Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 170: 8 Immortals across the sea each show the

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The feeling of powerlessness from the previous death still haunts Buss's heart. He feels that if he wants to go further, he must personally break this nightmare.

Bass's tone was firm, quite an aura of not hitting the south wall and not looking back.

"Brother Shengshenlong come in with me, don't go, stay and take good care of the house." Batu's stern face was stern, and his body exuded a real oppressive aura. This breath directly pressed Bass, who had got up, back into his seat, making him unable to move.

Yuye narrowed his eyes, quietly feeling the momentum.

Big Brother Batu's strength seems to be a lot stronger again. Even if this breath can't suppress the Tenth-level dungeon's Endu, it is still enough to fight against him.

With the addition of his own **** summoning skills, Endu will undoubtedly die this time, and Yuye has 100% confidence.

Yuye didn't know that Batu's real toughness was not forging, but terrifying strength.

If not suppressed by Novice Village, he will come with a more domineering attitude.

Can Zijin be traded for life-saving equipment for his brother? Can a mere Zijin forge gain the respect of the strong? This is of course impossible.

As Batu's breath burst out, the God of Cooking in the village chief's room quietly opened his eyes and shot a beam of light to observe the situation here.

"What, Batu is back."

After the astonishment, the village chief himself wanted to chat with Batu.

A whirlpool rose from the foot of the rainy night and transported the rainy night out of the village. In the next instant, the figure of the old village chief came across.

He talked with God of Cooking for a long time, and finally Batu slowly sat down and led Buzz to the forging table and began to forge.

Bass asked deliberately, but was pulled back by Batu with forging.


At this moment, the rainy night outside the village looked blank. Although he didn't know what happened, he chose to wait for Batu quietly. Maybe Batu was planning anything.

To understand this, Yuye saw the current situation and the current situation clearly, and then found the location of his grandparents to join the battle.

Since it is certain that Bass is not dead, but alive and well, Yu Ye's heart is like untying a knot, as if being cleansed by the holy spirit spring, it suddenly becomes bright and clear, and the corner of his mouth wears a smile from the heart.

But looking at the white bone gate, his eyes will still unconsciously flash out malice, wanting to get rid of it.

At this moment, the black silk under the Bone Door is like the roots of an old tree. The roots of the pelvis are gathered together, like a huge cluster of unclear thread, forming a complete whole. Its volume has been tripled by the Bone Door. It pierced into the ground to draw some substances, and poured some substances.

The black silk did not emit any aura, but everyone who saw it left far away, not daring to stay by his side for a long time, even the monsters.

The combined black silk is completely immune to Mu'er's purification technique. The Song of Long Sword Hate made Mu'er tried it, but the effect was nowhere.

Yu Ye's attention quickly shifted to the black silk. There was a feeling in his heart, a voice telling him: This thing must not be kept, and it must be eradicated.

But the way to eradicate it Yuye has no clue.



With the help of the crowd of rainy nights, the efficiency of spawning monsters has increased by a full 1.5 times. Everyone has a happy smile on their faces, and they don't want the rainy night to leave.

Their hunting rankings rushed quickly, and in just one hour, the members of the Dragon Touring Guild rose by dozens of ranks compared to the previous ones. And the Long Sword Hengge directly approached the first place, successfully squeezing the Dark Black Ghost to third.

This hour, Rainy Night’s was also honored to be on the list, but it was hovering around nine thousand and it was difficult to make progress.

After all, the most powerful thing about Rainy Night is weakening, not hunting.

Ding, because the players in Novice Village No. 999 succeeded in killing one third of the monsters, they got the buff: **** rage.

In the next hour, attributes increased by 10%.

There was a trace of ease on everyone's faces... more confident in the next battle.

one third?

Long Sword Hengge was square, and Huang Pupu’s face showed a look of surprise. Two hours of fighting is no exaggeration to say that they killed nearly 150 monsters, but it turned out to be only three. One part?

In other words, there are more than three million monsters in the subsequent battle? Is it so scary? Little brother?

Even if the attributes are improved, it will take about four hours, four hours? Can these ordinary people withstand such high-intensity spawning?

Changjian Hengge thinks a lot and needs to worry a lot. She sees not only her own guild, but also the overall situation of Novice Village.

Looking at everyone in the guild with a warlike heart, Changjian Hengge felt relieved.

Then she turned her gaze to the masters, and it should be the moment for them to perform.

At the beginning of the battle, no one would use up his hole cards. After all, I don't know how many monsters will be behind, but at this moment, the situation has changed slightly.

The first striker was the No. 1 wholesaler in the mainland of the Final Chapter, and saw him flatten the keel scales into the air, and the keel scales instantly turned into a giant scale with a length of 100 meters.

Swish, a strong suction is emitted from it, like a black hole in the universe The figures of twenty monsters turned into streamers and came to the left end of the scale, dividing their positions one by one. The figure of Qingtian emerged slowly.

After a few seconds, all twenty monsters died and turned into experience into Qingtian's body.

For five seconds, twenty monsters died.

This kind of monster spawning efficiency is simply terrifying, simply horrible, if he can keep it, then his first position is absolutely stable, and in two hours, he will successfully receive the reward of epic equipment.

Some young people around Qingtian looked stupid and dumb, so they can still play like this?

Isn't this naked cheating? No, it's not cheating, it's a bug.

Uncomfortable, jealous, bitterness, and other emotions filled their minds. Some of the weak-minded people even left tears and began to feel angry.



Seeing Qingtian's great power, other masters will naturally not give up the fight, and the eight immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers.

The dark **** smiled at the corner of his mouth. This smile was taunting and disdainful. His figure turned into a ghost, turned into a faint black light and disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already reached the center of the monster group.

He is the only one here...

In the next second, he took out ten black round bead gunpowder of the previous kind, and with a puff of black beads scattered in all directions along the smooth road.

Cough, the gunpowder hit the ground and spit out a mighty flame like a fire dragon, which could not swallow the lives of more than a thousand monsters instantly.

This efficiency? Is it still reachable by humans? Is he the devil?

The monsters around him were immediately emptied, but the monsters rushed up like a lake and surrounded it. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~