Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 159: Fortress

Everyone knows that fights and conflicts are not allowed in the grocery store.

But if you can use your eyes to provoke and verbal insults so that Changjian Henge can take the lead and wait for the grocery store to eliminate it, then it's another matter.

We must know that the vast majority of players present are players from the major guilds, and the biggest way to weaken the enemy is naturally to contain its gains.

This is a good way, but Changjian Hengge is also a human spirit, how could he be fooled by such a low level.

Only when they were a group of puppies barking, they didn't respond, even sneered a few times, and sneered at this behavior.

When I came to the grocery store in Qijin Duan Liang, I felt a strange feeling on the rainy night. There seemed to be some inexplicable substance suppressing him, making him very irritable and breathing a little bit shortly, looking around looking for something.

The fight against Fat and Thin Ershou was to use the grocery store to open a special arena, and all the profits from it were only digested in a few days.

Rainy night has an urge to enter that special arena again to find out, and to find out what secrets it contains?

Now you can be 100% sure that the black eggs in the arena are 100% related to you: strengthen your own skills, if you can get all of them, if you can get all of your skills, how terrifying you should be?


However, before the rainy night took any action, more than ten people were immediately enveloped by the white light ball. For a moment, it was as if they were stuck in a quagmire, immovable, their skills and attacks were all turned off, and even words were forbidden.

Ding, the small vault is allowed to enter the quota: ten, the current test can enter the player: twenty.

The atmosphere between the twenty people suddenly became tense, and sparks burst out between their eyes, bursting into war.

There are ten places, but twenty people are present. It seems that a battle is inevitable.

Ding, according to the rules set by the grocery store, when there are too many people, you can start a backup plan: boxing, rock, paper, scissors.

The winner...lose the opportunity to enter; the loser...allows entry.

Uh, what is this breaking the rules, the other way around?

Twenty people, without exception, screamed in their minds, mocking this rule and mocking the person who created it.



"Haha, I like it."

But what should come is still coming.

The ten people were immediately divided into groups, and after a while, Changjian Henge and Yuye both failed and were eligible to enter.

Uh, the luck of the two should have been great, but today they all failed miserably for some reason.

Ding, you already have the qualifications to enter the small vault, do you want to enter?

"Xiaoye, the treasures faced by everyone in the small vault are different, and this time is different from the last time. Auntie can’t give you much advice, but they should be selected from three of the ten classics. Remember, the one with the highest value is not the same. It must be the best.

Yes, this is two hundred thousand gold coins, don't save it, just use it. "

After Changjian Hengge finished speaking at a very fast speed, and then traded Yuye a money bag, the whole figure suddenly disappeared into it.

Uh, it's over. My aunt originally owed him money, but now he owes Changjian Hengge two million yuan. How can I pay it back?


Ding, the scene is loading, please wait.

Before long, the dazzling light gradually disappeared after three seconds, and the rainy night appeared in a special scene.

Xu is the designer who is lazy, and the space in front of the rainy night is extremely simple: a large area of ​​white and misty, no edge at a glance, and a bit of dizziness after seeing it for a long time, only a simple to extreme shelf is placed in front of him.

The shelf is composed of several wooden boards, full of beautiful lines and beautiful structures.

It is one meter high, one meter long, and 20 minutes wide. It is divided into twelve grids in total, and on each one is placed a reduced scale object.

Yuye strode forward and began to look at it from left to right:

Ding, you can choose any of the three items in front of you to purchase, and the types are not limited.

Twenty-level silver equipment: bamboo mat leggings-five hundred gold coins

Ten-level gold equipment: Haoyue Necklace-500 gold coins

Fifteenth level black iron equipment: Shadow-five thousand gold coins.

Huh, is such a **** piece of equipment sold so expensive? roll roll roll.

When Yuye took it in his hand, he threw it aside with disgust and no longer ignored it.

Note: These equipment won't let you see the attributes inside. You can only rely on feeling and experience, which gives you a feeling of betting on rocks.

Twenty-level gold equipment design drawing: The Bow of the Sun: One thousand gold coins.

Tenth-level Adamantite equipment design drawing: Tiger Armguards: Two thousand gold coins.

A set of instant recovery potions: one thousand gold coins.

One hundred thousand Chinese coins and one thousand bottles of instant recovery potions are not bad. Yuye has already made this item one of his must-buy items.

Uh, that is, rainy night can spend money so lavishly, I am afraid that the parents have already been slapped by the parents to pretend to be Venus.

A set of instant magic potion: 1,500 gold coins.

Uh, another set of magic potions. Is Yuye tangling to buy or not?

Continue to look down:

Design drawings of the city wall reinforcement-five thousand gold coins.

? ? ? ? ? ?

What is this? Can't see the explanation, rainy night is a bit tangled.

But Yuye soon decided to include it in the purchase list for two reasons:

One: Listen to the name Now Xinshou Village just needs to reinforce the city wall.

Two: The guild wall of Changjian Hengge will definitely need to be reinforced in the future.

This kind of long-term business is definitely only profitable.

Eruption Dan-One Hundred Gold Coins

Ignore, ignore directly, this thing is not as good as the reality of summoning a demon phantom.

Three-level engraving pen-ten thousand gold coins.

After listening to the narration of Gentle, Yuye already knew that Gentle had successfully owned a sub-professional: engraver, and had an engraving pen gifted by an expert.

Comparing the two, it seems to be a little more gentle and advanced, and a little more delicate.

Ignore this secondary professional After reading all ten equipment, Yuye chose: Instant Recovery Potion, City Wall Reinforcer Design Drawing, and the 15th-level Dark Iron Equipment: Shadow.

The choice of the first two items is expected, but the last one is somewhat unclear.

The reason why Yuye made such a decision was because he felt that this piece of equipment would not be that simple.

Just this one reason?

Yes, for this one reason!

All 1.1 million Chinese coins were shot, one hundred thousand gold coins passed away, and the figure of Rainy Night was squeezed out.

It still appeared in the grocery store after recognizing the location and quickly walked to the place where Gentle was.

Ding, there is only one minute left before the battle begins.

"Gentle, afraid?" Yuye asked, looking at her soft and happy pink face.

"Don't be afraid, brother will protect me." Turning his head softly, his eyes turned into a crescent and said, after handing all the medicines in his hand to Army Master Xiaoming, the whole person suddenly fell into Yuye's arms and took two deep breaths.

"As long as there is an older brother, Gentle is not afraid." When saying this, the skin that can be broken by the gentle blow was flushed and full of happiness.

For Qingrou, the happiest thing in the world is: snuggling in his brother's arms, smelling the smell that belongs to him.