Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 221: Legendary power

In the last sentence, Batu suddenly roared, like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests and beasts coming out of its cage, exuding the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, as if to release all the depression that had been suppressed in his heart.

In the next second, the situation will change color...

The croaking of frogs like music, and the ensemble of crickets like Huazhang, all returned to calm at this moment, turning into stones without making any sound, even if they tried to tremble the vocal cords in their throats, it would not help.

The roar of disorderly monsters in the distance and the huge galloping noise also calmed down at this moment, as if there was an invisible big hand pinching their throat.

The entire Novice Village fell into deathly silence.

In the rainy night, feeling the infection of the tranquil atmosphere in the air, try to make my breathing as stable as possible and dare not make any big movements.

Did Big Brother Batu say he was going to make a breakthrough? Promoted to legend?

Rainy night's little heart thumped and thumped, worrying for Batu.

The two moons illuminate the earth, and the rays of light enlighten creatures.

After Batu roared out, the air suddenly became misty with mist. At first, it didn't feel any strange on the rainy night, but as time went on, the rainy night was surprised to find that the mist was converging towards a certain point.

And this point is Batu...

As for the origin of the mist, rainy nights don’t know...

When the white mist enveloped the whole village of Novice Village, from the outside, the whole area was like a large cocoon wrapped in white mist, and there seemed to be something to be gestated in it.

The beasts outside the village instinctively crawled in this direction, not daring to show the slightest disrespect, even if they had been mutated and strengthened.

Fog and thunder.

Everything is a natural phenomenon, but it contains the majesty of the sky and the power of rules.

Below the epic, all are ants.

This is especially true for legends above the epic level. The gap between epics and legends cannot be described in words.

It can only be roughly based on the data: only one legendary powerhouse can appear among thousands of epic powerhouses.

And hundreds of thousands of Zijin-level powerhouses have just been able to produce an epic-level powerhouse.

Ka, the rainy night felt the pressure from the sky for the first time, and it was completely different from the previous feeling, and the whole body's bones played a short movement again.

Even if it was the eighth day of the gods exuding power, Yu Ye would never give in to what she thought in her heart, but under the influence of this force, Yu Ye bent her knees naturally without any thoughts of resistance in her heart.

At the same time, the rainy night came out



-10000 damage, hurriedly activated absolute defense under the big hack, and life was worry-free in a short time.

Batu in the center of the circle felt this power carefully, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth after a long time.

"It turns out that this is legendary power."

After finishing speaking, there was a sound from his body that was like turning a switch. The next moment, the legendary power in Batu's body was like flooding water, like a dragon swimming in nine days.

He has already reached the legend, could it be said that he has been hiding before?

Yuye didn't know that Batu's follow-up practice has been a problem since he left his mentor, so he could only explore it by himself and knew nothing about the legend.

The Huanghuang Tianwei could not have any influence on Batu. He looked at Batu's expression as if he were strolling in his courtyard, without the slightest worry.

Tianwei seemed to feel the disdain in Batu's heart and the disrespect in his mind, so a sticky legendary force pressed down.

If the previous power is compared as a pale pink, then the power at the moment is like crimson.

The two are not an order of magnitude.

Ka, the two bluestone slabs under Rainy Night's knees have been crushed, one can imagine how terrifying this pressure is.

A hint of surprise flashed across Batudun's thick and dark face, and it seemed that he did not understand.

These two powers clearly come from one source, but how can the difference be so big? It's too big, it's too big to believe.

In the sub-legendary realm, these five words floated out of Batu's mind for no reason. He swept all his thoughts through at once.

Although the sub-legendary realm is named as Ya, it is also a veritable legendary powerhouse and a sign that distinguishes epic powerhouses.

There is too much difference between the power of epic and the power of legend.

The reason why the novice who has just realized the power of the legend is named Ya is because the power of the legend who has just stepped into the body of the legend is like a small stream, unable to exert the power that the legendary realm should have.

When the energy in the body accumulates more and more and merges into a vast ocean lake, then it can be regarded as truly stepping into the legend and truly stable in this state.

Speaking of this is a quantitative change process, but this process is actually not sloppy and requires a long period of time to run in. Once it makes a mistake, it may affect future achievements.

Oh, Batu nodded secretly after understanding.

Then a thick and pure energy came out of his body, and he felt it carefully. The quality of this energy was not weaker than that of a true legendary powerhouse.

He even directly crossed the threshold of Asia Legend and came directly to the realm of Legend.

Feeling the thick energy of the outside world and experiencing his own legendary power, Batu suddenly had a feeling:

The energy outside his body is not enough to be pure...

I don't know how much the surrounding movement is when I am promoted to the epic level, but I feel that I am promoted to the legendary rainy night.

In a short time, he has swallowed nearly fifty bottles of instant recovery potions...

It's rare that I didn't experience the pain this time, otherwise I would be really crazy.

There was a hint of crystal clear feeling in the white mist, which became a little sticky.

If the mist was gently brushing on the cheeks of the rainy night before, taking away a trace of heat from his body, then at this moment it is like a water mist washing, itchy, and some naughty water mist still penetrates into his pores to play~www. Ding, there is a gust of wind in the air.

Entrained in the crystal clear white mist, like a horizontal tornado, plunged into Batu's chest.

There seems to be a holy place, let them rush to enter.

When the white mist around him was exhausted, Batu's realm came to legend.

There was no fanfare for this promotion, and some were just a matter of course.

The problem that has plagued Batu for nearly 30 years was once solved. At this moment, he feels a sense of heroism that fish return to the sea and birds enter the sky.

Thanks to Rainy Night...

The saying goes well: the authorities are obsessed with the onlookers.

Batu has been fascinated for thirty years. If there is no word from God of Cooking, he will not untie it; without Rainy Night's opinion, he will not untie it.

Since they are already regarded as brothers, the extra feelings inevitably seem too artificial.

It's all in my heart, just remember it.

Slowly descended from the sky, watching Yuye's eyes return to normal, and the breath on his body returned to the original, and he could not see any strong posture.

Previously, Yuye could still feel weakness, sadness, and confusion from Batu's body, but now all of them have disappeared, and the promotion to the legend is enough for Batu to wipe out his injuries.