Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 196: 11 curses

"Wow, how do you fight? One person, one head? I want to fight ten, ten." Qiangu came out and pretended to be x.

   "Well, good, you beat you, let you." Everyone said in unison, the eternal pit was instantly withered...

   "Come on, get dry."


   There is no doubt that this is a huge challenge, but it is also a huge opportunity. How many equipment can ten silver-level bosses explode? Everyone should be able to replace the unsatisfactory equipment.

  Where can I meet so many bosses? Can you meet such a good place to hone your skills? Everyone is already eager to try and move around.

   Immediately after the rainy night, the attributes of the silver-level boss were sent to the team.

   Silver-level bosses are not so powerful, but they have one million HP and 2,000 attack power.

   swish swish, in the next second countless bows and arrows were shot from the rear, like falling raindrops at an astonishing speed, as if the horror of the powerful bullets coming out of the chamber.

   However, with only eleven bows and arrows, it is still possible to avoid the rainy night. Such a long S-shaped position is not a waste of practice.

   咚咚咚, there are eleven big pits on the ground...

   God operator: Shengtian quickly allocated a plan, marked the silver-level boss, let people fight one by one, and besieged the gold-level boss as soon as possible after being resolved.

   Everyone has heard of the player who sent the Dragon Touring Guild to the top on his own, and there is not much objection to his plan at this moment.

   Work started.

  The area chosen by everyone is a canyon, which can weaken the archer's range to the greatest extent.

  The venue is definitely the advantage of Changjian Henge.

   Everyone chooses their opponents and starts to work.

  The first person to bear the brunt is Qingtian, and I don't know if he is reckless or other factors, he even directly activates the skill: Weighing Heaven and Earth.

   Is he not afraid of his own death? Are you afraid that the old horse will stumble?

   Ding ding ding, the rotation of the dice stops above the ‘speed’.

   Haha, speed is the strength of archers, but it is also the strength of Qingtian.

   Two comparisons, Qingtian wins.

   A majestic silver-level boss has not yet bloomed its unique ferociousness, and before Qingtian can see his horror, he died directly... and was killed by a spike.

   Qingtian: Half of my attributes suppress the silver-level boss, 50% probability that I will not use the skill: Weigh the world? Am I a mallet?

After killing one head, a full five or six pieces of silver-level equipment were left on the ground, and Qingtian threw them to the auction house. Even if the silver-level equipment is a bit bad now, it can also bring Qingtian three to four thousand Chinese. Currency income.

   Then he eagerly came to the second archer and wanted to try and kill.

   After all, in addition to Huaxia coins, a silver-level boss can also provide 3000 experience points, which is already a lot of value.

   However, this time he didn't have as good luck as before, and he turned into white light and returned to Novice Village.

   can't attack, there is only so much he can do.

   But before he died, he seemed to be very angry, and cursed: wm, holy dragon? Can you change your personal pit?

   Uh, what happened to the rainy night? Could it be that Rainy Night used the blessing skill again?

   As expected, the rainy night with a smile on his face is showing great power and opening and closing, and every hit can cause a lot of damage to his silver-level archer.




   The monster's blood volume dropped very quickly, maybe he could become the second existence after Qingtian to kill the boss.

   "My Cao, why is the damage of the Holy Dragon so high?"

   "It's not normal."

   "Does he have the ability to multiply attacks? Or is it immune to monsters?"

   All those present are masters and all have seen the world. At this moment, they can see through the rainy night and give countless guesses.

In addition to Qingtian and Rainy Night, the most dazzling existence is the dark ghost hand, who uses position, card position, and consciousness to turn a silver-level archer boss around, especially after getting close to the boss. Can't let go, can only stand in place like a wooden stake and be chopped under the horse by the dark ghost.

   Everyone is a top-notch master, and they are well-equipped top-notch masters, so dealing with a silver-level boss is no problem at all.

   However, the frontal Changjian Hengge, Shouzi and others are under much more pressure. After all, the gold-level boss and the silver-level are so different that they cannot be generalized.

  Note: Gold bosses can slowly recover blood.

   has a bonus to blood regeneration, and the difficulty is even higher.

   After half an hour, under the concerted efforts of everyone, ten silver bosses like guards were finally beheaded.

   As for the distribution of equipment, it is natural for whoever is suitable to take it. After all, most of the equipment nowadays is still silver, one or two pieces of gold, and there is a demand.

   Everyone freed their hands, and the end of the golden boss had arrived.

   Rainy night did not show up in the limelight, and once again used blessing toward Qingtian, "Hate" was not activated, and the plague world was not activated.

   Rao, the damage of rainy night also firmly occupy the first position.

   Qingtian really wants to give Yuye a knife, no, a thousand dollars.

   This kid has such a weird skill? Are you talking about blessing yourself? Actually steal your own attributes? How could he be so cheap? Who created such a cheap skill?

After Qingtian was resurrected, he has been serving as a tank position. After all, he cannot attack. The super high blood volume is just right as a meat shield. However, after the attribute is divided by Rainy Night in half, he is uncomfortable and every blow he withstands is more painful than before. Doubled.

   Sunder armor, Sunder armor, stun, slow down, everyone's negative skills one after another, and the damage varies from high to low.




   However, some people will die. The boss shoots two arrows. The damage is not too high...

   The fighting is going on here. UU Reading

   However, the Novice Village on the other side is somewhat unsupported...

   There are currently two sets of towering buildings in Xinshou Village: one is the room where the village chief lives, and the other is the room where the blacksmith shop is located.

   There seemed to be an inexplicable deterrent from these two places. The monsters did not dare to approach or attack at all, so they could only shout from a distance.

   Players can take a short rest here.

   As for the area where the resurrection stone is already occupied by monsters, once the player dies, they can only continue to die...

  咚, the forbidden curse that descended from the sky disperses, like a blossoming flame descending from the sky, taking away the breath of a lot of monster life.

  咚, there was another sound, and a large area of ​​Buddha was turned into a thunder purgatory, and all the monsters in it died.

   The third forbidden curse, the field of ice, the fourth forbidden curse, the bright wind.


   The Forbidden Curse is like fireworks, one after another, a full eleven, Buzz pulls ten others, and Grandma Sun releases the last one.

   Ten Forbidden Curses are the last inventory of Novice Village and the hope of the last comeback.

   But the effect was amazing. It killed nearly 400,000 monsters, including all the silver-level bosses, and gave Novice Village a great opportunity to breathe, especially the release of the resurrection stone.

Uh, this is probably the saddest and most aggrieved way of death for a silver-level boss... I want to talk to more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", and follow "Hot Net Wen or rdww444" on WeChat and more Book friends chat about favorite books