Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 249: Have a bold idea

Uh, that is, Yuye didn't know the price of these items, and didn't know the preciousness of these epics, otherwise, his little wealth fan's personality would definitely make Changjian Hengge IOU.

Rainy Night Monologue: How much are these things worth? Isn’t it just for the garbage on the street? It's a million at most, and the useful ones have already been taken away. Forget it, give all the **** to my aunt.

Are you stupid? Holy Dragon?

Are you stupid? With so many useless props, can it be a waste of space if you don’t give Changjian Hengge and put it in your backpack? Mentally retarded


What you said is so reasonable, I was speechless, and left two lines of snot.

I don’t know how Yuye will react after learning the true prices of these items? It must be wonderful.

In the resident of the Dragon Touring Guild, Changjian Hengge has forgotten to spawn monsters and stared blankly at the pile of props in front of him, at the pile of immeasurable and priceless props.

After a while, two lines of tears were dripping from his eyes.

She was moved by the rainy night, and she was not lightly moved.

Xiao Ye must have heard about the difficulties of the guild, and only then did her best to exchange these things for me. Although she was very calm and indifferent, she must have gone through a lot of hardships.

Auntie has written down this heart, and I will never treat you badly in the future. Changjian Hengge secretly swears.

Yu Ye is really her own lucky star. She was still sad about how to deal with the guild of ‘Batian’ and how to deal with the encirclement of several big guilds.

I thought it was a **** battle, I thought there was a great possibility of losing the guild resident, but with the blessing of these props, the dragon was able to crush it without any effort.

Ah, you say they are so crowded? Can you hold a forbidden curse?


Can it hold two?


Then try this boss control book again? Or try quicksand invasion?

Combining these things, Long Sword Hengge's mind has come up with hundreds of plans, in order to maximize the performance of these props and kill as many enemies as possible.

After thinking about it, Changjian Hengge showed unparalleled strength and confidence, wishing the war would begin now.

I took precious time out of my busy schedule to type on the rainy night, and sent a heavy thanks. Rainy night received a bewildered reply: You are welcome.

Aunt, what's wrong? It's a bit unlike her.

The Dragon Touring Guild is actively preparing for the battle, trying to upgrade the mount to a uniform level with itself.

Mounts can not only provide players with speed bonuses, but also slightly increase attribute bonuses.

The black iron level mounts are not very obvious, but the improvement of gold and fine gold is very impressive, and it can definitely exert 150% of the strength with the command of the players.

Note: The four-dimensional attribute bonus provided by the street varies according to the mount.

Black iron grade is 5%, bronze grade is 10%, silver grade is 15%, and so on.

The Tyrannical Guild has no idea about Rainy Night’s unconditional support of the Dragon Touring Guild. The first thing they must do now is to upgrade their mount level and run in with their pets as soon as possible.

There was a wave of rushing fever in the town...

And many players have upgraded the level of the mount to be the same as their own, sitting on it majestic, really unhappy.

In order to pretend to be x, these people on the mount gave the mount an order to slow down and walked on the road comfortably.

"Wow, this is a bronze mount-Iron Feather Chicken, so majestic."

"Can you not drool? Can you be a little bit knowledgeable? It's just a bronze-level mount, wow, this is a silver-level mount-the silver-tailed leopard, it looks so ferocious."

"Look, look, that golden ground tiger is much better than these crooked melons."

As soon as the higher-level mounts appear, they will not only squeeze the lower-level mounts aside, but also cause the pedestrians to look sideways and sound of admiration.

Every time the owner of the mount heard such a sound, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

One hundred gold-level hatching nests are not at a loss, and they must not be at a loss.

"Fuck, what's that in the sky? Is it a pterodactyl? It's big."

"Who is chasing the pterodactyl behind, so awesome? That's also a mount?"

"Nonsense, although flying mounts are rare, they are real, and it must be cool to travel in the sky."


When the mounts in the air lifted up one by one, the words of envy in the crowd bloomed like fireworks.

After all, there are still a few players who have obtained high-level mounts, and more mainstream players are black iron and bronze.

It's easy to beat, and it's not very expensive to incubate. It's very suitable for student parties and hand-picking parties.

Outside the city, in order to quickly upgrade Yuye and others, they negotiated and came to Juli Ant's site.

It turned out that Grandma Sun singled out a gold-level mount in the morning, she didn't use the Forbidden Spell, she just used her skills and position to grind the mount to death.

This was not only shocked by the rainy night, but also the faces of Old Zhao and Zhang were shocked.

When did the Sun's daughters become so strong?

Killing the gold-level boss alone shows that her position and consciousness have entered the ranks of second-rate masters, and she is the top of second-rate masters.

The six people simply celebrated and congratulated, and then continued to move forward.

Rainy night and Gentle walked in front, overcoming obstacles, enjoying the beautiful scenery, very happy.

"Fawn deer, don't run." Gentle stepped on wild flowers in his hand, chasing the colorful deer ahead with small steps.

"Gentle, slow down."

The four elderly people in the rear looked calm, walking lightly, without speaking, as if everyone had a mind.

"Why?" After a long time, the head of the old Zhao still uttered an instant, breaking the dead silence around him.

Being watched by three pairs of piercing and unclear gazes, Grandma Sun greeted her without the slightest timidity. Then she glanced at the rainy night ahead and smiled and said, "I don't want Xiaoye to be too tired, and I don't have much time. Up."

After speaking, the four of them were silent again and immersed in their own little world.

? ? ? ?

Could the four old people say there are any secrets?

"We..." The old Zhang head thought for a long time and wanted to speak but was directly interrupted by Grandma Sun.

"There are still twenty-nine days, isn't it?" After speaking, her face showed a girlish smile, dispelling all the silence around her.

She didn't let the old head Zhang speak their thoughts, she just wanted to silently watch the rainy night drifting away.

Yuye and Qingrou were a little bit happy and didn't notice what happened behind them.

The gentle mount is a unicorn elf horse, and the level is still zero. It can only be transformed into a small pure white light group to follow Gentle.

The mount of the rainy night is the night pterodactyl, and the flying mount, at this moment, the same black light group follows behind the rainy night.

Grandma Sun’s reckless ancient rhinoceros is a small yellow dumpling, rolling on the ground closely following Grandma Sun’s pace. I would like to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~