Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 186: Mirror avatar

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A set of keel scales, although it is difficult to collect, its horror is beyond doubt.

An artifact is already valuable, and it is impossible to imagine how terrifying a set of artifacts can be.

Collecting one attribute doubles, and so on, if the nine-piece set is completely collected, no one knows how far Qingtian's attributes will reach.

Note: The power of the gods can last for half an hour, please end the battle as soon as possible.

Note: Dragon Bone Libra has very high additional attributes, but when combined with Qingtian's rare class, it becomes more and more terrifying.

Doubled, doubled, Qingtian's various attributes have come to an enviable and frightening point, facing the silver-level boss not far away, he is 100% sure.

This time he not only wants to win, but also to win beautifully and coolly.

Roar, the peak silver boss on the opposite side is a cockroach with a magnification of a hundred times. The head, back, and tail are unrelated, as if they are connected in series.

The huge head is inlaid with a pair of gleaming compound eyes, three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead angle, rotating to look at the sky, although it is pure black, it seems to have a starry sky inside, making people see it. Feeling dizzy.

The mouthparts below are even more terrifying and hideous, as if they can shatter everything when they open and close.

The elongated tentacles are like two extended double whips, very flexible, towering high above the head at this moment, like two antennas.

The shiny black carapace is absolutely powerful without looking at it. The six bamboo legs below are bent at an astonishing angle. It is accumulating power and is always ready to strike.

The hairs on the legs resemble steel needles, like wolf teeth, which are also terrifying, and may be able to exert unexpected effects during unexpected periods.

The pure black wings on the back are close to the flesh below, providing defenses for weak points. The patterns on it are staggered, and the rich magical atmosphere fills it. It seems that the wings have the function of flying.

How should I fight such a monster?

Qingtian imagined several plans in his mind, and carefully looked at the monster in front of him.

Ding, both sides are ready, and the battle is about to begin.

Random weighing is definitely not available. In case of failure, the battle will end directly.

If this is the case, let's test it out first, and by the way, test its own attack power.

Qingtian thought, looking at the five active skills and three passive skills illuminated on the Dragon Bone Libra, and seeing one active skill illuminated on the epic equipment, he took the lead with a calm complexion.

A black color emerged from the Dragon Bone Libra, and fell steadily on the top of Qingtian's head like a fallen leaf. The connection with the Dragon Bone Libra became closer for a time, and at the same time the defense was increased by 50%.

This skill is called Guardian, and it provides players with 50% double resistance.

After adding buff to himself, Qingtian moved. He came to the terrifying cockroach monster with a ghostly figure very quickly, and slammed the scales in his hands like a wooden stick, the target, and the head.

Ding, the sound of golden and iron humming sounded, bringing out a little spark, and the blood volume of -5000 appeared.

what? The skull of this monster is so hard? Can it be close to the incomplete artifact? Is this still a silver-level boss?

This kind of injury is not only Qingtian exclaiming, but even the people in the stands are full of doubts.

They knew the attributes of Qingtian, how could they only deal so little damage? This is totally unscientific.

You must know that Qingtian’s attack power reached a terrifying 20,000 before it doubled. At this moment, it’s quadrupled, that’s 80,000. The horror output of 80,000 actually caused only 5000 damage to this monster. It was discovered that the monster's health bar did not move.

Gosh? How could he be so terrifying that he is just a silver-level boss?

The only person at the scene who can figure out the situation is probably the God of Cooking. At this moment, he does not have the previous calmness and the previous confidence, and there is a little worry on his face.

The drama he could think of, how could God not think of the eighth day?

A trace of supernatural power was also added to the monster's body, so the effect of Qingtian's attack with the divine weapon was not obvious.

This time, if this silver-level boss does not die, it will definitely be able to successfully set foot on gold, even a higher realm with the help of this spirit of spirit.

When he missed a hit, Qingtian retreated in an instant, and he had a bottom in his heart after a confrontation.

How could the monster on the opposite side miss such a good attacking opportunity, how terrifying is the impact of the six-legged explosion, an instant came to Qingtian's side, the golden and iron tentacles should be a sensory tool, but at this moment it is an invincible weapon .

Ka, Qingtian raised his Libra to resist this attack, and even so, the counter-shock's -5000 damage also appeared from the top of his head.

Looking at the posture, the two sides should be in between.

With an attack, Qingtian has a bottom in his heart.

Since the attributes are the same, then compete for consciousness and position. He Qingtian is not the kind of half-hearted rainy night. He was also a famous player in the Hall of Fame before he obtained the Dragon Bone Libra.

Boom boom boom, punch to the flesh, secondary to the point.

Qingtian’s combat awareness is absolutely top-notch. If it weren’t for the monster’s many methods of attack, it would probably not touch Qingtian.

Ten minutes later, the monster mantis was unable to attack for a long time and was a little irritable; Xu was the eighth **** on top of his head giving it pressure and was a little scared, so he stopped hiding and activated the skill: mirror with a buzzing sound. When it sounded, the crazy praying mantis split into two, but its attack power and speed did not weaken at all.

In an instant, Qingtian's pressure doubled.

However, he was still calm and calm, did not use any skills, and used his body to resist.

His blood volume dropped quickly, but he didn't seem to notice it, and he continued to attack and counterattack.

Note: There is a spirit aura in the body, so the instant recovery potions cannot be used. Ordinary potions are fine, but the amount of health restored is simply appalling.

"What does Qingtian want to do? Using such a style of play?" Changjian Henge didn't understand, he said softly.

"He's waiting, waiting for a chance." The thin man hadn't left his eyes since the beginning of the battle, and gave a reply at this moment.

"Well, the monster is already irritable, and more and more things are exposed. This battle should be stable." The black ghost nodded in agreement with the thin man's opinion.


Monsters and people are really incomparable, and IQ is their fault.

Dodge, dodge, stab, slide... a set of operations are smooth and flowing.

If this battle can be made into a video screen, it is not a problem for the learners to break through the sky and break new highs in clicks. There are even some geniuses who can understand their own things from it, and then go to the next level.

Time passed, ten minutes later, Qingtian's blood volume was only one million, and the mirror image of the monster mantis still existed.

Qingtian is still waiting...

He doesn't seem to panic at all...

Finally, at the last moment when the power of the gods was about to disappear, Qingtian smiled at the corner of his mouth. He relied on walking for such a long time in order to use the next skill: summoning. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~