Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 188: The Chosen One: Gentle

"Cool, what should I do if the Novice Village is broken? Waiting online? Very anxious."


  Hu, a monster siege of the city one night, the novice village has been destroyed? Break through by a torrent of monsters? how is this possible? Which novice village this is, too impatient!

Everyone clicked on this post with such feelings. As soon as they entered, they saw ruined walls and endless monsters entrenched, full of destruction, death, and ruin, but there was no breath of life, no trace of life. Green, no surviving figure can be seen.

   If you can see most of the original appearance of Novice Village if you can distinguish it carefully, but it has been reduced to ruins and a paradise for monsters.

   Everyone who saw this post was shocked and couldn't get back to their senses for a long time?

  , is it such a scene when the monster can't resist the siege? It's such a picture, it's too scary...

   After reading, there are other posts below this post:

   "In a hurry, what do you do when the final chapter company Novice Village is destroyed? How to play? Can it be recovered? Is the impact big?"

   A series of questions appeared in the title. However, due to the limitation of the number of words in the title, more questions are shown in the text below.

  Every item is closely related to everyone, and every item is directly in the hearts of the people.

   People desperately want to know the answer and the consequences.

   But the final chapter company is like a dumb woman, without a word, refused to answer this question.

   This is not like the style of the final chapter, not like their way of doing things.

  In the post: Players use the Internet to express different opinions!

   "Hey, how do I feel that your monster siege is so weak? Is it an illusion?"

   "I also want to ask, I have also noticed this question before.

   "It's not the same. I checked and inspected it."


   After browsing these posts, the night owls turned their eyes to the live broadcast room and watched it. It was less than two o'clock, far less than their time to sleep.

   Although they were forced to withdraw because of the excessive number of deaths, they saw the tragic situation after the destruction of Novice Village. They urgently wanted to know the situation in the game and whether their Novice Village was destroyed.

   Click to open the live broadcast room. The masters of all walks of life show their power, and explain the current situation to everyone like an explanation.

   At this stage, the second wave of monster siege methods are different, some still directly adopt the crowd tactics, while others adopt the method of a ring like Novice Village No. 999.

   is full of highlights and successfully attracted the interest of everyone.

   "I'm grass, I know this person, and he ranks ninth in the Hall of Fame. It seems that the monster opposite him is hanging."

   "Wow, the 53rd in the Hall of Fame's existence actually lost to a silver-level boss? Bad reviews, checkpoints, what stuff, rubbish."

   "Epic pet eggs, I don't know what they can hatch? It seems to be grabbed."

   "Is that the number one real man or real man in the Hall of Fame? The silver boss hasn't walked for twenty seconds in his hands? His strength is too terrifying, right."

   "Did you not see the expression of the **** in the stands? Haha, his mouth twitched, so funny."

   What they didn't know was that the Novice Village where real men and real men were located successfully guarded the second wave of monsters and there was an extra lot in the auction house: an epic pet egg.



   Tonight is doomed to sleepless, tonight is doomed to be sad and happy, tonight...

The    words are divided into two ends, the other side is forced to quit the game on rainy night, and re-enter is not allowed for a short time.

   The characters in the game fall into a coma, and the rainy night in reality is also greatly affected.

   Although he didn't fall into a coma, his mind was as painful as sea water poured down. He was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

   Even in such a rainy night, he stood up and opened the window, letting the cold wind blow in. After five or six minutes, the feeling of weakness was relieved.

   At this moment, he deeply realized the horror of this game and the strangeness of this game. Can playing games affect his physical condition? It seemed that I had never heard of it before.

   The games that the uncles played when they came back during the Chinese New Year did not seem so scary.

   came downstairs on a rainy night to warm up the evening meal, and then took a comfortable hot bath. The body and mind were greatly relaxed, and the previous weakness was weakened to the extreme.

   He rotated the ring on his hand to try to enter the game.

  Ding, it is detected that your mental state is not good and you cannot enter the game. It is still five hours before you are allowed to enter. Please take a reasonable rest.

   Give up on rainy night.

Just when he was about to sleep, the grandparents went off the assembly line nervously and came to the door of Yuye to visit. They were relieved when they saw that Yuye was okay, and began to talk about the things just now in the living room, talking about epic equipment and preparing to eat. A supper.

   Uh, listening to the rainy night, is there still sleepiness? Had to get up with the grandparents.

   It didn't take long for the meal to be ready, and the crisp doorbell sounded.

who? Ring the doorbell so late?

   All six were a little nervous, but soon after the phone rang and picked it up, Xiao Li's nice voice came out, and they relaxed and proceeded to open the door.

   Xiaoli said in short words, she hurriedly replied after receiving the news that it would take five hours to get on the number on a rainy night.

   After learning about it, Changjian Henge moved forward and came to God of Cooking’s side, telling him about the rainy night.

   However, God of Cooking just smiled inscrutablely and did not speak. This appearance made Changjian Henge a little confused. Isn't the tenth position reserved for rainy night? Who can take this position except rainy night?

   Changjian Hengge did not deliberately conceal it, so the other people heard the conversation, and they were equally puzzled.

   Outside the game, a rainy night.

   After they learned of this situation, they ate the supper without a hassle. Then the rainy night was eliminated, and the other five went online again.

   As for Xiao Li, she left after the report. She still has things to do.

   Uh, rainy night is uncomfortable.

   Looking at the sky, what should he do? What if the room is so big and a little scared?

   Five players enter the game, and the second battle in the sky is coming to an end.

   Second game: Skinny vs. Unknown Monster.

   The skinny man equipped with epic weapons was completely crushed by his consciousness, and the unknown monster's blood volume was only one tenth.

   The thin man had a crisis of death and a decline in the middle, but who gave him such an unreasonable thing as an instant recovery potion?

   The battle was very easy. After a few minutes, the thin man successfully won and obtained an epic pet egg.

   After the battle, God of Cooking took the lead to speak: "Cruel, I want to summon a player again."

   "Agree." There are indeed only nine people on the other side, so it is understandable to call another one.

   Just when the thin man successfully picked up the epic pet egg and walked backward, a system prompt sounded abruptly in his soft mind:

  Ding, God of Cooking has released the epic mission "Choose" to you, do you agree? I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends