Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 260: Dwarf: Imna's Secret

"Okay, okay." Yu Ye nodded and said yes in fear.

An hour later, the skeleton guard in the third room was emptied.

Changjian Henge and others took advantage of this opportunity to rise to the 16th rank, one step further from the 17th rank, the highest on the list.


Just when the Confucian scholars and Lao Niu were a little complacent and opened the ranking list to find their own position, they suddenly discovered that the list is actually all seventeen, and the highest "real man, real man" has reached the tenth. Nine level, extremely scary.

Well, while you are improving, others are also improving; when you stagnate, others are still improving.

Everyone's body was beaten completely.

The experience value of Qingrou, Lao Zhangtou and others reached 50% at level 16, while Yuye reached 87% at level 17.

It will not take long before everyone can continue to upgrade.

"Xiaoye, do you want to go offline for dinner after six o'clock?" Changjian Henge asked indifferently, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

This place is worth it.

"I feel that there will be a boss in the coffin. Let me eat off the assembly line first, and then brush it at seven." Yuye held his chin in thought for a while, and then responded.

"it is good."


Just after Lao Zhangtou and others went offline, only Yuye and Changjian Henge were left in the empty room.

"Auntie, are you ready for the things you learned in the game?" Hope flashed in Yu Ye Yuan Didi's eyes, as if she asked Changjian Hengge with a ray of light.

"It's ready. It's being piloted. If the technology is mature, it won't take long to promote it." Changjian Hengge has never forgotten about this. Even if he is busy, he will spare time for planning research, program discussion, and follow-up investigation.

"You can try it on me and Qingrou. We just happened to be learning recently." In order to let Qingrou learn while playing games, Yuye took great pains.

"Hmm..." Changjian Henge pondered for a while, but did not reply to Yuye.

There are a lot of uncertainties in this kind of piloting. She doesn't want Rainy Night and Gentle to take such risks, in case something goes wrong...

"I'm thinking about this matter." In the end, Changjian Hengge still didn't reply to him, and quit the game after pressing a sentence.

This rainy night...he sighed helplessly and quit the game.

At seven ten people went online at the same time and began to study this quaint coffin.

The inscription engraved on it is incomprehensible to everyone, but they can also perceive the bursts of pressure emanating from it; the silver-grade material made of the coffin shows the mastery of the tomb owner.

It is no exaggeration to say that this coffin is guaranteed to be worth a lot, and it is absolutely impossible to sell less than one thousand gold coins.

"Get up the coffin."

The four of Lao Niu and Changjian Henge found a good position, found the gap and inserted the gold-class weapon into it, and forced it open.

With two clicks, the coffin board fell to the ground, and the four quickly dispersed and dared not approach.

As for Lao Zhangtou and the others, they had already stood by the corner for fear of being caught by the fish.

The substance and hidden killers in the coffin will be triggered at the moment when the coffin is lifted. It is better to be careful.

Sure enough, a dark green mist quickly spread from the coffin and quickly dispersed in the sealed space.

At the same time, countless Dawley arrows fell vertically from the roof. Although they were vertical, their power was not reduced at all, or even greater.

The blood volume was reduced by 80% before this attack was passed. After all the crisis was resolved, everyone waited for five minutes before approaching the coffin cautiously.

At a glance, what was inside was not the bones, but a piece of tattered clothes and some debris.

"This is not the legendary powerhouse-Bruman's cloak? It's a bit shabby." The old man frowned and looked disgusted. He raised the small axe in his hand to remove all the sundries and clothes. Take it out and put it on the ground.

"No, it hasn't prompted the end of the mission." Yu Ye replied affirmatively, bending down to look for clues from the pile of debris.

Soon, everyone cleaned up the debris on the ground. Two or three tattered clothes, a yellowed diary, a few large gems, ten damaged fine gold weapons, and eight simple ones. The book, that is a skill book, there are a lot of broken* such as armor pieces, cloth strips and so on.

There are some handwritings written on it, but maybe because of the age, some are not clear.

Several people sat cross-legged on the ground and began to divide the spoils.

There are three gems per person, and one fine gold weapon per person. Although it is a bit damaged, if Batubas goes out to repair it, it may not be a perfect weapon. There are four skill books in one party, which is fair.

After dividing the spoils, Changjian Henge opened the diary to check what was written in it.

She always feels that these things are too simple and a little unreal.

Creation calendar-the end of the twelfth cycle, July 18, 1305, sunny.

Everyone was at a loss as soon as they saw the date, what does the creation calendar-twelve cycles mean?

Looking at Changjian Hengge, she was also confused, and everyone could only continue to look down.

I was invited to participate in the construction of a crypt, which is about the back affairs of a legendary powerhouse in the mundane camp, Bruman.

In this chaotic era, the Legendary Grade has no ability to protect itself, and a lot of them have fallen. I have built many of the same underground palaces. I have absolutely experience. Moreover, the victim has given a lot of rewards, which is irresistible. I am glad to go. .

——Dwarf: Imna.

July 23, overcast.

I came to the place where the legendary powerhouse-Bruman fell, and looked at the tragic scene in front of me. Rather, I had more than two hundred years of rich experience. I also vomited and couldn't eat for three days.

I didn't see Bruman's body, but I started to build the catacombs so that he could rest in peace as soon as possible.


Next are the unimportant things, such as: what did you eat today, how many times you went to the toilet today, etc., skip it.

On September 30, the weather was unknown.

After more than two months of construction, the underground palace was completely completed before the last step, but I seemed to have discovered a great secret.

On October 8, the weather was unknown.

In order to confirm the guess in my I deliberately slowed down the progress and explored Bruman’s secret. I really discovered it, that is...


The content here stopped abruptly, as if the dwarf—Imna was found, choked and killed.

Continue to look down, there are a little black watermark on the diary, the paper has become crumpled, it is...dry blood.

The dwarf...dead, but...what is the secret he discovered?

After watching it, the ten people shuddered, and their hairs stood up, as if they were being stared at by something terrible.

The cold breath came from all directions...

The dwarf recorded very few things. He didn't say what the secret was? Didn’t say what was the original intention of setting up this coffin? Didn't say why the objects in the coffin exist? I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~