Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 20: Two-tailed venomous scorpion

Imprint helmet? Hearing such a system prompt, everyone's eyes couldn't help but converge on Changjian Hengge's body, to be precise, on the imprinted helmet in Changjian Heng Singer.

The crowd killed 70 tyrannical sika deer. This is the first time they have seen the equipment. The first complete equipment is close at hand. Can their curiosity be strong? And this is the equipment rewarded by the system, and there will definitely be special skills blessings.

Long Sword Hate Song directly pastes the attributes of the imprinted helmet to the team channel:

Name: Marked Helmet-Heavy Armor

Introduction: The system reward for defeating three waves of tyrannical sika deer.

Suitable profession: Warrior, Paladin, Druid, Wingman

Level: Ten

Class: Silver

Quality: Normal

Durability: 85

Strength +10

Constitution +5

Physical Attack +10

Health +300

Additional special effects: Plum Blossom Mark-a directional skill. After successful release, the Plum Blossom Mark will be added to the hitter. Detonation can directly cause double physical damage.

Cooling time: 120 seconds

Mana consumption: 1000

This skill is definitely a magical outfit for warriors. It has +800 HP, +20 points of attack, and additional special effects. The most important thing is that the double magic damage of special effects is converted into explosive physical damage. It is very considerate, otherwise there is no magic bonus. If a successful soldier wears this piece of equipment, this stunt is considered useless.

Additional special effect 2: Doomsday offset-After wearing, fighting against monsters with doomsday aura will offset its 20 points of damage.

Phew, the value of this piece of equipment is immeasurable, immeasurable, a powerful special effect, a powerful special effect, directly let it enter the ranks of the pinnacle.

Comparing this piece of equipment, looking at the golden equipment that Batu created, the golden equipment of Batu is nothing to mention.

In fact, this is not to blame Batu, that set of golden equipment is a casual work, although the attributes are low, but the skills on it are stronger than the other, it is no exaggeration to say that the skills on it are long enough Sword Hate Song is used at level 30.

Gudong, someone suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva in a quiet, vacuum-like environment, and his facial expression was extremely exaggerated.

There was a sound, and several other sounds of swallowing saliva followed.

The eyes of the few people in the Dragon Touring Guild toward the thin man gradually became a little uncomfortable. It is absolutely impossible for this piece of equipment to be handed over. This is their common idea.

But how can the thin man give up seeing such top-quality equipment, his eyes are a little red, his breathing is a little quick, and he calmly speaks, as if he is afraid that the sword hate song will suddenly put it away: "The sword hate song, this equipment for you How are you going to distribute it?"

When he said this, he showed his vigor outside, and even had a faint tendency to attack when he didn't agree with him.

It is unwise to have fewer enemies and more enemies, and with the rainy night bug, he is not sure how far he can be suppressed.

"This equipment is useless if I keep it. Give it to you." Changjian Hengge didn't seem to see the thin man's expression or his careful thoughts, and directly threw this piece of equipment to him, as if she What was lost was not an invaluable peak equipment, but a humble black iron equipment?

For a moment, the thin man was stunned, but still relying on years of reaction to receive the helmet in his hand, the Gemini, Lao Niu, and Qingshan scholars were stunned, and the rainy night was also stunned. What happened? The equipment with such an explosive attribute is so handed over? What does Auntie think?

While sending a text message to Changjian Henge, Gemini walked forward and shook her shoulder, trying to get an explanation.

Although the rest of the people did not step forward, the doubts and questions in their eyes were obviously abnormal.

"Long Sword Hate Song, what do you mean?" Doubts appeared in the thin man's eyes, as if waves were set off by a quiet lake. Although the equipment in his hand was a little heavy, the thin man still felt that all this was a little unreal.

"It's just one piece of equipment, and your strength is well known to us. You can use this piece of equipment to show your strongest strength. Who wouldn't you give it to? No one here is more suitable than you." Changjian Hengge pretended With a pure look that I could not understand the meaning of your words, he asked righteously.

Those dark eyes, which were as clear as the blue sky and white clouds, made people want to believe what she said.

Uh, the thin man only uttered one syllable, and he didn't speak. He really didn't know how to face the Changjian Hengge, and he was extremely ashamed. Hey, it turned out to be this way to treat a gentleman like a villain.

The other ten people were dumbfounded and a little disbelieved when they heard the system prompt, but in a blink of an eye they saw Changjian Henge's reply to them, and they immediately understood:

Don't lose big because of small.

Several people shut up immediately, not talking.

The thin man slowly equipped this piece of equipment in the eyes of everyone's jealousy, and its attributes were slightly improved. It was the first time that he equipped the equipment with special effects. He could not wait for a sika deer to appear in front of him to test it.

However, after some joy, he found a serious problem? Where to put the replaced equipment? Is it possible to throw it away? No, absolutely not. This equipment was sold for 300,000 Hua Xia coins. He was reluctant to let him throw 300,000 Hua Xia coins. It would be better to kill him.

Hey, the thin forehead brightened and thought of a great idea. He squinted and squeezed the clear eyes of Bad and Changjian Hengge. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and discussed like a weasel: "Captain~www.mtlnovel. com~I can't take advantage of you, no, this piece of equipment..."

In order to maximize the benefits, the thin man called out the captain unwillingly.

"If you still have a little conscience, knowing that one thing is exchanged for another thing, I will reluctantly accept it." A hot stream sprayed from the old cow's nose, and he hummed forward and took the piece of equipment in his hand.

"Brother Niu, wait a minute, I didn't mean that." The skinny face was as ugly as he had eaten bitter gourd and coptis. He didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, but he still bit for 300,000 Chinese coins. Ya stopped speaking out loud.

"Well, skinny, I'll save it for you, and I will give you the copy intact." Changjian Hengge was very considerate at this time, and took the piece of equipment and put it in the backpack to help the skinny.

"Yeah, it's better to be the captain, don't worry, I promise to be very strong in the next battle." The thin man was moved by his nose, and quickly let out his bold words.

Ding, the first and fourth waves of attacks are coming soon, so please prepare for the Dragon Touring Guild.

Before Longjian Hengge could speak, an abrupt system prompt sounded. There was no time to react or to the civil strife. The people hurriedly set up a fighting posture and prepared to fight.

On both sides of the two gloomy turning points, the rock walls at this moment rippled gently like the surface of a lake. After a while, the ripples became larger and larger, and finally two dark holes appeared directly like bubbles bursting.

At this moment, there were four strange mouths, and the hearts of ten people suddenly fell silent.

Changjian Hengge quickly retelled the content of the intelligence: "The fourth wave of monsters is a twelve-headed two-tailed poisonous scorpion. Please pay attention to it and don't take it lightly." I want to chat with more like-minded people on "Online Games". The Plague Master", WeChat follow "Excellent Literature" to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~