Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 169: Goddess

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"It's okay, Gentle, brother is okay, go find grandparents, brother still has things to do."

After speaking, Yu Ye rubbed her soft hair and gave her a relieved smile and entered the Novice Village alone.

Seeing the soft and beautiful face, hearing the soft and soft voice, the rainy night can put on a smile for the first time no matter what the state, and can restore clarity in the first time.

This is the charm of gentleness, the magic of gentleness.

"Grass, how can the Holy Dragon enter the Novice Village? It's not fair, there is an inside story, I also want to enter."

"That's, what kind of garbage system, don't care about such obvious loopholes? I have died three times, three times."

"Md, remind Lao Tzu that he can't enter, God is sick."



Ding, due to insufficient permissions, you cannot enter temporarily. Please wait.

Everyone who tried to enter the dungeon heard this system prompt, and their faces suddenly became gloomy and very hideous.


The grumpy people even ran over desperately, cursing towards the newly renovated door of Xinshou Village, and venting their anger.

Footprints, knives, axes, saliva and other marks are directly branded, leaving an indelible mark on the door.

However, their madness did not last long and then disappeared, only because they heard a malicious system prompt:

Ding, after testing that you are attacking Xinshou Village, please stop immediately, otherwise you will be devastated.

No one wants to try the law, after all, death doesn't feel good.


After entering Novice Village, Yuye’s complexion recovered and his heartbeat stabilized. He came to the village chief’s room for the first time to find the position of the village chief. He wanted to ask the teacher if there is any other way to enter the tenth level dungeon and general. Its destruction.

Now Yuye has full courage and 100% confidence, possessing the skill of summoning gods, he is completely worthwhile, and he has this confidence.

After the destruction of the last time, the village chief’s room defense has been strengthened more than a hundred times, and several attack methods have been strengthened, but it is unconditionally open to rainy nights, and you can enter at will by knocking on the door.

Entering on a rainy night, the interior is still simple, with no redundant decorations, no redundant seats, but obviously the village chief is not among them.

When he arrived at the table, Yuye's complexion condensed, and his slender eyebrows were slightly twisted together. He saw a piece of paper above which was pressed by the bowl and chopsticks. The piece of paper was written in authentic regular script:

"There must be an antidote next to the poisonous thing."

What do you mean? What does it mean for the teacher not to leave this note? Yuye didn't understand, the expression on his face was very rich, but he still held it in his backpack with respect and held it in both hands.

Since the teacher was not there, Yuye had no choice but to leave, the next destination: the blacksmith shop.

Looking at the rainy night walking far away, the village chief and the stupid tiger seemed to have lifted a layer of transparent veil and emerged from the nothingness. They had a panoramic view of the previous rainy night's every move, but they did not react at all.

Since this task has been released, it cannot be changed, but it is still possible to give a hint in the middle. As for Yuye's understanding, it depends on his understanding.

Although Big Brother Buss was gone, Yuye still couldn't restrain the urge to go and see.

The closer the distance, the more sad the rainy night, and the more uncomfortable in my heart.

When he came to the door, Yu Ye raised his head and looked at the plaque with the words "Blacksmith's Shop" above his head. The corners of his eyes seemed to enter the sand, and crystal tears were slowly drawn down his face.

Bass is dead. What would he say if Big Brother Batu comes back?

However, the next moment, abnormal changes protruded.

Long-lost tentacles emerged, dragging the rainy night into the blacksmith's shop like a torn jacket on the ground.

This feeling? Could it be that Brother Batu is back?

The rainy night sinks in my heart, cool, what is this really afraid of.

The blacksmith's shop is not big, but it is rainy night with a blue nose and a swollen face, and aches all over.

Rubbing her small waist, Yuye stood up in pain, and his brain quickly moved to organize language, but when he got up, he saw two burly figures in front of him, covering half of the sun and the moon.

Yuye immediately cast aside the language he had just organized, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth were smiling, ignoring the pain on his body, he came to one of them to look at it for a long time, touched it with his hand for a long time, and said with joy:

"Brother Buss, is it really you?"

"It's me." Buzz sounded like Hong Zhong's voice, full of confidence, as if he had never been hurt, and there was a hint of playfulness in the words.

"How is it possible? I'm looking at you..." Yuye continued to knead Buss' muscles, still in disbelief.

"Brother Saint Dragon, it was a life-saving outfit I brought back that saved this kid's life, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago."

At this time, Batu raised his thick palm and slapped Buss' forehead a few times, giving him a lesson, and then explained to Yu Ye with a bold and wild voice.

Hearing such a voice, Yu Ye brought a knowing smile to the corner of her mouth and came to the side of Brother Batu to reminisce about the past.


"Brother Holy Dragon, this thing can’t be left alone, even if that person is extremely terrifying, I’m going to help Basi ask for an After the greeting, Batu’s majestic figure stood suddenly. Qi swallowed the mountains and rivers and said, a sharp aura exuded from his body. This aura seemed to shatter the sky, as if it could break through the sun and the moon, making people shudder.

At this moment, Batu is like a pillar supporting the sky and the earth, like a template to illuminate the goal of the two.

Be like a Batu...

"I can also help, Big Brother Batu." With that, Rainy Night shared the skill of Summoning God.

The two people who saw this skill were shocked.

You must know that in the final chapter, the gods of the mainland are absolute authority, a look-up existence, like a taboo, and will not easily show others.

Ordinary people wanting to borrow the power of gods is tantamount to idiotic dreams. It is impossible at all, but there are still some people who are gifted from birth to be able to connect with gods and get help from gods. Rainy night is one of them.

In the final chapter, the continent has a special title for those who have received the attention of the gods: the favored ones.

Their methods are unpredictable and their strengths are very strange, much higher than ordinary people.

But like Yuye, there are very few people who directly sacrifice and summon gods to help them, even almost zero.

Deep down, if you can get the artifact to sacrifice it on rainy night in the future, will it directly summon the body of the plague law god, then who can resist? Who can stop?

With this skill, you can already see the scene of the rainy night in the future.

Even now this will become a killer feature of Rainy Night, reserved for the final comeback.


"Big brother, I can help too, and I want to go too." Buzzard stood up and expressed his mentality, and wanted to enter again to avenge his previous revenge. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~