fact, one person is missing from this list. At this moment, there is an artifact lying quietly in the rainy night's backpack. Because the attributes were unavailable at the time, it has not been handed over to Gentle.

   "It's just an artifact, don't make a fuss, the old man's bronze and silver are not proud. He has a toothy expression."

   "China has a large population base. This result is expected, but I have reservations about this article."

"A group of clubs, this list should be true.'Brother, gentle and afraid' is the sister of the Murderer. She does possess an artifact, but she is a priest. In addition, the artifact of the'Final Chapter Mainland First Wholesaler' is also true. Don’t ask me why I know, because I am in the same village as them."


   "Thank you upstairs for speaking up, I believe it, but what does this have to do with Lao Tzu? It is mine, and I rewarded them."

   Uh, one crazy.

   "Well, is there really a virus? I'm the phone card..."


   is terrible, and the call is dropped without speaking.

  Additional news:

  ‘The tenth level copy contains a big secret. ’

  ‘The battle is coming, a new chapter is about to start’

  ‘I’m the most handsome, I’m live broadcast, come and watch’

   This type of news has been blocked by everyone, and you will never read it.

   In the live broadcast room of the replay of the Dragon Guild Defense everyone spoke:

   "Anchor, when will you start broadcasting? It has been more than half a year for you."

   "Yes, the airplane and rocket are all in hand, just waiting for you to start the broadcast."

   "Does anyone know what the final chapter will be updated this time? This should be a big deal? Why didn't someone mention it?"

   "Haha, the person who talks looks like a young man. The confidentiality system of the final chapter has always been the highest. You will never know what the update is until the moment the update is completed!"

   "Uh, it's uncomfortable."


   At this time, the company’s headquarters is finalized.

   Numerous programmers, graphic designers, Tao Yuan, and Xiaoyu are all caught in a frantic busy schedule.

   "The No. 1 team will optimize and strengthen the overall novice village. I need specific data."

   "Team No. 3, your progress is too slow, there are four and a half hours, and it must be completed."

   "Team No. 7, adjusted the monster's attributes, temporarily increasing it by ten percentage points."

   "General manager, isn't it a bit taller?"

   "Not high, execute the order."


   A series of instructions are sent from the central control room to the major teams, and the company is like a network at the moment, fully connected.

  The members of the major teams all have panda eyes, and refreshing drinks such as Red Bull and coffee are prepared beside them. No one is talking, they are all busy with their work. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends