Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 242: Hatching Mount Egg Nest

"Oh, it's July 13th? It's still early."

"Fuck, July 13th? Isn't it today? Fuck, there are twenty minutes left? Come on."

"Also watch the NMB live broadcast, hurry up on the number."


For a while, the live broadcast popularity was bleak...The anchor was crying in the toilet, why did he ask this question because of his mouth?


The outside world announced waves of small storms.

The announcement in the game is considered to set off a stormy sea, so that players who spawn monsters return one after another.

Ding, the mount system will be opened at 10 am on July 13th, and the town gate will be closed at that time. Please be prepared.

Ding, the mount system...


It was broadcast more than ten or twenty times in a row, and the rumbling system prompts stopped.

Outside players and players in the game are eagerly looking forward to the opening of the mount system this time.

"Why do you want to close the town gate? Then I can't kill the monsters? It's annoying."

"The final chapter is still like this, and there will be no spoilers until the last moment, hey." A heavy and helpless sigh, the voice of countless people was exhausted.

"Brother, at any rate, give us some tips to prepare in advance." There was another crying voice.

"That's good, everyone is not prepared, and it can be fair."



Outside of towns, there are many players who are still spawning monsters, such as players ‘always often often’

At this moment, he was full of disdain, cursing in a low voice; "Well, what **** system, CNM, does not reward Lao Tzu, and does not count Lao Tzu into the top ten hands, you are really blind."




Ji Li Gulu cursed for half an hour before he slowly reached the town with the last time.

Not to be outdone, the Long Sword Hate Song, the Dark Black Ghost Hand, and the number one wholesaler in the mainland of the Final Chapter returned to the town one after another.

To be the first to eat crabs, you must be the first to eat crabs.

Ding, the ten o'clock bell rang, and the crowd subconsciously held their breath, for fear that the mount system would be difficult to open due to their own gasping.

Ding, the mount system is open, and start to explain the rules:

In the next twenty-four hours, there will be no grade mount eggs in the town area. The number: unlimited.

Note: The size and color of the pet eggs are all the same, there will be no difference.

Each player in the town can find the mount egg of their choice. Each player has three opportunities to challenge. If the challenge is successful, they will obtain the ownership of the mount egg and can choose to purchase a nest for incubation;

If the challenge fails, one chance is lost, and the mount egg disappears, so you can only choose to start again.

If two or more players choose the same mount egg, they will start a duel, and the winner has the right to challenge the mount egg, as above.

Note: The winner of the battle will have the ownership of this egg and cannot accept the next wave of challenges.

This regulation has largely avoided trouble, otherwise...

For example:

Long sword hate song fell in love with a mount egg, and just wanted to challenge to obtain the ownership of the mount egg, but her enemy now uses money to assign a large number of players to target her, then she can't hatch the mount egg all day ?

And the mount system is open, it seems like it is time-limited, what if you don’t get it after this period of time? Wouldn't it be a bad thing to die?

The rules are simple: the mysterious mount egg is dropped from the sky, self-selection, challenge success, hatch; challenge failure, choose again.

"Hey, it seems that you haven't mentioned the level of the mount that can be hatched from the mount egg?"

"Well, I didn't really say, what is going on? Did the system forget?"

"Hey, you are so stupid, the final chapter just didn't say it clearly. Go to the mall to see the ‘small nest’ needed for incubating pets."



Sold item name: Hatching Mount Egg Nest.

Grade: Black Iron

Effect: There is a 50% chance of hatching a black iron level mount, regardless of category.

Note: Failure to incubate will only waste the ‘small nest’, not the mount eggs.

Price: 1 gold coin

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

"What? This small nest needs a gold coin? One hundred Chinese coins? The final chapter is crazy, right."

A young brainless soldier yelled in the street, venting his dissatisfaction, completely ignoring the foolish eyes around him.

"So expensive? No, I have to go and see."

Many players opened the mall to watch after murmured.

"Fuck, look at this golden nest, it's really scary."

Sold item name: Hatching Mount Egg Nest.

Grade: Gold

Effect: 10% chance to hatch a gold-level mount, regardless of category.

Price: one hundred gold coins

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Grab money? So bad?

As for the bronze-grade small nest priced hardware coins, five hundred Chinese coins; the silver-grade small nest fifty gold coins, five thousand Chinese coins.

This is not only the low-level players roaring, but even the middle-class players are also roaring.

"Snake skin for playing TM? So expensive? The odds are still so low?"

The roar of these two parts of the class, naturally cannot leave behind the top and richest players...

Sold item name: Hatching Mount Egg Nest.

Grade: Epic

Effect: 0.1% (one in a thousand) chance to hatch an epic mount, regardless of category.

Note: Failure to incubate will only waste the ‘small nest’, not the mount eggs.

Price: Ten thousand gold coins

In this regard, rich players only have two words;

Oh, go to hell.

Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu will only buy if there is a hole...

Does my father's money make me such a ruin? impossible?

However, there are:

Sold item name: Hatching Mount Egg Nest.

Level: Sub-Legend

Effect: There is a 0.01% chance that legendary mounts will be hatched, regardless of category.

Note: Failure to incubate will only waste the ‘small nest’, not the mount eggs.

Price: One hundred thousand gold coins

At this price, even the rich second generation is bleeding in his heart and crying in his mind.

Can TM play games?

So bad?

So expensive?

But why does Lao Tzu feel like I want to buy? Am I the legendary bitch? I still have a strong tendency to abuse ~ ~ bought it.

How can you show off your status if you don't buy it?


However, this is not the end: there are also top god-level incubation nests, which are hatched with a probability of 0.0000001, and the price is one billion Chinese coins.

Before the mount egg began to land, countless players went crazy.

The voice of the discussion seemed to poke a hole in the blue sky and go straight into the sky.

However, the next second the mount egg fell from the sky, not very heavy, even if it hits a person's head, it feels like a fallen leaf.

Players shut their mouths and chose to look for mount eggs, and some eagerly chose the closest to hatch. As for the players' challenges, they didn't care about anything.

When he had the right to challenge this mount egg, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the next moment, this smile solidified on the corner of his mouth like a winter icicle, replaced by a deep sadness.

Ding, are you sure to challenge this mount egg?


Ding, do you understand the rules?
