Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 172: Pure black monster

Ding, the system has detected that you have paid a huge price for the guardian of Novice Village, and hereby reward the title: Guardian until death.

Note: This title is only issued to Thousand Dao.

Effect: Each NPC's favorability towards you is +100, and it is highly possible to trigger hidden tasks.

In Japan, the people who won this title are the ones who don’t want to continue playing the final chapter. After all, they can’t feel the slightest game experience, but with this title, they have different ideas.

A certain player: "It's really annoying, is I playing or not?"

Another player: "This title is so awesome? I must continue to play. What if I receive a hidden mission in the future?"

"Want to use this method to keep Lao Tzu? No..., well, you succeeded."



Once again I have to sigh the hard work of the designer of the final chapter, even this point can be thought of?

Players who have won this title will really turn around in the future and achieve a generation of legends, but those are all things to follow, so we won't talk about it for the time being.

Players who have died 20 times quit the game, recuperate in reality, and cannot enter the game again for a short time.

If Simon's blood volume is fixed at 100 million, when his blood volume drops to 90 million, there will be resistance movements in the Novice Village and a plan to deal with it.

In the first step, the high-attribute, high-powered turrets on the city wall were pushed out one after another, and after a bombardment, the smoke and dust instantly filled the entire west gate, making people unrealistic.

However, the blood splashing and the stumps of the monsters flying wildly like snowflakes drifted freely like snowflakes, smelling the blood and wiping the blood, the fire of hope was ignited in the hearts of everyone, and they still have rescue.

Then a large-scale magic set off a storm, and a forbidden curse melted into it, its power was extremely terrifying, and a large area of ​​the field was swept away.

The sharp arrows of the archers fell rapidly from top to bottom like raindrops, burst arrows and flame arrows shot one after another, all of which were attacks with large-scale damage.

Numerous warriors, paladin NPCs, soldiers, etc. also walked out of the Novice Village and divided a quarter to join the battle.

The situation that received the help of Simon quickly eased, the battle was controlled, and the number of monsters became the smallest.

Moreover, the alive players guarding the Simon suddenly discovered a secret. The number of kills on their rankings was slowly increasing...and they themselves did not kill so many monsters.

News of Simon quickly spread to the other four, and everyone was more confident and enthusiastic about killing monsters.

The screen turns back to the main entrance:

The rainy night in the distance was originally killing monsters, but looking at the gray mist, I felt the breath inside, and felt a touch of familiarity and closeness inexplicably, as if this thing came from the same source as him.

He deliberately probed, but the gray fog disappeared quickly.

This was the breath of the plague magic god, Yuye finally reacted, and then looked at the thin man with a strange look.

He has a feeling that the thin man is absolutely related to the plague magic god, from the black matter when the silver light was hunted to the gray mist nowadays, everything is filled with plague.

What does he have to do with the plague god? Can't help thinking in Yuye's mind?

Without any clue, I had to put this question aside for the time being, and leave it to be contacted and verified in the future. Then Yuye's eyes seemed to travel through time and space, looking straight in the direction of the blacksmith shop.

so long? Why isn't Big Brother Batu coming out? Could it be that he had some trouble? Or is the plan changed?

Suspicious Yuye wanted to return to Xinshou Village for inquiries, but was prompted that he could not enter.


Reluctantly, Yuye had to return to continue farming monsters. His goal was also 30,000. If he could obtain an epic-level equipment again, his chances of clearing the level ten dungeon would be much greater.

At 9:15, the remaining number of monsters is 2.8 million. It should not be difficult to complete the task of hunting 30,000 monsters.

On the other side, Grandma Sun had already released the forbidden curse, the monster was burned to death, and her ranking rose sharply.

Rainy night rummaged through all the items that could cause range damage, and there was only one plague bomb.

Boom, throw it out, countless black qi spread quickly like tarsal maggots, like smoke bombs, and soon enveloping monsters within two hundred meters in diameter.

I can't see its shadow, only hear its sound.

The screaming screams are like a piece of music from the Hades, making people creepy and afraid to approach that place.

Although these monsters lost their minds and left only rage, they still instinctively avoided the area where the black plague was passing by, but some monsters still strayed into it.




The high amount of damage exploded, Yu Ye's eyebrows were confused, and the power of this plague bomb seemed to increase again? How is this going?

Just kidding, the clone of the plague magic **** and the plague bomb are in the backpack together, and the little aura that usually emits is enough to advance the plague bomb level. If the time is long enough, the power of the plague bomb may be even greater.

Xu was too devoted to the battle, and Yuye's position got closer and closer.

Ok? A monster exuding black aura came to Yuye's side with the momentum of thunder, exposing its sharp claws and making cuts on Yuye's calf.

During the rainy night, the equipment did not play any protective role, as if not wearing it.

"Xiao Ye, come back? Don't be positive." Long Jian Henge's anxious voice came, with a trace of panic in her words, because she knew the horror of this monster.

The number of pure black monsters that came out of the tenth-level dungeon within these two hours is extremely small, but every time they attack and every time they appear, a creature must disappear and you have nothing to do with it.

Except for Qingtian and Gentle, the masters present were all stared at by the pure black thing and attacked by the pure black monster. As a result, all died without exception.

In addition to its fierce attack, it also comes with a special toxin, which makes people fall into weakness for an extreme period of time and become a lamb to be slaughtered, and the speed is so fast that it can't touch the corners of its clothes.

The only way is to run quickly and return to the entrance of Novice Village, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

As for why Qingtian and Qingrou are immune, probably because they have the blessing of artifacts.

Although Yuye didn't understand the meaning of Changjian Hengge's words, his figure was retreating extremely rapidly, because he felt that an external force was invading in his body and his attributes were rapidly declining.

This force is extremely domineering, as if it were a born monarch.

During this period, the monster's attacks continued, turning into a faintly invisible black shadow, like a ghost hiding in the dark, launching attacks again and again on the rainy night.

Although the blood volume of the rainy night was as high as 34, although the rainy night took the instant recovery potion again and again, but it still couldn't bear it.

And the toxin of this monster seems to be able to stack up, and the breath of rainy night is weakened by one point every time it attacks.

Yuye wanted to fight back, but couldn't catch its figure and could not cause damage to it.