Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 195: Yinguai

Seeing Qingrou's small mouth pursing, her eyes showing worry, some meaning that she didn't want to put her brother in danger, Yu Ye hurried over and rubbed her soft hair, softly said a few words in her ear.

After smiling softly, he took a step and moved quickly in the direction of the boss, Kongliu Qingtian was messy in the wind, and black lines appeared on his forehead, and the one stepped out and was suspended in the air. I don't know where to put his feet...

   The scene was once awkward...

  This holy dragon? Why do you keep fighting against yourself? Why do you want to steal the limelight again and again? Is it fun? Happy?

Although Qingtian was full of anger, the scene always came back round: I saw Qingtian's suspended foot instantly landed on the ground, and the other heel came up, his arms were raised and he did a few movements, looking at the setting sun in the distance with a calm expression. He said to himself: "Uh, cough, the sunshine today is very good, not bad."

  The players who watched Qingtian's move, at this moment, are holding back a smile, turning their backs and fearing that Qingtian will hear it.

   In case Qingtian, who is in a rage, gives a weighing world...that would be so resentful.


   The adult world is too complicated, but the two cute little ones, soft and muer, don’t care so much or Qingtian’s feelings. At this moment, they are smiling with tiger teeth and showing no face.

   A clear and sweet laugh, like a oriole scream, fell in Qingtian's ears, like a sarcasm with a sharp knife.

   Great Sky: %¥#%……¥

   There are 10,000 swear words in my heart and 10,000 drafts in my mind, but I can’t get angry with the two little cuties.

   Hey, this breath has to be swallowed and tolerated.

   But the resentment towards Yuye in my heart deepens a bit. We must make him look good and make him look good...

   Qingtian said silently dozens of times in his heart, and imagined dozens of scenes of killing rainy nights in his mind, and the anger in his heart only decreased a little.


  There are many ways to attract strangers. Yuye decided to use provocation first.

   The four flus raged like a sharp arrow, like a flowing air current, and all hit.

  Perhaps the damage value of rainy night is too low, it doesn't hurt or itchy, the golden boss archer didn't even twist his head, after all, many players now attack the golden boos with artillery fire.

   You need to know that it is a gold-level boss, the first gold-level boss in Novice Village, if you are lucky enough to get the final blow and pick up some equipment, you can make a profit.

   With such a mentality, with a fluke mentality, there are naturally not a few people attacking the gold boss.

   However, there is more than one skill for attracting monsters in the rainy night, and the Eyesight technique is activated to check the monster's attributes.

   You have to know that he used the Eyesight Technique on Yinguang continuously before it caught its attention and was hunted down.

   Repeating the old technique at this moment should be effective.

   However, this is not over yet, and the theft technique is activated instantly.

   Two-pronged approach.

   Ding, the detection failed due to the monster level being too high, should you try again?


   Ding, the theft failed, and a little attention was drawn to the target. Do you continue to steal?


   Sometimes attracting blame requires more than just force, but more intelligence.

  Ding, detection failed.

   The theft failed.

   Rainy night is not irritable, the skills are cooled down and used directly, slowly.

   Not only is there no hurry on the rainy night, but the people who have been ambushing over there are not panicked.

   Their patience is very good...

After all,    can stand out from millions of people, and none of them are simple characters.

   Some even rely on the terrain to arrange traps in order to delay the battle for a while.


five minutes later.

  Ding, the monster's attributes have been verified, do you want to check it?


   Ding, the theft failed, causing the anger of the gold boss, please avoid it in time.

   Uh, after hearing such a system prompt, Yuye raised his head just to meet the eyes of the humanoid boss, and hurriedly speeded up and ran backwards in a daze. At the same time, he sent the attributes of the boss to a team of twenty people.

   "The monster has successfully attracted hatred, please be prepared."

  Name: Golden Archer

   Introduction: A small captain in the archer camp of the Celestial camp, with amazing arm strength.

   Level: 15

   Grade: Gold

  Quality: Supreme

  Physical attack power: 4000

  Magic attack power: 500

  Physical defense: 1000

  Magic defense: 1000

  HP: 2000000

  Magic value: 100000

  Agility: 200

   Skill 1: Stun Arrow-After hitting the target, it causes stun for two seconds, and at the same time additional 6000 points of damage.

   Cooling time: one minute

   Skill consumption: 1000

   Skill 2: Burst Arrow-After hitting the target, it will cause 8000 damage, and the effects of serious injury and splashing will be added. The splashing damage is 3200.

   Cooling time: 30 seconds

   Skill consumption: 1000

   Skill Three: Burst—A quick strike on the target, each attack causes 3,200 damage, a total of six times.

   Cooling time: one minute

   Skill consumption: 1000

   Skill 4: Heavy Arrows-Accumulate power for 0.5 seconds, causing 10,000 damage to the target and interrupting its skills.

   Cooling time: five seconds

   Skill consumption: 100

   Passive skills: violent: the blood volume is less than 50% to turn on violent, each attribute is increased by 50%, duration: ten minutes.


   As soon as the gold-level boss left, the crowd in Novice Village exploded, and there was a lot of discussion, and some grumpy people directly asked Novice Village Channel:

   "Who is attracting blame? Who is taking away the golden boss!"

   "md, don't give a chance? Eat alone?" Another grumpy voice also sounded.

   "I saw that all the so-called masters of Novice Village had come out of the village, could it be them?" Someone gave a guess.


   "md, bring me back Lao Tzu's gold-level boss, hug and eat meat, don't even leave the soup for us?"

   "Chong, take back the golden boss."

  Uh, Rainy Night, Changjian Henge and others did not expect this problem at all in a At this moment, facing the irritable crowd, it is inevitable that they are a little at a loss.

   Changjian Hengge understands that you cannot give an explanation or answer directly at this time, otherwise the smearing will definitely get darker!

   In the next second, all players who wanted to rush through the monster's block line to grab monsters died without exception.

   The monster torrent is too exaggerated, they can't rush through...

   Helpless, helpless, helpless.

   The most painful thing in the world is this: the boss is over there, but you are here, with a torrent of water in between.

   The swearing voice came to the top for a while, and the masters in Novice Village on the 999th were all blacklisted.


Of course, everyone was dismissive of this situation. Forgetting it, they quietly read the information of the gold-level boss, then glanced at each other and nodded to reach a consensus. This boss is not very powerful. It should be about the hour.

   "Prepare." Changjian Henge pushed her body to the ground as much as possible, holding her breath and waiting for the arrival of the golden boss.

   However, fantasy is beautiful and reality is cruel.

   Rainy Night is not only a gold-level archer, but also ten silver-level archer bosses.

   There are eleven in total, and everyone is a little dumbfounded.

   "The little baby who doesn't have the same hair is really unreliable." The fat man was the first to ridicule, and his voice was so loud that everyone present could hear it. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends