Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 252: Shop blacklist

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [二月天小说网]https://fastest update! No ads!

The player outside the door looked indifferent, he said more and more vigorously, puckered his **** and patted twice to continue taunting grandma Sun and others.

"D." Old Zhang head roared, and the next step is to show off his equipment and want to commit a crime, whether he can bear it or not.

Seeing Lao Zhangtou's gold-level equipment, the player at the door was a little confused, but still pretended to be calm and continued to swear, "Get out if you have no money, just pretend."

His voice was very loud, and it had already attracted the attention of the players behind. Seeing that the people inside did not move and did not buy, there was a low voice from behind, which was quite murmured.

With the buff blessing of the reinforcements behind him, the man was more courageous, and all kinds of ugly words came out from his mouth.

Seeing Grandpa Zhang whose chest was filled with anger, Yu Ye felt a trace of worry in his heart, and the black air all over his body combined with the chill on his face made people frightened.

Looking at the man at the door of the shop is like looking at a dead person.

The next moment he walked out of the shop, stopped Grandpa Zhang who was about to release his skills, and looked at the soldier not far away and waved his hand.

This shop is Changjian Henge and his own hard work, so if you don't fight, try not to fight.

"Haha, hurry up when you know that you don't have money, don't take humiliation and block the time we buy the rations."

Seeing six old hats walking out of the mount ration shop, this person was in a good mood, thinking that his words had worked, and had a sense of mission to maintain justice. After cursing, he walked two steps forward and wanted to enter it.

However, the door was blocked by a six-person besieged wall by the rainy night, unable to enter.

This person is like a big enemy, but he seems to feel that he is standing at the end of the word, and he has enough courage again.

As soon as he was about to abuse the soldier approaching, the token given by the city lord himself appeared on the rainy night.

"My lord, please give me instructions."

The leader of the team clearly saw the handwriting on the token and knelt on one knee in the direction of the rainy night, waiting for the order, everything went smoothly, without any obstruction or discomfort.

"This man is a bit noisy, take him away."

Rainy night gave the order flatly, but this reason seems a little willful.

"Haha, are you a stupid kid, do you think these ncs will listen to your mental retardation, haha, I have some remarks, why can't you still have Wangfa like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the leading soldiers issued orders to the rear to arrest them, daring to resist and kill them on the spot.

A player of level 15 can't beat the city guard even if he is equipped with fine gold equipment. The next second this person is tied into a zongzi and taken away, and the mouth is full of foul language. Wipe your feet with a cloth to avoid noise.

"My lord, what do you want?"

"It's gone for the time being. Go ahead and trouble you."

Don't say it, the token given by the city lord is still useful. Fortunately, it was not given to my aunt, haha, I couldn't help but **** at my own eyes.

A team of soldiers turned and left, and the six Yuye turned around and entered it again, leaving only the crowd with eyeballs dropped from the ground.

It took a long time before they reacted and asked the people around if it was an illusion or a mirage.

There are soldiers in the moving city who can be commanded by players who are fake. You must know that the soldiers in the town are all cold, high-eyed endorsements.

I usually ignore the players and are very arrogant, but in front of the rainy night, they are actually very regular, like a pug, how can this not make people surprised.

"Sister, who is the owner of this shop is Changjian Hengge?"

After dealing with the outside affairs, Yuye Six entered again and asked about the nc just now.

However, this time nc was not as friendly as before. On the contrary, it was a bit cold. Watching the rainy night and others programmatically said, "Please go out, you are not welcome here, and wantonly disrupt the order of the mount ration sales point and drive away potential customers. These will make You have entered the blacklist of our store and cannot continue to purchase."

The tall nc explained the situation to the rainy night one by one, without the slightest bias.

Other players in the store provoked thumbs up, admiring this behavior very much, and their impression of the mount shop has taken another step.

It should be like this, let you show your token madly, this is silly, haha.

Order is the foundation of everything, and no one can violate it.

And seeing others make a fool of yourself, especially those who are better than yourself, is a pleasant thing in itself.

Uh, I didn't expect that there would be such an event, but rainy night had no choice but to dial Changjian Hengge.

"Please go out, otherwise we will activate the security system."

"Hmph, your big sister is so unreasonable, he is a customer, can we not be a customer"

Gently bulging his cheeks, sticking Xiaoman's waist, fighting for reason, wanting to make a statement.

"Please go out"

The tall nc still said the same words, but the security guards in the distance are already ready to go.

"What happened to Xiaoye"

Changjian Henge, who was upgrading, received a call from Yuye, and was a little puzzled.

Now she is very irritable and unhappy. I don’t know which tortoise sun disrupted the calmness of Juli Ant Canyon. Juli Ant went mad and swept away the monsters in Youmeng Deep Forest. At this time, all the monsters in the forest. They were crowded at the gate of the Dragon Touring Guild.

Although the Dragon Touring Guild still has a two-day non-attack period, UU reads, but these monsters seem to not want to leave. There is quite a trend of camping and camping. This time, you can provoke the song of hatred of the sword. Gross.

If these monsters cooperate with the five guilds to attack at the same time in two days, then the dragon guild still has a way to survive

Although there is still a 50% possibility to help the dragon fight the five guilds together, but this kind of probability is something that Changjian Henge does not want to do, if it fails.

So the whole guild began a trip to spawn monsters.

"Aunt, I think I'm going to be beaten in my shop."

Rainy night is almost crying, don’t you just want to buy some mount rations? Why is it so troublesome?

"Ah, mount ration shop"

Changjian Hengge responded quickly and asked.

"Yeah, let's not talk about it, aunt, let me settle the matter before me first."

Speaking of Yuye, he hung up the phone. Without him, ten sturdy security guards were already eager to try.

"Grandpa, don't do it in the store, this is our cash cow."

The head of Old Zhang had been agitated before, and just about to vent and smashed the shop, suddenly the voice message of Rainy Night rang through his mind.

The other four people also received the same news, first stunned and then quit.

The security guard did not chase them out, but stared at the rainy night and others, beware of them entering again, just like a thief.

"Big Brother, do you want to mount rations? I have them."

As soon as the six were driven out, a thief-eyed player next to him sniffed the business opportunity and hurried over to ask questions.

"Silver-level ordinary rations are one gold coin, gold hardware coins, and fine gold fifteen gold coins. They are not available on credit. If you want to buy them, hurry up, or they will be gone in a while."

Uh, this person is really dark.

"Go away, dead scalper, I can only buy you if I have a brain hole." I want to chat with more like-minded people, WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature", chats about life, and finds friends