Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 19: Marked helmet

But what use is the restriction of thin people out of thin air? It's just a fantasy, and it has no effect on the rainy night.

Skinny: I hope you understand? Hope...zz

Forty tyrannical sika deer whose attributes have been weakened by half are no longer a concern, and they are not enough to be called a threat. They will not cause any harm to this extremely powerful team, because they are far behind in terms of speed and defense.

Yuye ran hard in front of him eating snacks, attracting hatred, while the other nine people were madly outputting, so there was no need to worry about others.

Uh, don't reduce the speed of the deer trying to catch up with the rainy night, it is simply whimsical; it is even more impossible to attack the rest of the players before killing the rainy night, the hatred of the rainy night is very stable.

The deer want to speed up and attack, but the two deer legs seem to sink into a quagmire, and they can’t let go of their speed; they want to resist attacks from all directions, but the deer skin on the body seems to be weathered, and the sword pierces straight into it. It caused a lot of damage.

"Skinny, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and attack." Long Jian Hengge asked, seeing'Skinny, I'm the Leniest' standing still and not attacking.

"Oh, here's coming." The thin man instantly instilled like a fool and realized afterwards, he recovered from the sluggishness and joined the battle.

How could the system condone such terrible skills? Are all those programmers stupid? Are they all blind? Why can't I get it? Although the thin man has recovered, his whole person is still uncomfortable, and he can't accept this fact for a while.

With the combined efforts of the ten people, it didn't take long for the attack that could have made them rout just like this. There was no waves and no one was injured.

The deer are very stingy and only contributed a bunch of materials and five or six pieces of fingernail-sized apocalyptic ooze.

After the fusion of the long sword hate song, the apocalyptic ooze is now the size of two fingers, and the equipment can also be immune to more damage.

Watching Changjian Henge withdraw all these materials, the thin man's face couldn't help showing a trace of surprise, and he was puzzled:

Hey, is Changjian Hengge's backpack infinite? Can you put so much material? Or is it the habit of Changjian Hengge not preparing spare equipment? Impossible, this habit should be there, otherwise, what should I do if I encounter a long battle? Well, I know there is definitely a problem with her backpack grid.

Phew, how could Yuye hold such materials? There should be more than 20 materials he has collected from just now to now? The backpack is not full yet? Could it be that his backpack also has large capacity? Hey, how come he only has a few pieces of jewelry and weapons? What about the rest of the equipment? Is it hidden or not worn?

It wasn't until this moment that the thin man noticed this very serious problem and couldn't help himself for a while.

If it’s hidden, it’s fine and acceptable, but if it’s rainy night without wearing equipment, then...

Hmm, it must have hidden the equipment, and I also hide it, saying that the equipment on the thin man is also ordinary, revealing the novice pants and novice vest, he is still so self-righteous.

Hey, how did Gemini get the snack out of the backpack? Dried beef? pork jerky? Spicy strips? I, Cao, even eaten unscrupulously, one bag, two bags, three bags, I Cao, are their backpacks bottomless?

He has a feeling of living in a dream, a feeling of being a poor man? Have a feeling of being pitted by the system? This is too fake.

"Hey, Brother Skinny? Would you like some meat supplements, you are too skinny." Long Jian broke through the sky watching the skinny guy throw a pack of beef jerky with clear eyes.

"Yes, yes, you are welcome, they are all from the same team, come here, and give you a bag." The short sword broke the sky likewise, harassing, his eyes full of brotherhood.

Puff, looking at the two bags of meat in his hands, the thin man spit out two mouthfuls of blood in depression, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh...

Could it be said that a backpack with ten squares is a lie? Only I have it? It shouldn't, the fat man only has ten squares! Did I destroy the earth in my last life, or did I trigger some terrific plot clue? Various thoughts surfaced in the thin man's mind, and some doubted himself.

It's impossible to think about it again. It must be because I am too handsome. The system deliberately cheated me.

In the traditional online games, the backpack expansion stones are directly in the hands of specific NPCs for players to purchase. Although the prices are high, they are acceptable. However, he has not found any NPCs who buy and sell expansion stones. He didn't believe that Changjian Henge could find the NPC of the backpack expansion stone first.

Thinking of this, the thin guy suddenly reacted, maybe it is really possible. If that is the case, then the operability...

If someone can see the skinny backpack, he can find that he has a total of ten squares, of which eight pieces of equipment account for eight, and the remaining two squares contain speed potions and blood recovery potions.

Warriors do not need blue medicine, nor do they have to waste the only grid.

As for the harvest collected just now, it is naturally handed over to the captain for preservation. This is also the normal state of the team, and it is also a bit of skinny and small selfishness.

Anyway, I gave it to You can take what you can take, if you can’t take it, you have to cash it in for me.

Changjian Hengge did not make any comments on this, on the contrary, she wrapped her harvest in front of him one by one. In fact, she was eager for the thin man to be like this. At this moment, seeing that the thin man had already taken the bait, the corners of Changjian Hengge's mouth could not help but reveal the conspiracy. Smile.

Whether the backpack expansion stone can be sold for a good price depends on this one. From the moment that Changjian Hengge invited the thin man to join the team, he had already started planning this round.

As for the exaggerated gestures of Gemini and the small signs of showing off wealth from the rest of the members Enron, they were arranged by Changjian Hengge. The fish has bitten the dog, and now he has to wait for him to swallow a little deeper, and pay a greater price. a little.

Ah, you said it is possible for the fish to decouple? Impossible, no one can resist the temptation of the backpack expansion stone.

After the three waves were cleared, one and a half hours had passed. After everyone had cleared the spoils, a faint system prompt came from the void after the blood volume returned to full:

Note: When everyone knows that Rainy Night’s backpack contains 100 cleaning pills, they have increased the price by 50% to buy them, wanting to maintain their own image of a beautiful woman in the world, especially the thin man as a cleanliness madman of Virgo. It uses a hundred gold coins to buy one tenth of the rainy night.

Between cleanliness and money saving, he still chooses cleanliness.

The clean pill of one gold coin was sold ten times the value by Rainy Night. His face could not help showing a shy and blushing look. It would be better for such a fool to have a little more. That would be 10,000 Chinese coins. Ah, that's the purchasing power of countless meats.

Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully cleaning up the third wave of sika deer, hereby reward the equipment: imprinted helmet. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~