Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 251: Mount Ration Store

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [二月天小说网]https://fastest update! No ads!

Moreover, many players did not allow the mounts to enjoy the experience alone, but to share them. They wanted to get rich together without delay. As a result, these mounts hadn't reached the fifth level before they could not ride, and they were destined to follow behind the owner. There is only one way to die.

Note that the mounts summoned by the player's death will also reduce their experience points by 10%.

"Grass, it's only a few hours, the monster attack is a bit early."

"There is still so much nonsense, run quickly, the final chapter has never played cards according to common sense."

"Goodbye, I can't run, hat flying mount, if I have such a fierce flying mount, I must have run already."

Envy from a player before he died.

There were no fewer than a thousand players who died along the way, and they were all players who were extremely confident in their skills and were second-rate players at the worst.

But in the face of the crazy beast tide, they are like children without any resistance.

The key point is that they don't know until they die that the beast wave this time is not a monster siege, but a man.

The doubts in my heart are destined to be unsolved

It took about 30 minutes for the six people to go to Juli Ant Canyon on a rainy night, which was extremely long, but it only took one minute for Huicheng.

This is the difference between whether there is a mount or not.

If you change to Batu's Brahma Warriors Python, you can fight back and forth in a few seconds.

This is the difference between high and low mounts.

When he came to the town to refurbish, the character of the old Zhang's head was completely exposed, and he had to borrow the night pterosaur of rainy night to go to the sky, so that the players below would be envious.

Spinning and jumping, I closed my eyes, three hundred six, seven hundred and two, various postures, the old Zhang head was very happy to play.

In desperation, Yu Ye had to play with the three innocent old men for more than an hour, constantly going to the sky and landing, making the night pterodactyl half tired, spreading its wings on the ground, panting heavily, and the little eyes had mist. Diffuse, I don't want to move when I see it.

There is no way but rainy night has to be included in the mount space.

Appreciated by passers-by, watching the envious expressions of the players, the old Zhang's self-esteem was unprecedentedly satisfied, and his head held high and his chest high, he wanted to walk sideways like an overbearing crab.

But Yuye was distressed because a system reminder sounded in his mind

Ding, please feed the night pterodactyl mount in time, otherwise its attributes will be reduced by 50%, unable to fly, and the current state of night pterosaur is hungry.

The state of the mount can be divided into seven stages: perfect, good, hungry, sleepy, extremely hungry, strike and death.

At different stages, the attributes of the mount are different.

It’s right to be hungry, after all, I’ve been tired for so long.

But where to find the night pterodactyl food, what does it like to eat?

Just when the rainy night is distressed, the players next to it are also facing such distress

"Hey, my mount is currently hungry, what should I do"

"Go to the horse shop in front and buy some rations. Stupid."

"Hey, when did this store open? Why don't I have any impression of it"

"Newly opened, not long, just an hour ago."

Listening to the rainy night, walking forward involuntarily, hey, why are you so familiar?

Oh, isn’t this the land just given to my aunt in the morning? Why is it changed to a shop now?

I have to say that the efficiency of Changjian Hengge is fast.

When I came to the entrance of the shop, I saw a few large characters on the plaque above the horse ration specialty store.

Very simple and popular name, but the simple name is full of players who bought it.

There are no fewer than hundreds of people coming in and going out every minute, which shows the degree of popularity.

"The final chapter is really going to make money. The mounts that have just been released in the morning will open a shop in the afternoon. Tsk tsk."

"What do you think, after all, it's such a big company, it's not easy to feed it."

"I love to buy or not, someone begs you to buy"

This shop is divided into five floors in total, which is the same as other shops around it, and it seems that there is no difference.

However, the welcoming nc hired in front of the door, the scattered flowers, and the sound of the music immediately set this shop apart from other shops. Not to mention 100%, the rate of return is 90%.

Several squads of soldiers are watching not far away. Once there is a riot, forced purchase, etc., they will exercise their blood pressure.

After waiting for a few minutes, it finally rained on the night, and I was surprised by the decoration inside.

This place is really selling horse food. Look at the decoration style and say that high-end hotels are believed to be too luxurious.

Although it cannot be compared with the City Lord's Mansion, it is definitely expensive.

Just kidding, this is Changjian Hengge's decoration according to the highest specifications in the town.

This kind of play of the empty glove white wolf, the long sword hates the thieves of singing.

As for the supply of goods, Changjian Hengge has already been found, so don't worry about it. There is not only Rainy Night in the world who is lucky.

"Customer service is for you on the 48th, what level of mount ration do you need"

Seeing Yuye coming in, the tall nc walked past with a smile and asked softly.

"A fine gold flying mount ration."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After a while, nc walked over with three bags of different styles of mount rations and continued to ask, "Do you want normal quality, high quality or perfect quality, depending on the price is different.

Ordinary quality mount rations only need one silver coin, which can guarantee a fine gold mount to fly for 30 minutes; high quality is priced at one gold coin, which can guarantee a fine gold mount to fly for two hours; as for the perfect quality price Three gold coins can guarantee the high-intensity flight of the mount for ten hours. "

I was stunned when I heard the whole rainy night, so expensive, right?

But looking at the endless crowd around him, after another thought, the whole person became silly and happy again.

"Brother, let's go, it's too expensive, we won't buy it anymore." Gentle was also taken aback by the price, and walked out after pulling the rainy night. That little appearance is very similar to the rainy night of a wealthy fan.

"Yeah, Xiaoye, let's go." Grandma Sun also discouraged. The mounts here are so expensive. I had known that you don't want the fine gold mounts, you can't afford to support them. The black iron level mounts over there are worth one Chinese currency. Buy a big bag.

Lost loss.

"Oh, it’s a little faster than the poor in it. If you want to buy it, you can buy it, and if you don’t buy it, you can get away. Don’t stand in the way of the uncle. Yes, it’s you. It’s been a long time since you can buy it."

At this moment, a discordant voice came in from the outside. The words were very mocking, and he seemed very impatient. He pointed his finger at the old open nose.

Rainy night heard such a voice and subconsciously recovered from the silly music, looking back, there was a biting chill in his eyes.

Lao Zhang Tou and Lao Li Tou were already full of anger, eager to do something, to teach them an unforgettable lesson.

"Oh, I dare to blow my beard and stare with Lao Tzu and have the ability to hit me. If you don't hit you, you won't be kind." I want to chat with more like-minded people.