Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 18: Apocalyptic ooze

Everyone smashed the medicine bottle quickly, trying to restore their blood volume to full value as soon as possible, and Yuye quickly went forward to collect materials, especially blood. And this time they obviously had a new harvest and a new discovery: a piece of equipment.

It is not so much equipment, but rather a soft, liquid-like blue-black iron fragment about the size of a fingernail. After the rainy night picked it up, the information about it suddenly came into my mind:

Ding, congratulations on obtaining a special material: trace eschatological slime

Introduction: Contains a little bit of apocalyptic aura, added to forging can make the equipment with apocalyptic aura.

Function: Wearing equipment with apocalyptic aura will slightly reduce the damage to monsters with apocalyptic aura.

Note: After the apocalyptic ooze that is currently harvested is successfully added to the equipment, it can offset a little damage.

I bah, it's better not to offset this damage.

Yuye didn't care about it. He hadn't realized the value of this thing, so he simply pasted its attributes on the team channel, and then took it for everyone to appreciate. Then the rest of the people began to talk about it.

"Damn, what's this? It looks like a snot, disgusting." Two female priests out of the ten expressed their opinions at the first time, and hid in disgust.

Uh, are the girls of Guild Dragons all so rude, so big and shy?

The thin man’s brows showed several black lines, and there were faint signs of tumbling in his stomach. These people really didn't like his appetite, especially the slightly ugly girl who pretends to be cute and can't stand it. It's even more disgusting than the big lady.

"Xiao Ye, how did this thing come from? Did you touch it?" Long Jian Henge asked seriously, seemingly interested in it.

"Yeah." Yuye nodded honestly and replied.

"Hurry up, all move to touch the corpse, and see if you can find this kind of thing." Long Jian Heng Ge immediately issued an order, and the crowd instantly dispersed and began to check one by one.

One minute later, there were three pieces of soft iron like this in front of Changjian Hengge, the largest one on a rainy night, the size of a fingernail, and the remaining two pieces, one of which is half the size of the one on the rainy night, and the other is only a third. One.

"Aunt, seeing you are so nervous, does this thing have a great effect?" Yuye couldn't help but ask with blinking innocent eyes. He really couldn't see the value of these disgusting things.

"Well, if my guess is not wrong, this thing is the key to clearing this dungeon, and it is also the key to crossing the town in the future. Thin, what do you think?" Although there are a large number of Dragons Guild at this moment, but the sword hates Song talks directly to the thin guy, obviously ignoring them.

"Yeah, I also have a feeling that this thing is not simple, maybe it has something to do with the back of the Door of Order." The thin face was solemn, and he expressed his opinion after thinking a little.

After listening to Changjian Hengge, he nodded and agreed, but the other people were at a loss, with their eyes wide open and their mouths unable to close. They didn't understand what they were talking about.

Qingshan Scholar: Oh, I seem to understand something, but I still need to continue to explore.

Lao Niu: What are you talking about? It's better to have a fight.

Gemini: So tired, I really want to quit, or pretend to die soon, haha.

Rainy night: Is this thing valuable? It should be valuable, um, it must be very valuable. In a short moment, there was a series of reverberations in his mind.



In doubt, the thin man seemed to want to clarify its material further. He picked up three fragments of different sizes and put them in his hands for a closer look. However, in a short time an unexpected and weird situation occurred.

Three pieces of different sizes moved slowly like worms, and finally turned into water droplets and merged together. The appearance did not change much, but it became the size of two fingernails.

The thin man was surprised, and everyone was always paying attention to the situation here. Seeing this situation, everyone was amazed, but before they could speak, the third system prompt sounded:

Ding, the first and third wave of attacks are coming soon, please prepare your team.

As soon as the voice fell, the thin man threw the fragment in his hand to Changjian Hengge and asked her to keep it so that she could concentrate on the next challenge.

Changjian Hengge retracted it and put it back in the backpack, and at the same time told Yuye: "Xiaoye, if there are more than forty deer in a while, you can use a single body."

After the battle just now, Changjian Hengge understood that twenty heads were already their limit, and if there were more, they would definitely fail. Now they can no longer hide themselves.

Kaka, there was a sound of mechanism opening in the cave, and at the same time, a turning point appeared again next to the previous turning point. He couldn't see the internal situation clearly, and only heard the sound of the deer running wildly.

Boom, forty sika deer ran from two turning points, and twenty in one place. Rainy night gave Changjian Hengge an inquiring look, and long-line Hengge returned a certain look. Rainy night suddenly had a bottom in his heart, one after another. The scourge of a single body came out instantly.

"Skinny, change your fighting style, attack indiscriminately, and hit the heaviest attack in the shortest time." For this newcomer, Changjian Hengge still has to give some advice. As for the cooperation of other people in the guild and Yuye No less than a few times has long been used to it.

At this moment, seeing that the rainy night finally released the disaster, everyone's mouth couldn't help but a thick smile appeared, and then the eyes of the deer were full of provocation, contempt, and disdain, as if they would not treat them. In the eyes, there are even people who give up fighting poses.

Seeing this scene, the thin man almost didn't swear, what are you doing? Funny? This is forty tyrannical sika deer. It doesn't matter if they don't run, they still put on this expression? You must know that the previous 20 players almost reduced the team's staff. This time he was not sure to survive the forty attacks, but these people are still in the mood to talk about it.

And that fat guy, you are too much snacking now.

Uh, used to it, used to it, sorry sorry.

However, the thin man was dumbfounded in the next moment, standing still in place for a long time, unable to return to his senses, because a skill that floated on the rainy night actually knocked out a sika deer 50,000 points of health? What happened to this tm, the thin man directly broke out a foul language, fake it, immersed in a dream and didn't believe this hurt.

If you are 50,000, why do you want us? Your old man will be wiped out with a wave of his hand.




Five injuries floated, ten injuries floated, and forty injuries floated. The thin man was finally determined that the scene before him was not in a dream, but a real event that he experienced personally. This kid’s skills could actually be able to deal with the child. The blame is used to directly weaken half of the attributes, which is scary.

But certainly not for boss use, certainly not.

The thin man was a bit nervous, barely accepting the facts he saw before him, but he still restricted Yuye's sky-defying skill in his mind. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, chat about life, and find friends~