Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 178: Harvest season

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?At this moment, although the rainy night disappeared, his figure was firmly imprinted in everyone's mind like a god.


Yuye first spent an hour to clean up all the ten-level dungeons, let everyone remember and let them look up;

After recuperating for an hour, he ranked more than 9,000 in the rankings. At the moment when everyone thought that he was out of epic, he succeeded in becoming the first with absolute advantage and arrogance.

What kind of person is this? How much power is contained in his weak body?

An era of rainy night is coming...

These people will eventually become foils...

History is always surprisingly similar...

The thoughts in everyone's mind are very similar.

Everyone in the dark black ghost hand group of six has bitterness...

Not just them, but the old players who have ruled every game.


It is not difficult to imagine that news about rainy nights will soon sweep across all major forums.

China Time: 11:40 on July 8th.

In the three hours before the rainy night disappeared, the south gate and the north gate guarded by No. 999 Xinshou Village Shoal could not be supported one after another. Finally, Xinshou Village sent soldiers to stabilize the situation.

The result was not bad. None of the four doors were broken. Five million monsters were swept away. Not one full body was left. They all became the trophies of everyone, but the cost was never experienced in this battle. People are not worthy.

The West Gate was the most miserable. At this moment, there are still 40 million HP. The North and South Gates are almost equal to 60 million. Only the East Gate guarded by masters such as the Dragon Dragon Guild has a difference of 80 million HP at this moment. The novice village soldier of the door has not yet appeared.

According to the truth, the two gates of the south and the north should pay a sufficient price, and it should not be possible to summon the soldiers in the village and not to lose so much blood. However, when the shallows were caught in the shrimp opera and others received the news of Simon, there was a different news.

Can consume the power of Novice Village, why consume the power of your own guild?

They are selfish, human nature is selfish, but they will pay for this selfishness in the near future.

Among the millions of players in Novice Village, one-third of them died 20 times and quit the game, and the other two-thirds died from ten to twenty.

At such a price, the harvest is naturally exceptionally sweet.

Each time the monster experience points and gold coins killed will go directly into the player's backpack, but after those equipment and items fill up the backpack, it does not mean that the player can no longer receive it, but is distributed to individuals in the form of mail.

Everything about the monster's materials, monster's fur, drops, etc. is sent out in the form of mail. It can be said that as long as you kill a monster, everything on it will be rewarded with maximum value.

This is also an important reason why everyone is desperate.

At the end of the battle, everyone’s backpack was full of bulges, and their faces were filled with happy smiles. There were dozens of emails at least, not to mention those more.

The number of rainy nights with the most is 20,000, and the drop rate of 80,000 monsters has reached a quarter, which is extremely terrifying.

All the people who were still alive at the moment were transported back to Novice Village. Many people lay lazily on the ground, and most of them sold the materials in their backpacks and exchanged them for valuable gold coins.

Everyone gets the same materials, so it won’t work if you put them at the auction house. They can only be sold to npc nearby.

A player who hunted a hundred monsters sold all the materials and got ten gold coins, one thousand Chinese coins.

And this is his five-hour harvest tonight, two hundred in one hour, and this is definitely a high salary wherever it is placed.

When everyone was happy to harvest, a long-lost system prompt sounded:

Ding, congratulations to the players for successfully defending the village, rewards will be issued soon.

Ok? Hearing this system prompt, the top 10,000 players all lit up and suddenly sat up from the ground expecting rewards.

Especially the people such as Qingtian, Dark Ghost Hand, etc., are looking forward to it.

In this siege, a total of fifteen players came to the fore and successfully killed 30,000 monsters and obtained 100% epic-level equipment of their choice.

That's epic equipment, enough to make everyone jealous at the beginning of the game.

They are:

Ranking first: Holy Dragon-80145

Ranked second: the final chapter of the mainland's first wholesaler-45512, nearly double the difference between Rainy Night.

Qingtian didn't have those fancy operations, and some just played steadily, beheading 20 heads in one second, and lasted for four hours, successfully reaching the second place.

If there was no rainy night, he would definitely be the number one deserved, but there are not so many ifs.

Ranked third: the dark ghost hand-43251

At the last moment, he took out all the black ball inventory and cooperated with the brothers, a large area was swept away, and he took third place in one fell swoop.

Ranked fourth: thin-41021

Ranked Fifth: Long Sword Hate Song-37455

Without the help of the guild, she was a bit suspicious.

In the huge Dragon Roaming Guild, only she and one other person have the right to choose epic equipment. This shows how difficult it is to hunt 30,000 heads.

Ranked sixth: Phantom Sword King-36512

Rank seventh: One emperor-35416

Rank eighth: Broken Dreams and Hatred-34587

No. 9: Gentle and virtuous Sun's Lady-33325

Is forbidden curse a joke? Is giant fireball a joke? Is calling the flame man a joke?

And in the last hour, Changjian Hengge noticed that Grandma Sun was expected to break through thirty thousand times directly gathered the power of the whole guild to help her, and wish her a successful summit.

Tenth: Goodbye, Young Hero-32415

Eleventh place: No name available-31698

So far, with the help of the dark ghosts and their own efforts, the six-member team successfully occupied the position of six to eleven, worthy of their identity and worthy of their previous glory.

Twelfth place: Shrimp play in the shallows-31525

The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. Buying an epic equipment for millions of dollars is very profitable for the shrimp scene in the shallows. It is a big profit. He is very satisfied and very satisfied.

Thirteenth: Fatty-31211

Fourteenth place: God fortune tells the sky-30898

This is the second player in the Dragon Touring Guild to reach 30,000. No one can imagine that the military division in their minds who should have no power to bind the chicken, and the weak character who should be hiding behind others, turned out to be a special profession in the legend. : Wrath fighter.

With a shot, Lao Niu and the others were shaken in place, and the -2100 damage that erupted from the monster's head made them stunned and shocked.

As a result, everyone did not act too outrageously during the battle. After the battle, everyone immediately surrounded him, threatening and tempting him to tell him why.

After some severe torture, Xiao Ming finally recruited!

The fifteenth and last place: brother, gentle and afraid.

The cooling time of the gentle skill is simply terrifying, and the recovery amount of the two artifacts is even more shocking.

Forcibly, with the respect of a priest, he ranks among the senior clubs that can only be entered by offensive professionals.

No one was surprised by the gentle entry, this little girl deserved it. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~