Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 268: Legendary-Bone Dragon

More than 2.5 million prestige points? Yuye knelt down completely, how many dregs of the Celestial camp would have to be killed to achieve this?

   After reading Bruman’s attributes, the rainy night was shocked and unable to recover for a long time.

   He originally thought that his attributes after turning on the amplitude were already very high, but compared with Bruman, it was almost like fireflies and sun and moon.

   Is this really a level that humans can achieve? So how high is the attribute of the **** above the legend?

   This is only the strength of Bruman's gold rank, it is hard to imagine his legendary strength.

   "Uncle, your golden...attribute...there is this.....Is it high?" The rainy night swallowed and stammered inquired.

   "No, this is my naked attribute at my peak, that is, the attribute of not wearing equipment, just pretending to be a facade, now that the attribute can have 1% is considered good."

   Bluman explained for the rainy night, the words were very dissatisfied.

   ahem, one percent, that's scary enough, the rainy night almost didn't come up, this is just a naked attribute, it is hard to imagine how scary Bruman would be wearing that legendary equipment.

   It seems that this b can still be installed, ahem, low-key and low-key.

   "Uncle Bruman? Can your equipment be repaired? I just know a legendary blacksmith." Speaking of Batu, Yuye is still very proud.

   "It can be repaired, but at least a god-level blacksmith, young master, leave it alone, I can still find a god-level blacksmith."

   Bluman said toward the rainy night while studying the map of the tomb in the coffin.

   "Yeah." Yu Ye nodded gently, the god-level blacksmith was really helpless.

   After completing the research, Batu assumed an extremely exaggerated posture, with one hand on the ground and then circles of purple ripples waved from his fingers to the distance.

  He seems to be taking over this tomb in a special way...

   After the shock, Yu Ye still has two doubts in her heart: What is the secret found by the dwarf? And where are the high-level bosses of Bruman?

   He doesn't believe that the dignified Legendary powerhouse has only three gold-level subordinates, which is illogical and does not fit his identity.

   "Uncle, it's you in the south gate? What's in the north gate?" While waiting, Yuye's curiosity prepared and asked, and at the same time verified some of his own thoughts.

   "There is a skeleton dragon in the north gate. It should be in a deep sleep state. If you can tame it, it would be a good helper."

Bluman did not say the origin of the skeleton dragon, as if he was scrupulous, but the rainy night was bright, as Bluman said, if you can really subdue it, wouldn’t it be enough to just let the golden light and the skeleton dragon go after the monsters? Now, can he be completely liberated?


   "Uncle, do you have a way to recover it?"

   "No, with my current strength, I will go and deliver food."

   Bluman made a faint explanation, unlike to do more discussion on this topic.

   Now Yuye’s doubts have become three: Why is there a skeleton dragon in Bruman’s grave?

   Failed to knock on the side, Yuye is a ten-year-old child after all, so instead of circumstance, he asked directly:

   "Uncle Bruman, what happened back then?"

   Bluman stopped the movement in his hand, raised his head and glanced into the distance, his eyes filled with an indescribable aura of pain, he calmed down and only then slowly spoke out, telling the story of the year for the rainy night.

   "We were about to win the battle that year, killing nearly one million soldiers from the Celestial camp, which was a great feat.

But in the end, there was an accident. My rebellious son sacrificed himself at the last moment and attracted the deity of the Celestial camp—the Wanderer. The deity only made a blow. My millions of brothers and I have no ability to resist. , Suffocated and died.

   The blow of the gods is as terrifying as possible.

It happened that Lord Plague God passed by and resurrected me with a breath, but he seemed to be in a hurry, leaving behind a talisman, telling me something, and then leaving. This included recognizing you three hundred years later. Lord, protect you well. "

   The rainy night was speechless for a long time. How could he never think that it was Bruman’s son who had betrayed him, and the teacher realized what was happening today three hundred years ago?

   Is it possible that in addition to having the profession of a plague mage, the teacher is also a prophet?

   "Is the Fulu that the teacher gave you about the design of this underground palace?"

   "No, it is a legendary talisman that keeps the vitality of the soul and body. The reason why I have been able to maintain peace for so long...this talisman is indispensable."

   When he said this, Bluman's eyes dodge a little, but he was quickly covered up by it. Rainy night did not notice it. He seemed to be deliberately hiding something?

   "What is this underground palace?"

"I asked the housekeeper to ask someone to help build it. One is to hide myself and avoid some inexplicable troubles; the other is to find a home for my subordinates that year. After arranging these things, I will fall into an eternal sleep. It’s not that the plague aura on Young Master is bothering me, I won’t wake up yet.”

   "Yeah." Yuye nodded again, but immediately continued to ask: "You mean you don't know what happened to the tomb? You don't know the secret hidden by the dwarf?"

   After speaking, looking at Bruman's confused expression, Yu Ye quickly explained the dwarf.


   After listening to the rainy night, Bruman seemed to have thought of suddenly exclaimed.

   "Young Master, let your friends go quickly, if I expected it well, something will happen next."

As soon as   's voice fell, the purple halo that originally radiated from the inside out was rapidly retracting, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

   Yuye didn't dare to take it lightly, and hurriedly sent a message to Qingrou and others to let them leave as soon as possible.

   The nine people in the west gate room who were spamming monsters got a reply from Rainy Night, and they quit the battle without hesitation and returned to the town.

   Just after they left, a loud dragon roar came from outside the door, which contained anger, as if to vent all the grievances before death.

   The bone dragon on the opposite side has awakened...

   "Uncle Bruman, could the bone dragon on the opposite side belong to the Celestial camp?"

   No matter how thick the wall is, the nasty breath can be sensed in the rainy night, and he can't help asking at this moment.

"Yes, it is my opponent in that battle, Mossad, the legendary bone dragon of the Celestial camp. After killing it with my old friend, in order to better suppress it, we asked the craftsman to place it opposite us. Unexpectedly... Is it? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

   Bluman was a little surprised, presumably he hadn't expected such a thing, at this moment, like rainy night, he is in a state of perplexity.

   At the same time, he no longer conceals the origin of this skull dragon to Yuye.

"Let’s go out to fight, and sleep for three hundred years. I don’t know how powerful this legendary bone dragon is." If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Mage of Online Games", follow on WeChat "Hot Netwen or rdww444" Talk about favorite books with more book friends