Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 259: envy? Jealous?

Lao Zhang Tou, Lao Zhao Tou and others didn't care about it, as if they didn't notice it, the three of them sat quietly on the ground and began to deal cards, fighting the landlord.

Very focused, has reached the level of unity between players.

Uh, can you guys be more serious? Can you be more pompous?

"Bah, Lao Zhang's head, you are blind, you sent yourself one more." At this moment, Lao Li turned into an angry King Kong and stared at Lao Zhang's head, one hand already holding his hair. The arm of the card made him immobile.

"Huh? I'll count." The old head of Zhao was also serious and began to count one by one. "Grass, you actually have an extra one."

Uh? The old Zhang head was helpless, so he had to put the extra card back.

"Ahem, since you were shameless, Mr. Zhao, I and Mr. Zhao can get three more cards. You have no objection."



The seven onlookers almost didn't come up in a breath, and there is such a show operation? Are you sure you are fighting the landlord? Is there this rule in it?

Especially the old cow, he choked his throat with just a breath and coughed wildly.

Thousands of well-equipped and well-equipped spirit guards of the seventeenth-level silver rank are ready to go, turning into reckless ancient beasts as if they want to swallow ten people, don't you need to help, but tm special funny?

The old cow was slanderous, and felt extremely uncomfortable, especially looking at the set of level 15 golden equipment on them, and he was even more eager, without muttering: rioting of heaven and things, waste of resources, and inhumanity.

Passing through all the ironic idioms in my mind will only feel better in my heart.

There is a set of 15-level gold equipment in the blacksmith shop. The price is 20,000 gold coins, which is not too expensive.

The Lao Niu Company encountered difficulties and did not buy it because of some turnover. It only bought a level 15 peak silver and five thousand gold coins. After wearing it, it was slightly higher than the level 10 gold equipment.

Changjian Hengge is even poorer, and I don't know how much foreign debt is owed, but Yuye bought a suit for her last time.

The green shirt is a mix of fine gold and gold. This kid is said to be able to buy dozens of islands in the Pacific Ocean with his money.

In order to be worthy of his secondary profession, the fortunekeeper also reluctantly purchased a set of level 15 golden equipment.

Hey, they are all poor...

Rainy Night Monologue: Ah, so expensive? I bought a thousand gold coins, it's not expensive, you are definitely being cheated.


Go away, you guys.

Fortunately, Yu Ye did not say this, otherwise a group of people could choke him alive.

"How to fight?" Although Ji Lao Niu's equipment was weak on the field, he didn't slander himself, but hid behind Changjian Henge and asked her how to fight.

Uh, still persuaded.

"Xiao Ye is weak, Jin Guang's main output, we slip sideways to assist, gently pay attention to increase blood."

Changjian Hengge is also very helpless. With the two abnormalities of Jinguang and Yuye, their sense of existence has been reduced to the extreme.

Not to mention that the three of them did not participate in the battle. Even if the nine of them did not participate in the battle, Rainy Night would be able to kill all these monsters. It would only take a little longer.

Roar, when the skeleton began to attack, Jin Guang also roared, but this time it was different from usual.

The substantial sound waves faintly dissipated like water ripples, and the covered Skeleton Guard's breath suddenly languished a bit, and the speed of movement dropped a lot.

Golden Roar-Inflicts a 5% weakening of the attributes of monsters below the Adamantine level within a 100*100 range for three minutes.

If this skill can increase with the level of Golden Light, it will definitely grow into a magical skill in the future.

Nearly a thousand skeletons in the room were hit, and the group disaster was thrown out immediately after the rainy night.




Half a million blood evaporates in an instant, and the hatred of the guardian is concentrated on Yu Ye's body in an instant.

However, according to their speed, even if the rainy night waits in place for ten seconds, they may not be able to catch up. It is too slow.

The speed of the Skeleton Guardian was originally slow, not to mention that it was weakened by 55 percent by rainy night and golden light.

Take the initiative to attack, open the plague world, after the attribute surge, open the world with sorrow without hesitation, the rainy night turned into a whirlwind in the spirit of the violent churning, scattered bones flying all over the sky.

The first and second skills of Tiangang's 36 sickles were released one after another and finally revealed its hideous side.

Looking forward to the next move, I don't know how far it can bring the rainy night.

The monster's blood volume dropped quickly, and when the sorrow of heaven and earth ended, at least hundreds of guardians were left with blood skins.

Changjian Henge, Lao Niu and others hurriedly made up their swords, and at the same time took out high-level equipment to smash the scattered bones without leaving a trace.

Some spirit guards were killed, and the scattered skeletons had no time to smash them and they could only watch it resurrect. After the resurrection, the attributes were reduced by 10%, but the experience value was reduced by 50%.

Someone is injured and releases the healing technique gently, pulling his blood line back to full value, it is really impossible to use the group recovery.

After fighting for nearly half an hour, under the combination of the medicine bottle and the gentleness, everyone's blood volume was still full. It is conceivable that the gentle milk volume has reached the point.

Moreover, after experiencing so many battles, Gentle is no longer the little cutie who would add the wrong blood a few days ago, and can completely serve as the main group's nanny.

With rainy night as a guarantee, there is no need to worry about hatred and monsters attacking softly.

However, under the deliberate indulgence of Lao Niu, some skeleton spirit guards killed in the direction of Lao Zhang and others.

As a result, the three of them didn't take it seriously and were still playing with their own.

You know that all three of them have life-saving equipment, and Old New is dumbfounded after opening it...

Uh, do you really play the same game with these people?

Since I met them, I have never seen them brush monsters once, eat snacks and play poker every day. Even with such equipment, they are still the equipment of first-class players, and there are many life-saving equipment and skills that he can't even think of.

Hey, is it possible to say that there is a man of love?

Lao Zhang and the others finished the game. Seeing that the rainy night hadn't come to clean up, his brows frowned and he was very unhappy. He was disappointed by these monsters.

md, the old Zhang head pressed the card he had just dealt to the ground, and the two skills of the White Bear King that were unlocked instantly rushed out to kill all the, the old cow was completely convinced, the same It is a warrior, how can he fail to see the preciousness of these two skills.

If it were given to him, it would definitely be another scene: the old bull slaughtered the Quartet.

"Go on, you guys didn't look at my cards."

"No no."


"Two old men don't die, dare you say they didn't look at my card? Where are the two kings of Lao Tzu? Where are they?"



Old Zhang was very helpless, and was about to be bullied to death by these two old guys. In the end, he had to criticize Yuye and put pressure on him so as not to let the Skeleton Guardian come over, which would affect his mood of playing cards. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~