Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 171: Retreat disaster?

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (38 Road) 38lu, the fastest update! No ads!

? The young people who had been taken aback and forgetful by seeing Qingtian's deeds grew their mouths like **** at this moment, their eyes were rounded, and for a while they forgot to resist, until the monster's claws pierced his body and didn't react. come.

It hurts, it hurts.






The sound of verbal abuse came from their mouths, and they sprayed out everything they saw.

Is the gap between people so big? Can you stop joking? Can you not tease everyone?


According to this kind of efficiency, according to this kind of template, as long as the dark black ghost hand throws 30 black bead gunpowder, then he can easily obtain epic-level optional equipment.

Ha ha.

But would the Dark Black Ghost Hand still have this kind of deadly and terrifying black beads? Or is he gone?

After more than a thousand monsters died, their experience and equipment dropped, and the dark ghost hand did not have the slightest interest in this. In other words, he was not interested in these things at all.

Most of the monsters are bronze, and the equipment dropped is naturally bronze, which is useless to him.

The problem he needs to solve now is that two fists are hard to beat with four hands... Surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters, I wonder if he can escape? Can you successfully reach the top position?



The thin man smiled slightly when he saw the situation of the two being one after the other. There is a lot of content in the gentle sunshine smile. Since everyone has opened the hole cards, he naturally can't fall behind and can't let others forget him.

You must know that he is a famous figure in the China Hall of Fame. He has his arrogance and dignity.

When he flipped his hand, there was a green transparent bottle in the slender hand. The top and the bottom were as wide as a beer bottle on the street, but the cap was tightly sealed, and there was a special seal inside. There is a faint flow of gray mist.

The gray mist seemed to be a little sane...very humane, and it gathered and hit the bottle again and again.

The thin man took it in his hand and threw it to the farthest place, slap, the sound of the bottle falling and breaking, and a trace of reluctance appeared on his face. This thing was hard-won.

The gray mist rose into the sky like a husky breaking the cage, showing its aura, and soon enveloped all the monsters in a circle of 100 meters in diameter.

The monsters inside are like being forbidden, unable to run or move. They can only let the gray mist come into their hands. From the gray mist, they feel a deep fear, but they can only endure it silently, and soon they can't move their heads. Figure out:




The monster's blood volume dropped quickly, and 30 seconds later, its blood volume was directly cleared, turning it into experience into the thin man's body.

Everyone did not count the number of monsters in a circle with a diameter of 100 meters, let alone think about it, but there are at least five thousand...

What is the concept of hunting five thousand heads in 30 seconds? This number is extremely scary.

It takes four minutes to hunt down five thousand heads of the sky, and the dark ghosts need to face five full death crises.

And all this was done by throwing out a small bottle in the hands of the thin man, without the slightest danger, some just being comfortable.

The thin man's name rushed to the top of the rankings in an instant...

Looking at the surprised crowd in front of him, the thin man just wanted to say one thing: all are younger brothers.

However, he was not the first to sit firmly, let alone sit hot, and was soon overtaken by the dark ghost.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, the dark black ghost hand's first reaction was not to resist, but to take off all his equipment and wait for death; three seconds later, when he was resurrected from the novice village and appeared on the battlefield, he repeated the previous actions again.

In a short period of 30 seconds, he had operated the previous actions for more than six waves, and his complexion and breath were steady. I couldn't believe how he did it. Could he be immune to pain?

There is also a death blessing aura on his body: the pain of death is halved and no equipment is dropped, otherwise the dark ghost will definitely not dare to be so presumptuous.

However, after six times, the dark ghost hand can only give up this approach.


The rest of the masters were not to be outdone, and took out their hole cards.

Their goal is only one: epic equipment.

For example, the Dragon Touring Guild, which is extremely qualified and disciplined, placed nine siege crossbows at the location closest to Xinshou Village, which resulted in a huge amount of output under the premise of ensuring absolute safety. All kinds of explosives, tnt, are even more slashing. The casualties of the monsters are enormous.

The shoal guild guarding the south gate did not leave any hands, took out all the inventory, and under the command of the old king step by step, played the second guild's prestige. For a while, the major players at the south gate took the shoal guild to advance and retreat together. .

The North Gate, guarded by a team of several small guilds, is also playing back and forth at this moment, which is completely worthwhile. Although it is a small guild, the combat power and background that a dozen of them have gathered together is not weaker than that of the Dragon Guild.

The most miserable West Gate is the gateway with the most deaths. They have the lowest strength and the least number of people, but the injuries they have suffered, the circumstances they encountered, and the others are not at the same level.

Xu was because the Celestial faction discovered the situation here, and a rapid increase in troops half an hour after the start of the battle made the players of Ximen miserable.

At this moment, the monsters have already screamed and madly attacked the newly built gate. Only some players insisted on and, but their resistance effect was very small;

Most players have abandoned themselves because they can't see the light and hope, and take off their equipment and rush into the monster group.

You must know that among them, the player who killed the most monsters is only a thousand, and even getting on the list is a problem. Everyone's face is full of anger, abuse, dullness, and a hint of despair.

A group of people gathered together and started cursing. The sound of cursing was like a bright moon hanging from the horizon, from dark to bright, becoming more and more unsound.

"Goodbye brothers, it feels so good to be torn apart, haha, sb system." Some people laughed back, feeling very complicated.

"Brothers, I'm back again, brain damage system, rnm." Ah, this man has some problems in his brain.

"Go on, md, I don't play this sb game anymore. It's really annoying. I don't have any gaming experience."

"Twenty times after I died, I finally felt my limit. Goodbye, brothers, and finally freed. If you stop playing, you continue."

"Wait for my brother, walk with you. After we quit the game, we will have two drinks and discuss life together."



This monster siege made a large group of people disappointed in the final chapter for the first time, and it was a disappointment from the bottom of my heart.

The loopholes are too big, the gap between the rich and the poor is too big, there are too many bugs... and so on. Slots flood everyone's mind and cause serious trauma to their hearts.

The number of kills of each of the top three has already reached tens of thousands, and the monsters killed by most of them have only broken ten or twenty? Play with you mabi.

However, many people with too many deaths are about to disappear and before quitting the game, a system prompt sounded in their minds: I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature" and talks about life. Find a confidant~