Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 21: Venom splash

With these two pieces of information alone, these three pieces of information can be bought without loss, and some are even worth the money.

Last night, those wild groups that cannot be underestimated supported the death of the sixth wave of poisonous scorpions. On the one hand, there are factors that instantly strengthen the attributes of the double-moon floating monsters, but on the other hand, it can also show the strength of these double-tailed poisonous scorpions. Out of their horror.

The faint plum fragrance in the air is slowly dissipating, replaced by a gray-green poisonous fog slowly spreading, and a faint fishy smell drifting by; the bright light is slowly dimming, and heaven is turning to hell.

Everyone can feel these subtle situations. As the poisonous fog gets closer, it means that the two-tailed poisonous scorpion is getting closer and closer to them.

Sisi, the scorpion group has not yet been threatened by ultra-low sound waves, which makes people horrible, the hairs are as if the roots are erected in the cold, and the ears are extremely uncomfortable; in a blink of an eye, three heads are drilled from four turning points one by one. A poisonous scorpion with a stench.

You can see the shape of these scorpions clearly when you get closer. Each is about the size of a calf, and it may be longer if you count the tail.

The eye-catching black all over his body seemed to be poured out of ink; it shone with a faint cyan luster, as if it was covered with a thin layer of wax, like a light veil.

The two large pliers with rough and fierce awns on the front end clashed loudly. The two big pincers collided with each other, making a harsh sound and bursting out a little spark like a metal and iron strike. The strength of the front pincers must not be weakened. watch for.

The vellus hair on it is like yellow-black sharp thorns, I don't know what special function it has?

A green light radiated from the small eyes, like a ghost fire shining in a graveyard; the sound between the opening and closing of the scorpion's mouth, like a bass wave passing by, was very uncomfortable.

The two scorpion tails swinging at will at the rear are the top priority. For seven knots, the barb at the end is the only red color on the body of the scorpion. The toxin contained in it can be imagined. If it is stung, its combat effectiveness It will definitely drop five floors.

In addition, the six short legs are very coordinated and move forward quickly.

The eyes of the nine people shifted to Rainy Night together. The meaning is already obvious. After Rainy Night did the same thing, the green and misty light in the eyes flashed past the attributes of the two-tailed poisonous scorpion on the team panel:

Name: Two-tailed Venomous Scorpion

Introduction: The first and fourth wave monsters of the tenth level dungeon have general attributes. Please attack at will.

Hey, this leading text appears again.

Level: Ten

Class: Bronze

Quality: Elite Monster

Physical attack power: 300

Huh, such a low attack power? It's really average.

Magic attack power: 300

Huh, magic attack power is so low? what happened?

Physical defense: 200

Magical Defense: 200

Grass, double resistance is so low? Is it because the system sends experience?

Health value: 50000

Magic value: 10000

Agility: 60

Except for agility, the rest of the attributes are really average, and there are not many, which is great for us.

Skill 1: Double Claws-swing double claws to attack the enemy, causing stun for one second after hitting, causing 1000 fixed damage.

Cooling time: 30/s

Mana consumption: 500

Attack speed: slow

Skill 2: Venom splash-the scorpion launches a venom attack forward, hitting the player will cause 1500 fixed damage, and a miss will be formed on the ground for 30 seconds, a range of 1 times 1 meter venom area, in the venom area Of players will suffer 100 magic attack damage every second.

Seeing that everyone was speechless with this skill, in such a large cave, even if the scorpion venom was exhausted, it was impossible to densely cover the whole cave. This skill is basically a waste skill. Is the system a conscience discovery?

The others are very relaxed and calm, but Changjian Henge and Shouzi are not happy. If there are enough such creatures...their sense of worry seems to be born with them.

Cooling time: 60/s

Mana consumption: 500

Attack speed: slightly faster

After watching the attributes, there was no suspense. The crowd and the scorpion group immediately met each other. They found out that the attack speed specially marked by the system: slow, what does it mean? The speed of the double claws is simply not too slow, they have plenty of time to avoid.

Although the second skill is slightly faster, the scorpion tail's attack can also get out of the crowd. As for the venom on the ground, just keep it away.

Changjian Henge and Shouzi each have two poisonous scorpions, and the other one has one.

Ten minutes later, everyone effortlessly turned the twelve poisonous scorpions into experience and the materials in everyone's backpacks.

The big pincers and the scorpion tail are absolutely valuable, and the scorpion armor is harvesting happily in the rainy night.

The thin man shamelessly handed the materials to Changjian Hengge, hoping that she could save it temporarily. Of course, Changjian Hengge took it with a smile.

Perhaps because of the low strength of these poisonous scorpions, there was no piece of apocalyptic slime, and everyone was a little depressed.

After the collection is completed, the corpses of the scorpion group disappeared, and at the same time the next system prompt sounded:

Ding, the first and fifth waves of double-tailed venomous scorpions are coming soon, please prepare the team "Guild Dragon Touring".

Prepare for war. Longjian Hengge gave the order.

It didn't take long for to sound more uncomfortable than before, and the next moment there were poisonous scorpions from the turning point, and it didn't stop until the number of sixty.

"President, how to fight?" Seeing such a scene, Lao Niu had some soft legs and some vague words. As a two-meter-tall man, he was never afraid of heaven and earth, but today he suddenly found himself Some are afraid of scorpions, especially scorpions who go out in groups.

I don't know if it is intensive phobia or poison phobia, but no matter what the reason, the strength of the old cow has dropped by three levels and has not run away.

"Sao Ye, the disaster of a single body." Long Jian Henge reluctantly issued this order. This is the second wave and the trump card of Rainy Night is needed. God knows what will happen in the next third wave. Then they will again How to face it.

Yu Ye's spirit condensed, his eyes focused on modeling the position of the poisonous scorpion in his mind one by one, and then he began to attack one by one.




There is no need to waste much time for only sixty single disasters. After thirty seconds, those poisonous scorpions were already behind the rainy night and refused to give up.

Everyone started the journey of spawning monsters, but there was one thing that was uncomfortable: As the venom of the poisonous scorpion attacked more and more, everyone would soon have no place to stay.

Changjian Hengge just wanted to remind Rainy Night and let him run back and forth in a straight line, so that he would definitely have enough time to kill these poisonous scorpions.

However, the words of Changjian Hengge have not yet been spoken, and the rainy night has already begun regular exercise. In fact, he has considered this problem before and has worked out a solution. The rainy night's seriousness, rigor, and anticipation of dangerous environments exceed Everyone’s perception. I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, chat about life, and find friends~