Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 240: The rising shoals suffer from shrimp dra

In the morning, he was in town No. 7 and he was singled out with the 16th level gold boss. The scene was a glacier.

However, a careless operation and a break in the ice layer on the ground slipped under his feet, and he slipped into the depths of the ground like a rock, not knowing his life or death.

But he won’t die, and there must be a blessing. He rolled all the way along the channel formed by the fracture. It took five minutes to fall to the ground. A life was gone, but at this moment a golden book appeared in front of him, this book. Like a circle of light, the light flashes and darkens, with seven characters:

Hide the job assignment book.

Directly probing and holding it in his hand, the aperture turned into a golden luster and flowed into his body.

Hidden occupation: death and destruction-warlock.

The same job as his, so he hurriedly watched and started to complete the task.

Two hours to complete the first and second stages of the task, but the third stage is impossible to complete: forging a gold-level staff.

Fuck me, I'm a pharmacist? Let Lao Tzu forge a golden staff?

Why don't you let those who learn to paint take the place of sports talents to run 10,000 meters?

Is it neurotic?

Is there something wrong with the system?

Or did you deliberately not let me finish?

A series of thoughts brought his thoughts beyond the clouds...

In contrast, Lao Zhang's task is much simpler, as long as he kills the eighteenth-level golden boss.

No need to think, no need to worry.

Compared with these lucky ones, there are some unfortunate ones among the lucky ones.

Although they have also won the favor of hidden occupations, it is a pity that they have not obtained the hidden occupations of this occupation.

The player "Red Ants on the Ground" is a typical case. As a noble priest, he accidentally obtained a hidden job-Master Binghan's transfer certificate in a rescue operation, which made him very distressed.

However, as soon as I was distressed in the past, I suddenly became ecstatic and decided to auction. The starting price was one million gold coins and 100 million Chinese coins.

Although this price is a bit high, when I think of the number of mages in the town, I feel that it is not high at all.

However, he seems to have forgotten one of the most serious things: hiding his name.

The transaction information of ‘Red Ants on the Ground’ hung high, and there were even a few selfies.

At this moment, he really became the target of public criticism, and anyone who knew him or didn't know him launched a terrifying offensive against him.

Poisoning, assault, and so on, all the killing methods that can be thought of were used on him.

There is no cost and profit, as long as it can be smashed to reveal the hidden career transfer certificate of the mage, it is equivalent to 100 million Chinese coins, and no matter how bad, you can get 50 million Chinese coins.

You have to know that Hua Xia coins that can reach fifty million, fifty million.

So he was sad...

Successfully reached the top of today's news list in the final chapter:

A player was beheaded 18 times within a day for obtaining a hidden occupation transfer certificate. The player was forced to quit the game in tears, and the hidden occupation certificate was lost.

The appearance of this news directly detonated the emotions of the players and set off a search fever.

What if there are still hidden professional qualifications left in the town? What if you just got it by yourself? What if you sell yourself for money?

"Fuck, what is this? Is it real news?"

"Brother, it's absolutely true. I watched the scene and it was terrible."

"One hundred million Chinese coins, I'm crazy if you want me, but unfortunately not in that town."

"It's so pitiful, things are lost, and the level is cleared."

"Not pitiful, he is too stupid to blame others."


All kinds of speeches were arbitrarily spread through this large platform on the Internet, which caused great discussion.

This news dissipated in all directions at an extremely terrifying speed. Players who did not get the hidden professional transfer certificate were jealous and wished that the protagonist was himself; and some lucky and unfortunate people who were in a similar situation took a warning.

Secretly vowed that this thing must be hidden, never exposed, even if it is to be sold, it must be sold to someone familiar.

In just a few minutes, the player's level was cleared directly, and the crazy player ignored the rules of the town and arrogantly provoke the endurance of the city guards.

Give it a try to turn a bike into a motorcycle...

It can be said that today is the day when the most rich people in towns are born, and it is also the foundation day for a group of players to rise to the top.

Luck is also part of strength.

In the forty-eighth town, the time was approaching five o'clock, and the humming crowd had quickly returned to the city wall, contributing their own light and heat to fight the monsters to attack the city.

At five o'clock, the city gate closed, and a new wave of monster spawning started.

Everything in the town is on the right track, tens of thousands of players are merging into the body of this behemoth, and they are able to exert their combat effectiveness at all times.

In the past few days, the management of the town has become a little looser, and the vendors have taken out their goods to sell, and the streets are very lively.

The situation on the other side is similar to that here...

The town No. 48 of the Celestial camp echoes the town No. 48 of the ordinary camp. Regardless of the appearance of the town or the interior decoration, the two giant cities are exactly the same as twin brothers.

The only difference is that the walls of the ordinary camp are scarlet and black, and the strong blood is disgusting;

The walls of the Celestial Camp are like gold leaf inlays, each step is resplendent and magnificent, staring for a long time, the eyes are a bit tingling.

The prosperousness of the town is not even worse than the ordinary camp.

There are nearly 50 million players in the ordinary camp, and there are nearly 60 million people including soldiers and generals.

In the Celestial camp, there are only no more than five or six million players, plus soldiers. The general can only hold 20 million people.

The public facilities are the same but the number of people is three times different, so the streets are inevitably deserted.

The biggest difference between the Celestial camp and the ordinary camp is that all people are soldiers.

As long as you join the gods, you will be assigned to the army. After completing the daily exercise, it will be free time. Therefore, the players and NPCs on the street are like a family.

Various missions, and any secrets can be heard at will.

This is a country of freedom, where individuality can be released faster.

However, there are conflicts in places where there are people, and there are casualties in places where there are struggles.

The Celestial camp is not disgusted with the casualties, and even somewhat perverted joy.

As the bully in the town, you will be rewarded if you win, and you will be flogged if you lose. You will not show mercy.

The external environment is very different, it's gray and can't see the surrounding things, but the level of the monsters is similar, enough for five million players to level up.

In a dense jungle, listen to the sound of the leaves slowly falling to the ground, and listen to the sound of the flame ball hitting the ground.

The camera zooms in, and it can be seen that the man was caught in the shrimp scene in the shallows.

At this moment, the shoal was re-organized by the shrimp show: the shoal, the team was served by the old brothers of the year, absolutely rest assured that the old members will wait for the new students so that they can integrate into the group faster.