Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 241: Open mount system

Xu Shi Shoal got out of **** luck by the shrimp show: There is not a decent guild in the forty-eighth town of the huge Celestial camp, all of them are small fish and shrimp, and they are completely ignored.

So, with the help of Lao Wang and the offensive of money, he quickly became the most powerful man in Town No. 48 and reached the pinnacle of his life in one fell swoop.

If we lose our horses, we can't know what a blessing is.

One drink and one peck, the day is fixed.

The failure in Novice Village on the 999th is now rewarded a thousand times.

The shrimp scene in his shallows is very strong...

Good luck...

Becoming the only overlord in the town, he was not dazzled by victory, but more sober, restrained, and mature.

He understood that choosing the Celestial camp meant saying goodbye to everything before, and saying goodbye to the prosperity of the past.

What we need to do now is to maximize the power of the guild as much as possible and achieve the peak, so that the next time we meet, the dragon guild can be defeated in one blow, without giving him the slightest breathing power.

In order to achieve this goal, he is working hard, and his shoal guild is also working hard.

For example, the dying Adamantite BOSS in front of him is the best proof, as for the manpower and material resources consumed to kill it.

The game itself is a gold swallowing beast in the early stage of the game, like a bottomless pit, the shrimp scene in the shallows almost injected all the funds in reality. He believes that the final chapter can give him hundreds of times in return, and can send it to the ranking of those young talents. List.

Things are moving in a good direction.

The situation in other towns is similar.

Masters are on the rise...

Miracles happen all the time...

Not only hidden occupations, but the spring of deputy occupations also spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain, one after another.

There are countless types, and the number of players continues to rise.

For example, An Nan, the newest pharmacist of the Shrim Shrimp Show Guild, and Bei Bei, the card maker.

These two are definitely the two trump cards of the Ford Guild, and their resources are completely inclined to them.

As for the specific effect? Let us talk about it later.


After cleaning the monsters for a day, Lao Zhao and others succeeded in reaching level 15 and excitedly replaced them with level 15 golden equipment, but they were taunted by Lao Zhang, who arrived first, as a soil bun.

The rainy night's level remains unchanged, it is still level 17, and monsters that brush at level 16 are a little less helpful to him; the gentle level remains the same, it is still level 15, but it is already very close to level 16, and I must be able to upgrade tomorrow.

Several people quit the game and ate a big meal and went into deep sleep.

At four o'clock in the morning on July 13...

The sleepy rainy night fell into that imaginary and terrifying dream again for no apparent reason, and kept walking forward tirelessly, but could not go anyway.

Looking at his loose eyes, the randomly swinging arms that seem to be dislocated, and the messy steps, one can tell that he is in an unconscious state at the moment.

I don't know how long it took, but when the rainy night felt a lump of tenderness dig into his arms, he woke up. It was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Ok? I slept for so long with this sleep? But it's so comfortable.

When you opened the quilt, it looked as soft as the same docile kitten curled up into a ball and shrunk in his arms. Looking at the slightly trembling eyelashes, the rainy night knew that the little guy was awake and pretending to sleep, so.... ..

A tickle, awakened the soft kitten pretending to sleep.

"Haha, haha, brother, stop quickly, Gentle can't stand it." Gentle sat up like a spring, giggling like a silver bell, her hands resisting unconsciously.

Yuye naturally wouldn't let her go so easily, and subconsciously increased the frequency.

The grandmother grandmother outside the door hid and listened for a while, then turned and went downstairs, improperly, on the contrary, there was a kindly smile on the corner of her mouth.

On weekdays, I usually get up at 6 o'clock on rainy nights, and I can’t help but come over to take a look in person if I am worried about it before 8 o’clock today.

The breakfast is hot and waiting for the rainy night and gentle...

As for Lao Zhang Tau and others, they have already entered the game again and are reluctant to think about it.

Uh, although they can't brush monsters by their own ability...

In the rainy night and softly logging into the game, the figure slowly emerged in the town.

There is some common sense not to go offline in the wilderness outside at will. After all, no one knows what will appear in the wilderness next second.

Everyone can still buy a scroll of city return with a copper coin.

Don't underestimate this little money. Just think about how many players in the world can know how much profit there is.

It was still a monster siege once an hour, and the six people gathered together just to catch up with the nine o'clock wave, received a wave of experience, and gently rose to level 16.

The pace of life in the town seems to have slowed down a bit, but everyone seems to be busier than before, walking on the road and can't wait to fly.

Hey, the town is too big.

It takes nearly two hours to go to the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the town to hand in a task.

However, it must be not a mortal being able to receive a task in the City Lord's Mansion, and there is a way to pass it quickly.

But it's absolutely boring...

"Hey, old Qian, what do you say, can you open the mount system? I can't wait?" A man's eyes gleamed, looking forward to the future, full of hope for his mount.

"Quickly, in such a big town, we have to run to death without opening the mount system. Didn't you realize that we can only pick up tasks near the gate of the city these days? Those NPCs in the city ignore us? This is a malaise. ."

The middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life speculated with reason.

"Haha, it would be great if I could get a flying mount." An immature teenager who was only a teenager said excitedly while looking at the distance.

"Stop and flying mounts, let’s talk about you if you can complete the mount mission."

"Hey, let's not say that I actually saw a flying mount yesterday, and there seems to be a person standing on it."

A word immediately caught everyone's attention and came to ask about the situation.


At present, in addition to the top ten players in the Novice Village who can obtain mounts, they are those with assistant professional qualifications for animal trainers, hunters, etc.

Moreover, the top ten players have pet eggs, not mounts. There are not many that can be both pets and mounts.

This is a big deal anyway...

In the fifty cities and towns, every place and every player is talking about mounts. It is almost universally popular, much more popular than those stars.

You know, the final chapter is a world, letting you indulge in a world in which you can't help yourself.

In order to keep up with this wave of enthusiasm, the articles, videos, and speculations on the entire network have been completely updated.

The live broadcast rooms and major anchors also changed their directions and changed the room names.

In order to be famous, some anchors directly asked when the final chapter will open the mount system during the live broadcast, and got a reply in one minute, directly increasing the popularity of the live broadcast room several times.

Open at 10 am on July 13th.