Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 261: Gold boss-Izard

"President, do you recognize dwarf language? Just kidding, when did you learn it?" Qingshan Confucian asked with a look of disbelief, with a silly smile on his mouth.

He was the first to open this diary, but he didn't know a word of the ghost symbols on it, and he couldn't understand it at all. He thought that no one would know it, and it would become the most useless existence among these things.

Unexpectedly, the president is so versatile, opening the door to a new world for them.

"Yeah, I learned a little bit, yes, I will share it with you." Changjian Hengge said modestly, and then took an old and tattered book in his hand, and handed it to everyone one by one, as if it were a treasure.

Some people believe this thing after a thousand years of being unearthed...

Qingshan took it carefully to avoid damaging it. Turning to the end page by page, two system prompts sounded in his mind:

Ding, you have obtained dwarf quotations, do you want to study?


Ding, you have learned dwarven language.


The whole process takes no more than ten seconds, and sometimes mastering a language is as simple as that.

After passing them one by one, all ten people learned a new language and gained a means of earning a living. They were very happy.

Life-long learning......

After learning, Qing Shan took the diary and looked at it carefully, with an extremely serious expression, as if there were flowers, gold, and beauty in it.

However, after investigating attentively for a short period of time, nothing was found.

Ahem, a little embarrassing.

Who knows the next second:

Ding, you have discovered the secret of the dwarf-Imna, please go as soon as possible to find out the truth and discover the cause of the dwarf's death.

The mechanical system prompt sounded in everyone's ears, shocked.

Uh, the mission of the city lord hasn't been completed yet, and a new mission has jumped out. Let’s take a look at the mission rewards first.

Quest reward: the inheritance of the dwarf architect-Imna.

Oh, everyone's faces showed sloth-like smiles, this reward is really rich, everyone is already a little eager to try and can't wait.

Especially the four members of the Dragon Touring Guild, like ferocious wolves who have been hungry for three days, their bright eyes are shining with green light, and they can't wait to take them right away.

You must know that the construction skills of dwarves can be ranked among many races, absolute quality assurance.

If they can obtain its inheritance and can use the dwarven construction skills to build all the residences of the dragon guild, it can definitely be regarded as solid, and it is impossible to break without the technology higher than that of the dwarves.

As for Xiao Ye, it's a big deal to owe him hundreds of thousands of gold coins, a little money fan.

Don't bite if there are too many lice, and don't worry about more debts.

The task was successfully received.

There were two crisp sounds, as if touching a secret mechanism. A portal once again appeared on the west wall. It was made of silver-grade materials. Engravers who did not know their grades engraved inscriptions. The scene inside was not airtight.

This hand further strengthened the idea of ​​Longsword Hatred: We must obtain the inheritance of the dwarf-Imna.

After such a long battle, she was stunned that there was a portal behind the wall. What kind of magic is this?

I still remember that the most tragic place in the battle just now was the western wall, and countless attacks swarmed on it. The outer wall destroyed seven or eighty-eight, so the door inside was still not revealed.

There was nothing to say, everyone mentioned courage, added buffs, and arranged their equipment. Hold on to the weapon and move on.

The durability of the gold-level equipment is absolutely durable, and it is not a problem to brush monsters for five hours without dying.

As soon as I entered, a terrible whimper sounded in my ears, hitting the soul directly, making people shudder; there were even more bizarre ghost fires flying freely, giving people a powerful visual impact, coupled with the third and fourth-level cold wind blowing from nowhere , Ten people suddenly felt like falling into hell.

This tomb is weird and weird.

Entering the new room, the door behind him slowly disappeared as usual, and the wall was restored to be flat, as if it had never appeared before;

At the same time, the old, long-silent lamp on the wall lights up quietly, as if there is a special lighter guarding it.

Although it was an orange fire, it illuminated the whole room as if it were daylight, and the surrounding conditions were unobstructed.

The fire lights up, and all the previous weirdness disappears, melting like a spring and white snow.

This time, it was not the others that caught everyone's eyes first, but the three lifeless spirit guard skeletons that stood in the center of the room.

Judging by the equipment on his body, and the force of force he exudes, these three should be bosses, but the mourning is not activated at this moment.

The room is very large and is a 30*30*10 cuboid, and the surrounding wall murals and floor materials are similar to those of other rooms.

Simplicity and simplicity are the eternal theme of these houses.

Eight pillars support the heaven and the earth, and the three-headed skeleton guardian guards the tomb. There is nothing more than that.

Changjian Henge took a step forward, and the end of the three-headed spirit guard moved.

A little blue ghost fire flashed in his eyes, as if igniting energy, the body began to move slowly.

The pale white and close to gray-black bones slowly turned into crystal white with the passage of time, and their defense power increased a little.

Get up, turn your head, observe, lock.

Looking at the huge sword in his hand and his burly height, he should have been a warrior before his death, and the ravines and damages on the armor can prove that he never gave up at the last moment of the battle.

This is a respectable warrior, he abides by all the warrior's creed.

Even after death, he still loyally completes his goals before his death.

"Those who break into the underground palace, die."

The soldier's boss rubbed his bones and spit out a few syllables, which made people sore.

It was embarrassing for him. In order to pronounce these syllables, a layer of bone meal fell on the ground.

In the next second, his feet move quickly to launch an offense. Seeing that his movement speed is not like an undead at all, at least one hundred.

Everyone was barely able to keep up and fight against it.

However, the fighter boss has extremely rich experience in combat, and his blocking skills are purely incomparable. He was always able to inadvertently disrupt the siege of the seven, and the scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Wang Zhan, the plane has wings, haha, I didn't expect it." At this moment, the figure of the old Zhang's head that had been shrinking in the corner jumped up and said excitedly.

"If you refuse to accept it, come again."


A quiet and a move a busy time, the two sides formed a very sharp contrast.

"You keep quiet, it affects our playing cards."

"Yes, it's noisy."

Uh, even if you don’t work, do you still have to say something? The old man resisted the urge to vomit blood.

Yuye's Wisdom Eye Surgery was released from the moment he entered, and it took more than ten times to succeed at this moment.

The probe is successful, please check.

Monster Name: Izard

Seeing these three words, everyone looked terrified and turned into ecstasy.

You must know that only bosses of gold level and above can have their own name and a separate story. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~