Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 223: Epic: Scythe of Good and Evil

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Forget it, let him watch another time.

Lest this iron-boned man can't stand the stimulation of the treasure and do anything extraordinary, if he robs the rainy night on impulse, it is not good for anyone.

Batu carefully put away this legendary material for future use, like a squirrel hiding food. After putting it away, he checked it three times before retracting his mind and starting to plan the sickle of good and evil.

His blacksmith level is still Zijin, but this time he wants to strengthen it into an epic weapon.

I have to say that this is a big challenge, and the probability of failure is nearly 80%.

But Batu is confident, he feels that he will succeed.

"Sao Ye, you are also watching, remember not to walk around randomly."

Batu finally reminded him to come to the center of the blacksmith shop after a rainy night...

The scene changes drastically.

The water surface of the pond in the center of the courtyard slowly descended, and when all the clear water was drained, a hidden mechanism was triggered, and the sound of the impact of kaka stones sounded.


A few seconds later, the pleasing pond disappeared, replaced by a brand new forging platform.

Everything on it is more noble and exquisite than the surrounding forge, just like the gap between the prince and the poor.

"This was specially created by my eldest brother for forging high-level equipment for himself many years ago, but he has only used it once in so many years, the last time he forged the sickle of good and evil."

Buss patiently explained to the rainy night on the side, his eyes flashed with excitement.

The eldest brother once said: He must create an artifact on such a forging platform, and I don't know if he can succeed.

Yes, eldest brother must be able to.

Thinking about it, Buss' eyes were a little blurred, recalling the time back then.

Boom, the first forging hammer fell, and a clear voice sounded, bringing his thoughts back.

Batu's forging technique is very clever and meticulous.

Some places can be understood on rainy nights, and some are not.

For example, the step of turning the source finance into a liquid can be understood in rainy night, but if the sickle of good and evil is broken into two or three parts with great force, it is incomprehensible.

Even if you have confidence in Batu, the little heart of Rainy Night is still jumping.

So hi yo

So exciting

After forging for three full hours, Batu tried his best to stop.

Yuye thought that he was about to succeed, and subconsciously stepped forward a few steps to take a closer look, but was stopped by Batu's sharp eyes.

There is one most important process to do.

The current sickle of good and evil can only be regarded as having an epic-level type, and cannot really be regarded as being promoted to an epic level.

In the next second, Batu took out a bottle of medicine, and the purple streamer inside it slid, like a small bottle of liquid condensed by ribbons.

Batu's mouth twitched twice, and it was a little painful. As soon as he opened it, he couldn't wait to swallow it, which seemed to prevent waste.

A trace of breath came out from the bottle, and when Yuye keenly felt it, he suddenly understood that it was a legendary potion...

Far from being comparable to the instant recovery potion in his hand.

After this update of the system, the biggest change for Yuye is the reform of the instant recovery potion:

The previous instantaneous recovery potion, except for special situations, can not be used at will, the rest of the time can be used at will. It is definitely a necessary potion for home travel, but now it doesn't work anymore, it fell into the altar.

The final chapter sets the grade for the potion and also sets the grade for the player.

The potions that players can use at levels 1-10 are collectively called black iron potions, levels 11-20 are called bronze potions, and so on.

Players from 1-10 are collectively called Black Iron Warriors, 11-20 are called Bronze Warriors, and so on.

1-10 players can use 1-10 potions. If the potion level exceeds the player's level, it cannot be used.

This rule in the final chapter makes many players complain: take off their pants and fart.

However, this method really refreshed the pharmaceutical industry and gave it new life.

Games have always been a fast-changing industry, and they will always be eliminated.

This reform will not have a great impact on low-level players and players who buy a small amount of potions, but it will have an unimaginable impact on thin people, Longjian Hengge and others.

Because the instant recovery potions are listed as 1-10 black iron potions, they cannot be used at their current levels.

If you want to continue to enjoy such potions, you can only find NPCs who master the bronze instant recovery potions again.

But whether they can find it depends only on whether they have a deep blessing...

Changjian Hengge was already crying in the toilet, unable to control herself for a long time.

Instant recovery potions are a strategic material of the union. God knows how much she has hoarded during this period, but she can see from her desire to die, which is definitely a lot.

The thin man also, in order to prevent him from being unable to return to Novice Village once he entered the town, he abruptly bought enough instant recovery potions from the old man for three years, and his eyes were almost blinded by crying.

No one expected this update to be so cruel, not only the two of them, but also more victims.

After all, no one in Thousand Novice Village does not know the instant recovery potion...

They feel disgusting, but they can't help but feel disgusting for the company's detrimental and self-destructive methods.

As for complaints, that is even more nonsense...

Swallowing that bottle of legendary Batu's spirit was restored to its peak in an instant, and the whole person stood straight like a benchmark.

He flew outside the village and thrust the sickle of good and evil three inches underground, and then took out a flute and quietly sounded a sorrowful voice.

The whole process went smoothly, and it must not be the first time.

A **** man standing at the entrance of the village and playing the flute. The look must be more festive and festive, and the scene must be strange and strange.

Yuye resisted curiosity and didn't chase it out, because Buss actually resisted the pain and forcibly raised his hand to hold his arm and set it in place, shook his head hard at him, beckoning him not to go out.

It is better not to see the next scene rainy night.

Rainy night puzzled...

But the obedient standing still...

However, the mind has already followed Batu away...

Outside the village, the scene suddenly changed with the sound of the sad flute, and the bright picture scroll composed of green trees, loess, and bright moon changed instantly, becoming a black and white ink painting.

The bright moon and tall trees all become embellishments, and countless yellow dots slowly emerge from the ground, becoming eternal in the air, flashing their own light like endless fireflies; a little red light appears, blooming like agate Own color.

Whether it is near or far, this is a beautiful picture, but it is not.

Only by zooming in thousands of times can we see that the yellow dots are the ghosts of the dead monsters. They are roaring, sorrowing, crying, and resisting.

And the red dot is the blood essence contained in the soil...

These two things were supposed to return to dust and dirt, waiting for the passage of time to slowly disappear into the world. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~