Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 269: Only one battle! ! !

After a brief shock, Bruman's face showed a strong fighting spirit and a confident smile, showing the true qualities of a legendary swordsman.

   Afraid? This sentiment shouldn't appear on a soldier; back, there are no related words in his dictionary.

   was able to slay bone dragons back then, and now he can do the same.

  The only warr...

   Kaka, Bluman quickly opened the door and walked out proudly, as if nothing could crush the man's spine.

   At the moment when he was about to step out, he turned his head, bent down, rubbed his hands, with a slightly wretched smile at the corners of his mouth, and asked embarrassedly towards Yuye: "Young Master, do you have a sword? Lend me one?"

   These actions were completed in one go, stunned by the rainy night.

   Uh, rainy night rummaged through the backpack to find a silver-level sword, and handed it to Bruman.

   The breath of taking the long sword Bruman reached its peak in an instant, forgetting everything before, and only the sword in his hand and the opponent not far away were left in his eyes.

   This is a pure swordsman...

   This is a warrior who can change his face...

   The moment Bruman walked out, it seemed to perceive something on a rainy night? What do you understand?

   But it still feels like looking at a flower in a fog, not very real; like falling into a sea of ​​smoke, vague.

   Everything is separated by a layer of window paper, but it will not break.

   But he had a feeling that when he stepped out of this door and saw the bone dragon, the secrets hidden in the tomb would be revealed to him.

   If Bruman rises to the sky and uses a special pupil technique to look down at the tomb, you can find:

   The construction of this underground palace is a derivative of Huaxia Taiji Diagram.

   Although there have been major changes, the core views are all consistent.

  The area of ​​the tomb is very small compared to the plain above, only one percent, but its location is the most central and most quintessential area, and it is also a magical skill...

   And the place where Bruman sleeps and the place where the Skeleton Dragon sleeps are exactly the two array centers in the picture.

   At first, Bluman realized that the bone dragon didn't care, after all, this was originally his arrangement.

   But the more the tomb he controlled, the more he found something wrong.

   Although his research on the tomb is not very esoteric, he can also understand that the layout of the tomb has no purpose in suppressing the bone dragon.

   On the contrary, it will slowly recover over time, and finally succeeded in occupying the magpie's nest, suppressing Bruman in the opposite direction, and completely entering the gate of God level.

   If it wasn't for a sudden change in the tomb, if it wasn't for a rainy night, if it wasn't...

   Several years later, this skull dragon might really succeed.

   This is not Bruman's original intention. The drawing of the tomb has been changed, and it is a big change.

   Knowing this speculation, his head was like a heavy object crashing, and he suddenly became blinded. As soon as the young master's friends withdrew, the loud dragon roar sounded, shocking people.

   咚咚, Rainy Night and Bluman came to the largest room in the center, and they heard the sound of bone dragon crashing against the wall.

   There have been a lot of cracks on it, and it will not take long before the bone dragon within it will be able to escape.

   Dark gold-level materials are used to make the walls, and high-level inscribers engrave them. Even if they want to seal the bone dragon, they seem to be almost.

   "Young Master, it seems that the strength of the bone dragon has been restored to fine gold in the long years? Would you like to go first?"

  Bruman's eyes burned with bright light like the sun, and the silver long sword in his hand echoed with him.

   Although speaking at this moment will affect his aura, he still asked Yuye worriedly, wanting to let him go first.

   "Uncle, I won't go. I just happen to lack a skeleton dragon pet. I think it's just right."

   Rainy night I don’t know when the raging flames are also ignited in my eyes, and the black air of the plague comes to the top. Although he is a villain, at this moment he is more bold than the warrior of the rivers and lakes.

   "Okay, let us capture it alive and dedicate it to the young master as a mount."

   Bluman was also infected by Yu Ye's pride, and the last bit of grievance in his heart for Ren Yuye as the master also disappeared.

   The young master has a great appetite for him.

   "Uncle, give you this, you can equip it."

   Talking about the rainy night, he took out the dragon horn fragments and handed them to Bruman for equipment.

  The dragon horn fragments can be immune to the coercion of the dragon race, which is just right for Bluman, and it can be given to him to give it 100% strength.

   Bluman did not refuse, and took it directly.

Looking at Bruman at this moment, a legendary-level equipment that is exposed but has no bonuses makes it extremely stalwart. The silver-level long sword and the two are combined without distinction, and the dragon horn fragments on the top of the head are even more faint. Long Wei made up for its last shortcoming.



   One person and one dragon started a contest of momentum across a wall.



   On the Bone Plain above the tomb, many players gather to spawn monsters.

   Suddenly a dragon roar shocked them. The ground seemed to tremble two or three times.

   And after the dragon roar, the monsters of the Celestial camp on the Bone Plain increase by one percent.

  Note: Decrease as the distance increases.

   This is not good news, is it possible that the Celestial camp wants to attack again?

  The roar of the dragon has been endless, and the players on the plain couldn't help but discuss:

   "Pharaoh? Was that dragon roar just now?"

   "Not sure, but it should be about the same. I can't think of any creature other than dragons that can bring us such a great pressure."

   "Could it be that the White Bone Plain has refreshed the dragon boss? Brothers go look for it, and if you push it away, you may be able to directly upgrade to one level."

   A small team member turned red and gave The whole person was excited, as if already immersed in the dream of killing the dragon boss.

   Such speculation soon spread throughout the town, and the crowd rushed.

   But there is another guess:

   The Celestial faction is about to attack, and Dragon Roar is the prelude.

   But in the face of huge interests, such a voice quickly faded to everyone.

   Dragon Slaying Warrior? Who doesn't want to be?

  A place in the town:

   "I heard that Ximen has a legendary boss? Let's go and get it. It's okay to rub it. If you can watch it up close, it will be more worthwhile."

   "What, I heard that it is the sacred beast Qinglong, go quickly, maybe it can explode the artifact, if we find it, then..."

   "Go, go."


   "Lao Zhang, won't you go, that's a dragon, a totem of China."

   "I don't know if it's true or not, don't take a trip in vain, it's the truth to clean monsters with peace of mind."

   "Cut, I have seen it with my own eyes, can it be faked? It is absolutely pure Huaxia Qinglong, a scale the size of a millstone, and the eyes are even more..."

   Before he finished speaking, a group of people surrounded him and wanted to continue listening.

   This person does not have stage fright, and gives them a vivid picture of the image of the Chinese Xia Qinglong in his mind. In the end, even he himself believes that he has seen Qinglong with his own eyes. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends