Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 254: Underground cave

As for the reason, Yuye and others do not know.

Same as the east side, here is a towering city wall piercing the sky, with cumbersome engraved inscriptions dotted on it, and a large number of engravers are adding and repairing. It is not busy. The quaint gates are opened regularly, and there is an endless stream of players. In and out.

The scene outside the town is also very similar, it is also a plain, but to the west is an endless plain of bones.

There is no grass, no breath of life, and only cold ground and gray scattered bones.

The bones of countless monsters are piled up, and cold wind blows through from time to time, as if to take away the last bit of temperature from the person's body and make it enter the kingdom of the dead.

As soon as the rainy night six walked out of the gate of the town, they shuddered as a whole, tightening the armor and clothing on their bodies, and could clearly feel the roots of their hairs standing up.

This place is a bit weird.

Looking ahead, the objects the players are fighting against are not normal monsters with flesh and blood, but four-unlike creatures spliced ​​by dense bones.

The single horn of a rhino, the fangs of a wild boar, and the torso bone of a tiger, all powerful things can be installed on their own body.

These are powerful undead creatures, and there are also some low-level undead creatures who can only look for some defective products to assemble themselves, which looks so miserable.

Find a monster in the rainy night and release the skill: Wisdom Eye.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Ding, the investigation was successful.

Monster Name: Undead Creature-Broken Giant Bear

Monster introduction: Because of an epic battle three hundred years ago, the legendary powerhouse-Bruman died here, the souls of the grievances are not extinguished, and the power is not dispersed. Over time, this place becomes the endorsement of death and the life of the dead. paradise.

The creatures that died in that battle were transformed into undead creatures by unknown factors, and the broken giant bear was one of them.

Level: Twenty

Rank: Silver Elite Monster

Quality: Supreme

Physical Attack: 1500

Magic attack power: 1000

Physical defense: 500

Magic Defense: 300

Health: 1000000

Magic value: 500000

Agility: 26

The attributes of this elite monster are already close to the level of a silver boss, but the speed of movement is really not flattering.

When Yuye shifted his eyes down, he suddenly realized that this broken giant bear had two different legs, one long and one short. Of course, it couldn't run fast.

Not to mention that players now have mounts, even if they did not have mounts before, they can easily play them to death.

Skills: Bone Spurs, Soul Roar.

After watching the broken giant bear, Yuye inspected some other undead creatures and found that they all had obvious defects, and they could definitely be killed in a short time.

After watching these rainy nights and others have a bottom, follow the task prompt to the sinkhole.

Before entering, I heard many players are discussing and expressing their opinions.

"When did this big hole appear? It didn't happen yesterday."

"Brother, you can ask the right person. At this moment, no one but me knows. I was spamming monsters in this area this morning. There was a sudden bang, like a roar from the earth, and then the ground trembled suddenly. , When I turned my head to look, there was a big hole in front of me."

"Such a weird color? Some can't believe it."

"It's not weird, it's even more weird behind, the collapsed pit is bottomless and it's dark, but as time goes by, some stone steps are slowly formed."

"Fake, how is it possible?"

Hearing this man talk more and more outrageously, more and more nonsense, the man who asked at the beginning was already somewhat distracted, and he waved his hand to prevent him from continuing to make up lies.


"The stone steps really appeared behind. It was because of the large pit of the stone steps that it was renamed the catacombs."

A player in front of the man continued to add that the information revealed in the words made people have to believe.

"Does anyone go down?"

The thin man next to him suddenly became interested and took out a bottle of beer and handed it to him, beckoning him to continue.

"Yes, why no one goes down,, do you see the black aperture on the seventh step under the crypt? As long as the player's figure is below that aperture, he will die directly, without exception ."

Speaking of this, the onlookers all took a breath, turned their heads and looked at the black light circle and couldn't help but feel a little scared. They moved back two steps weakly and opened a safe distance.

"Later, a team of soldiers came to investigate. After passing the aperture, they disappeared and never came up again." After a sip of beer, the man continued to add.


After listening one after another, the rainy night felt like a fool.

What task is this? Isn't this cheating? Just die? How to investigate? Do you want to return the task now?

For a time, many thoughts emerged in Yu Ye's mind.

He was still a little unbelieving after listening to other people's accounts. He didn't believe that this cave was so terrifying, that people would die if they entered, but it seemed that someone screamed into it to satisfy the curiosity of rainy night.

The next rainy night watched him scream, then turned into white light and returned to the town.

Uh, seeing this, the six people in Yuye stepped back subconsciously.

"Xiao Ye, this mission is to lie to death. Let's go, don't participate."

Mr. Zhang was the first to question and prevent the rainy night from going down.

"I also feel, brother, why not give up this task, let Jin Guang take us to the monster."

Gentle also discouraged her, her eyes full of worry.

"Well, grandpa and grandma, I will go down and try first, if we really die, we will leave immediately." Rainy night gave a plan after serious consideration.

He was somewhat unwilling to leave the task given by the city owner himself without trying.

And he has a feeling that this task is definitely not simple, and the things hidden under this cave are definitely not simple.

"Okay." Since Yuye has made a decision, the grandparents can only agree.

"Be careful, brother." Softly clenched his small fist, looked at Yu Ye's back and called out.

"Look, there is another one to die. I don't understand why there are so many fools these days?"

Someone onlookers was very upset, rubbing his head like a chicken coop.

"The more fools, the the more the better, hehe."

"Hey, still a kid? Kid, it's dangerous to come back soon."

Someone hurriedly shouted after seeing Yuye's appearance, and even ran two steps forward to pull him back, but he was still a step slower, and Yuye jumped into it without hesitation.

Although the screen is not bloody, the surrounding players still subconsciously close their eyes and don't watch. Gentle and others are no exception. They close their eyes and pray silently for brother and rainy night in their hearts.

"Hey, friend, has he turned white?"

"did not see it."

"did not see it."

"No, that's not right, he didn't turn into white light, but continued to go down, listen?"

The rainy night was wearing heavy armor, and the sound of iron boots colliding with the stone steps was clearly audible, very rhythmic, like a movement in spring. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~