Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 262: Thieves, archers

If a yellow and gold-level boss kills it, he might be able to produce a few pieces of top-quality gold, and even fine gold may appear. Thinking about it, I feel a little excited.

Monster introduction: Legendary powerhouse-follower of Bruman, followed his master to the death, and after death turned into heroic spirits to guard the tomb, beheading all outsiders, for the master, I am willing to give up everything, even at the end of life.

Level: 17

Class: Gold

Quality: ordinary boss

Physical Attack: 5000

This is definitely the boss with the highest attack power that Lao Niu has seen so far, not one of them.

It is estimated that he can't resist a few fights based on his blood volume. Hey, the equipment is still too poor, not a crime of war.

If he can have the equipment of Rainy Night, no, the equipment of the old Zhangtou, then he is confident that he can stop this boss for ten minutes.

Ten minutes is not a short time, he is very proud.

However, compared with Yuye's ability to resist monsters, he is somewhat inferior.

Magic attack power: 0

Physical defense: 1000

Magic Defense: 1000

Health: 6000000

Mana value: 0

Agility: 110

Skills: Diablo cutting, crippling, battle roar, heroic strike, etc.

The general skills of fighters below level 20 have almost all the bosses, which can be called instructor level.

Note: After the 20th level, players start to change jobs.

Undead resurrection-after being killed, the bones are not destroyed, they can be resurrected within ten seconds.

Perception disappears-no pain can be felt during the battle, and the state will always be 100%.

Of course, there will be a passive skill-Furious, which can be activated when the blood volume is less than 20%.

Quickly browse the Long Sword Hate Song and start assigning the task: Jinguang main resistance, we output.

It's very simple, there is no need for those fancy positions, awareness, etc.

With golden light, those are all imaginary.

Roar, the roar is shocking, even if Yizard is a gold-class boss, his attributes are also reduced by 5%.

The group disaster of Rainy Night cannot be used by the boss, so he does not intend to...

? ? ? ?

Wait, the group disaster turned out to be on? Could it be said that it can be used on the gold boss Izard in front of him?

Obviously, it cannot be used within the tenth level dungeon...

Is it because of the evolution of skills or the particularity of the tenth level copy itself?

Yu Ye didn't know, but the group's disaster turned into a straight arrow flying out in the next second and hit.

-3000000 HP floated from the top of Yizard's head.

With a click, Yizard's health bar was reduced by 50%, and the entire skeleton frame stopped in place, forgetting to attack for a while.

Lao Tzu is a gold-level boss, what skill can knock me out of such high damage? Is it because the sleep time is too long? Some trance? Or was the posture of the resurrection wrong? It shouldn't, I'm using a fixed program.

Not only Yizard was dumbfounded, but Changjian Henge, Lao Niu, Confucian scholars, and **** fortune tellers were also dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Is this half of the blood lost? Could this boss be paperless?

No, isn’t Xiaoye’s Monolithic Bane that can’t be used on bosses? Why can it be used suddenly now?

This is too fierce, brother, this is not a gap that equipment can make up.

Lao Niu was completely obsessed with rainy night.

Before he did it, they beat the boss to death. How do you fight?

Old cow? What do you think?

I sit and watch him pretend to be b, what else can I watch?

God fortune tells him that he already knows that Yu Ye is not a member of the Dragon Touring Guild, but with this skill and awareness, it is a pity not to be drawn into the Dragon Touring Guild. He is already planning some methods in his mind.

Lao Zhang and the others were already quite familiar with Yuye's skill, and sneered at it, it was no big deal, a group of soil buns.

Still shrinking in a small safe corner and starting to play cards, the three of them had already opened several hands in a short time. As the old head of Li had been losing, many notes were posted on his forehead.

Feng Shui turns around.


After a tenth of a second, Changjian Henge roared softly, taking everyone out of the fantasy, and taking the lead in attacking the golden boss.

After the attributes are halved, what storms can the gold-level bosses afford?

Moreover, the hatred fell on Yu Ye's body, everyone didn't have to worry about counterattack, just attack.

Gentle only needs to take care of a person's blood volume on a rainy night, and the treatment is very simple.

It didn't take long for a brilliant golden boss that should have bloomed to belong to him and died.

Ah, you mean violent?

In just three minutes, he walked to death like a dog on a rainy night.

To destroy the skeletons, the silver equipment of Lao Niu will definitely not work, and the golden equipment of Changjian Henge and Lao Zhangtou will also not be able to do it.

In the end, it was rainy night, gently rushing out, showing epic-level and god-level equipment, smashing them one by one, turning them into powder, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully slaying the gold-level boss-Yizard, and get 30w team experience points, and each player will share 3w experience points equally.

30,000 experience points, not bad, huh, right?

? ? ? ?

"Is there no equipment reward? Is there no skill book to drop?" The longing old man came over and turned over all the powder, and walked back frustrated without any gain.

"Maybe not."

When everyone was looking for it, with a swish, a sharp arrow shot at the feet of Long Sword Hengge like a bullet, and it was deeply embedded nearly fifteen centimeters underground.

A cold sweat broke out from the back of Changjian Hengge, and he began to look around.

My God, you have to know that the ground is not ordinary bluestone, but silver-grade material blue profound stone, you can imagine the horror of this arrow.

If it weren't for her to be in a better position, and to detect it in advance, she would definitely pierce her into a transparent hole and take away her precious blood.


Without Changjian Hengge's words, everyone had already assumed a fighting pose, staring scorchingly at the center of the house.

Originally there were three skeletons there, one of which should have been beheaded should have two left, but at this moment, none of them are left and disappeared.

When did they disappear? Everyone didn't even notice it.

He turned his head in a circle and quickly searched, and finally found one of them ten meters away. He was an archer.

Draw the bow and set the arrow, swish, and another sharp arrow shot in the direction of the long sword hate With a sound, the bow and arrow searched for the weak armor and penetrated through. Long sword Hengge's head burst out -12000 damage.

Oh, the damage is really not low.

Longjian Hengge's blood volume is reduced by one-fifth.

Upon seeing this on the rainy night, the group's misfortune was flying, and he accurately hit the archer, and then he stepped forward to kill him in close proximity.

This rainy night, I didn't even bother to use the Eyesight Technique, and directly calculated the attributes of the archer.

The speed and attack should be stronger than the fighters, but the others are weaker than the fighters, but after being hit by a single body, the archers of the Pianke will directly become lambs to be slaughtered.

Changjian Hengge took out the medicine bottle and wanted to restore the blood, the moment the gentle healing amount was about to fall.

Another skeleton guardian hidden in the dark rushed out instantly, gouge, stun, evisceration, and three stages. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~