Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 177: Rainy night to the top! !

The corpses of the monsters in the crypt have been piled up to a height of nearly five meters. The canine teeth are intertwined and airtight. The bloodstains and residual limbs around are disgusting. It is like a purgatory on earth, like a **** underworld. Red and black form the main tone, screaming and screaming. Wailing becomes the main theme.

   The scorching and disgusting smell in the air is complemented by the pungent smell of blood, which adds a bit of weirdness to this place.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the first reaction of any player at this moment is to vomit or even fall into a coma directly.

  Perhaps the scene in the crypt is too scary and too infiltrating. The system quickly refreshed it. Everything here returned to normal, but the injured monster could not recover.

   And Yuye, the initiator of all this, didn't see, nor would he see it, because of this, he had already ran back to the gate of Novice Village.

   The attribute superimposed 15 times in three minutes disappeared, and the whole person on the rainy night was as if he had just experienced the pain of childbirth, lying on the ground like a pool of liquid collapse, even without the strength to lift a finger.

  The sudden disappearance of power does not bring about pain, but another level of emptiness.

   Even if Mu'er dropped the healing technique in anxious manner, various potions were used one after another, but the rainy night remained as it was, like a dead dog motionless.

   This is not just collapse, it is more of mental collapse.

   But the next moment, the system prompt in the rainy night's mind swept like a thirteen-level tsunami.

  Ding, congratulations on successfully slaying monsters: flame lizards, get hunting value +1

  Ding, congratulations on your successful killing of monsters: hunt for mice and get +1 hunting value


   System prompts like    sounded more than 50,000 times in Yuye’s mind before it ended. More than 50,000 times? What a terrifying value is this? Even Yu Ye couldn't believe that the power of gunpowder and gasoline was so terrifying? Can the plan that oneself thinks at will cause such terrible lethality?

   Yuye just wanted to think, suddenly he fell into a coma with a crash and disappeared.

   The sadness when Buzz was killed, the sadness of being beheaded fifteen times in the tenth level dungeon, the overjoy when he came out and got the news of Buzz's resurrection, the emotions of the rainy night between the great sadness and the overjoy were a bit unbearable.

In addition, the physique rises and falls like a roller coaster, the strong crypt impacts the picture, the shaky shock, one thing after another weighs on the rainy night's body, even if his nerves are big and different from ordinary people, he still insists not at this moment. live.

   After falling into a coma on a rainy night and disappearing, he hurriedly called grandma and grandma softly and nervously.

   The grandparents were very worried about giving up killing monsters and wanting to quit the game, but they were told that they could not go offline and could only wait for the monster siege to end.

   Grandpa Zhang instantly cursed the street, sending out all kinds of ugly words like a fort, accusing this heinous system and denigrating this inhumane rule.

   At this time, he has forgotten the epic equipment and the monster in front of him. He only cares about the safety of the rainy night.

   Grandpa Zhao and others are the same, but after a long time of abuse, they found that it was useless. The few elderly people had to continue to hunt the monsters while waiting anxiously and to contribute their own modest strength.

   After the rainy night disappeared, the noise of Xinshou Village's discussion was heated again:

   have been talking about the previous strong tremor and why these monsters were all injured? Discuss why the name "Holy Dragon" succeeded in reaching the top?

   And the last question is the core of the discussion.

'My tm is stupid' is one of the many novice players in Novice Village No. 999. He is not strong but has the heart of a strong man. At this moment, he has just killed a wounded howling pig and can’t wait to start the ranking. The list wants to watch its own ranking.

   Ten thousand eighty-nine, he was only a few places short of being able to enter the top ten thousand. He cheered himself up while killing monsters. If he could do it, he would definitely be able to enter the top ten thousand.

   After hunting and killing the monster for so long, he and several other people have formed a team, taking turns to rest.

   This is not obtrusive in the battlefield of Nuo Da, on the contrary it is very common.

   After all, five hours of high-intensity combat is too unreasonable for some ordinary players, and some are impossible to complete.

   ‘I’m so stupid’, after reading his own ranking, went to watch Yuye’s ranking. He remembered that the previous ranking of ‘Holy Dragon’ was just over 9,000, which was similar to himself.

   You have to know that he is the No. 1 master in Novice Village, and he is almost the same as himself. When he thinks of this, he has a distorted value in his heart, ecstatic and happy.

   He is full of energy and confidence as soon as he sees Yuye’s rankings still there.

   But this time...

  Hey, didn't you find it? Oh, he might go ahead, after all, he is the number one master, he comforts himself like this.

   8,000 people, still missing him.

   Seven thousand, there is still no him.

   Six thousand...

   Five thousand...


   a thousand...

   Seeing less than a thousand people, ‘I’m so stupid’ is a bit panicked, this is too dreamy, just a few minutes, the ‘Holy Dragon’ ranks a thousand from more than 9,000? How did he do it? It's impossible?

   However, the surprise brought to him by the rainy night is not over yet.



   seven hundred...


   one hundred...

   Still not there? He quickly swiped through all the names of the first 100, and finally found the three characters "Holy Dragon" at the forefront.

   is written in regular regular script, every word is like a big bucket, and it emits a golden light, which makes people know that he is number one at a glance.

   ‘I’m so stupid’’s mind was like a nuclear bomb exploded, and he lost consciousness with a bang, and then murmured: "Why...Is it possible?"

Looking at the figures at the back again, his breathing stopped immediately, and his mind went blank for an instant. The whole person turned into a stone sculpture, actually... it was... 80,000~www. There are not a few people like'I tm is stupid', but a large number of people.

   After seeing the value of the rainy night, they passed ten or ten, and suddenly the whole Novice Village was filled with the legend of rainy night.

   "Open it?"

   "Absolutely open!"

   "Hundred percent open."


  What are you kidding? The plague bomb hunted a full 12,000 monsters, turned hatred on rainy night, and killed nearly 10,000 within three minutes of opening the plague world. The last destruction operation had more than 50,000 system prompts.

   These series add up, of course the number can come to a terrifying 80,000+...

   The long sword hates the song.....

   Qingtian is stunned...

   The dark black ghost is stunned...

   The forty-nine skinny man in the Hall of Fame ranking is dumbfounded...

   Everyone stammered and said: "Why...what...but...can?"


   But the facts are in front of them, and they cannot tolerate them not to believe.

   The thin people who had already hunted nearly 15,000 heads, Qingtian and others saw the drastic changes on the ranking list.

This value is really terrifying, and it's because they can't reach it, no matter how powerful they are and how terrible their equipment is... If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Mage of Online Games", follow the "hot web article" on WeChat. rdww444" and more book friends to chat about favorite books