Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 194: Beheading

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? Asking for help to no avail, Yu Ye came to the village chief's room again, he wanted the teacher to join the battle.

Yuye's idea is very simple. Join an absolute strong, NPC uncles and player uncles should be able to die less.

However, the old village chief did not appear either, still hiding in the dark like a ghost.

However, he sent the stupid tiger who followed him on weekdays to kill the enemy...

It was already 12 o'clock at noon, and many players were offline to eat or rest.

Rainy night is no exception. After a few sips, he returns to the game again.

Today’s day is too special, rainy night is very anxious.

And today, several teachers asked for leave for some reason. Gentle can also enter the game and play wantonly.

Yu Ye didn't want to let Gentle get involved in this battle and fall into this whirlpool, but he was always stubborn, but Gentle had to agree, provided that Gentle must stay in an absolute safe zone.


An hour later, the fourth wave of attacks arrived as scheduled.

One million monsters and five hundred silver-level archer bosses are the main force of this battle.

The follower beast under the seat of God of Cooking: The colorful giant tiger showed a terrifying side for the first time, incarnate in a crazy offensive over 20 meters, and successfully blocked one-tenth of the pressure.

A series of tactics such as tiger roar, tiger flutter, energy cannon, etc. were issued from the hands of the stupid tiger. For a time, the momentum of the novice village increased greatly, and one after another, the enemy was killed.

This is the case. Novice Village successfully survived this wave of crises at half the price of destruction, and the number of NPCs is very small.

At a glance, all are the tedious scenes of ruined walls, no return to the past, collapsed city walls, burning flames, and flowing plasma. The priest is treating the wounded, and the NPC looks at the front blankly. People are heartbroken.

Rao Shi Xinshou Village has long been made of copper and iron walls, and it still looks like this.

There are more than a thousand fighters in the Novice Village, and there is not one left at this moment.

Bass let them break the wall and attack again. They did not disobey the order or act without authorization.

After the city was broken, they fought in the forefront and most dangerous area one by one with red eyes, avenging their relatives and blood for their brothers.

In just half an hour, they were killed and wounded, but the brilliant record they created could not be obliterated, and the heroic deeds will also be remembered in everyone's heart. At least they killed a hundred monsters. This is a terror. The numerical value.

Their sacrifice was worthwhile, and the destruction of Xinshou Village was delayed by two hours.

Every wound of Buzz's body was leaking dark green blood, and he was poisoned, but Buzz's expression and movement were like a vajra pouring, without the slightest change, as if these injuries were not for him.

He is one of the only five NPCs left in Novice Village...

Looking at the blacksmith shop which is still intact at the moment, a smile appeared on the corner of the tough guy's mouth.

There is his home, his root, and the place he needs to guard.

The owner of the weapon shop is the same. His equipment has long been tattered and there is no luster. A wound is drawn directly from the big dragon behind, and blood is pouring out. If it is not for the timely treatment of the priest, he will die soon. The rest There are countless small wounds, and strong black gas even emerges in many places;

The big knife in his hand has already had a lot of gaps. It is not worthy of its power, but it is still a good knife, a good knife that can slaughter monsters.

He is the second remaining NPC in Novice Village...

The third one is the lady of the tailor shop...

The fourth is the bearded owner of the pharmacy...

Note: Xinshou Village does not have no pharmacy, but there is an automatic pharmacy machine in the Xiaojindanliang grocery store.

The fifth place is the pastor who healed them hard...

Note: Players can restore blood to npc, but the effect will be reduced by 50%.

As for that stupid tiger because the goal was too big and too public, he was besieged and killed in the first forty minutes, disappeared, and sincerely showed everyone what it means: ants kill elephants.

But before it disappeared, it made a grimace towards the rainy night. I think it shouldn't be a big problem.

The fifth wave of attacks, if you still follow this offensive, Novice Village should be able to withstand it, but if the forces increase, then Novice Village will undoubtedly be destroyed.

This time the attack was like a fishbone choking on the throat, which was uncomfortable.

But everyone was very puzzled: Why didn't the God of Cook appear until the battle had progressed? Why doesn't the village chief appear?

Could it be that they all escaped? The only remaining 200,000 players in Novice Village are suffocating in their hearts and want to ask them face to face.

For three hours, everyone blocked the fourth wave of attacks with difficulty, but did not give everyone too much opportunity to breathe. In ten minutes, the fifth wave of monsters attacked the village again.

This time: one million monsters, five hundred silver-level boss archers and gold-level bosses.

This time, I can only fight it hard.

Long sword hate song issued a convening order to gather all the masters of Novice Village, and discuss with them: How to kill the golden boss?

Yes, Changjian Hengge wants to perform a beheading operation.

After some observations, the golden-level humanoid boss archer seems to be the leader. With him, the difficulty of defending the city will definitely increase a lot. If you can find a way to remove it, this wave should be able to defend.

"President, shall we go? We will be and definitely live up to expectations." Gemini volunteered and said loudly.

There are all kinds of players among these masters, but they lack top assassins.

Changjian Hengge thought for a moment, seeming to weigh the pros and cons, and finally nodded in agreement.

After discussing the countermeasures at a very fast speed, everyone jumped out, ready to find a best place to ambush the gold boss.

There were not too many people in the action this time. It was a rainy night with a total of 20 people. Two pastors, Qingrou and Mu'er, were also in the ranks.

Everyone wanted to gently summon the golden light to help kill the enemy, but they got a negative answer. This plan could only be shelved.

Changjian Hengge looked at the team in front of him, slightly worried.

They have different abilities and different techniques, and I don't know if they can cooperate and exert their due combat power in a while.

Hey, no one can say all this is bad, and then it will only be possible to see everyone's performance on the spot.

Everyone set up an ambush, and there was bad news from Gemini, and the two blushed slightly: "President, we were killed in a second."

Ah, everything is difficult at the beginning, but this head is too difficult. If the boss cannot be attracted, then this plan...there is no need for it.

Seeing this sentence in the temporary team of twenty people, everyone's head appeared constipated.

These two people are a little unreliable...

However, even so, they did not volunteer to go to Yinguai.

"I'll go, aunt." Just as Qingtian stepped forward, Yu Ye suddenly stepped out and looked at Changjian Henge and said confidently, and nodded with a soft smile. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~