Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 180: 2 God Clash

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? I only smelled the breath but didn't see the figures, and everyone's hearts were covered with a haze.

The absolute protection of the Novice Village can cause such a terrifying impact. Can't imagine what kind of scene it would be like if he joined the battle? What if he suddenly appeared in Novice Village?

This figure seemed to have heard the player's inner monologue, a teleportation to the sky above Novice Village, from the only gap into the suspended in the air, like a **** that people look up to.

Bang, the majestic pressure caused some players with lower strength to kneel down and make noises.

They turned red and wanted to resist, but after trying for a long time, they still couldn't do anything. They could only keep their shameless kneeling on the ground...

Creak, more noise is the sound of bone dislocation.

Powerful players clenched their back teeth and supported their bodies with willpower. Their dignity did not allow them to kneel or shame, and even a lot of sweat was dripping on their foreheads.

Who is this?

Why is it so scary?

Did we trigger a special scene?

Every player has such thoughts in his mind, yes, it should be a special scene.


Among the crowd, Qing Tian was the least affected, after all, he had a magical weapon.

At this moment, the spine behind him is straight like a proud dragon, raising his proud head to look at the figure in the sky.

He wants to know who this is?

He wants to know who wants him to bow his head?

He wants to know who wants him to submit?

However, even if he was close at hand, he couldn't see his appearance. He could only vaguely discern that it was a group of beautiful black and red light, which seemed to contain a heavenly aura.

After watching it for a long time, a trace of blood appeared in Qing Tian's eyes, but he didn't even notice it.

Hmph, the next second a cold snort sounded from the depths of Qingtian's sea of ​​consciousness, and it also came from all directions, like a volcanic eruption, like a hydraulic press, Qingtian's figure suddenly turned into white light and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of the Resurrection Stone in the Novice Village...

A cold snort? The second master of Novice Village died like this?

The people who were still struggling to see this scene suddenly couldn't accept it.

"Cruel, stop."

After everyone supported it for more than ten seconds, a strong golden light and a low voice suddenly spread from the back of Novice Village and the room where the village chief was located.

This voice is a bit hoarse, but there is no doubt in it; this voice is a bit old, but it is full of power.

Where the golden light passed, the player who was under great pressure suddenly felt light and returned to normal, so he hurriedly got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and looked at the figure in the sky with vicious eyes.

The golden light spread to every corner of Xinshou Village, and then slowly gathered into a pure golden figure in the sky and before the cruel figure. The halo around the body was like the sun of youth, dazzling, making people afraid to look straight. .

Perhaps the player's level is too low and the attributes are too weak. At this moment, no one can see the faces of both sides clearly.

"I said why this breath is so familiar? So it was you? God of Cooking? Why, do you want to help this novice village?"

A playful voice came from the black and red light, and the tyrannical aura contained in it was enough to make an Adamantite creature lose its sanity.

God of Cooking, the God of Cooking ranks the 203rd in the Celestial camp. When it comes to cooking, the Eighth God of Cooking is naturally willing to bow down, but in terms of strength, it is not him who plays, and the ten Gods of Cooking are not his opponent.

Perceiving the breath of God of Cooking, his cruel heart has secretly made up his mind: If God of Cooking does not listen to persuasion, then he doesn't mind letting God of Cooking experience terror and death.

"There are my fetters and the meaning of my existence, so I can't go."

There is a sense of decisiveness in the old voice, which makes it easy to perceive his heart: coexisting and dying with Novice Village.

"Oh? Then I have to ask, do you have this strength!"

There was a cold and tyrannical voice, even if it was guarded by golden light, everyone still felt a bit of chill.

If you don't agree with a word and do it directly, this is a cruel temper.

And today, he lost face in front of the ancient first god, he is eager to find another place to rebuild his confidence in another god.

This is a competition at the level of gods, and naturally it will not be in the novice village.

The golden light and the black and red light moved straight into the sky and fought at high altitude.

The gods and the gods are fighting, and the player naturally cannot stop. The roar of the monsters outside the village has already sounded, and the vibrations generated by the running seem to be like everyone swearing their arrival.


With such a cry from nowhere, the crowd suddenly became active.

Archers and mages flocked to the city wall one after another to start fighting with the inherent strength of Novice Village, while players such as warriors and paladins waited quietly. The moment the monster enters the village is the time for them to start.

Different occupations, different timings.

It is impossible to let hordes of warriors open the door and fight with monsters at night!

The Changjian Hengge, Qingtian and others on the city wall saw the siege monster below, and they couldn't help but breathe out a cool air from their The roots of the hair on their bodies were erected, and they couldn't help but feel a heart. Share fear.

Yes, they were afraid, for the first time.

The monster below is not at the same level as the previous monster.

If the previous monster was a docile cat, the monster at night is like a ferocious male lion, and the two are not at all orders of magnitude.

The mutant wild boar previously only had its fangs lengthened and its attack power increased; but at this moment, its fangs had lengthened, covered in steel armor, and its damage and defense increased exponentially.

And this is only a corner of the horrible creatures at night, and the rest are even more infiltrating, a solid city wall that looks like crazy attackers who only know how to kill.

If they had previously farmed such terrifying creatures, they could hardly imagine the consequences, I am afraid they would not be able to hold on for an hour.

Boom, boom, boom, the bumps are like the roar in the mind; the shaking again and again is like the harbinger before the earthquake.

In the previous battle, Changjian Hengge had ordered all the assault weapons in the Dragon Touring Guild to be unloaded and shipped to Novice Village for installation.

With the approval of the village chief, there were 36 large siege crossbows, 72 medium siege crossbows, one hundred and eight small siege crossbows on the walls of Novice Village, as well as some other attack weapons. .

This is all the belongings of the Dragon Touring Guild, where they settled down, and the Long Sword Hate Song actually took out all of them? Isn't she afraid that once Xinshou Village is broken, all of her will be in vain?

In fact, all this has to be said about five hours ago. Changjian Henge was just walking around in the village when she went online, and she ran into a beggar who was told her tenth turn mission. She hurried forward to say hello.

And the beggar also recognized the Long Sword Hate Song and released a new mission to her:

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