Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 27: Guardian BOSS: Tyrannical Deer King

This scene seems as if the earth dragon is turning over, as if the world is about to collapse. Even if everyone clings to the rock wall, does everything they can, and thinks of all kinds of methods, they will inevitably be hurt. They will be affected by falling rocks and shaken by the cave. nausea.

   Thirty seconds later, there was no accident, no luck, everyone's blood volume bottomed out, and only the last trace of blood was left. At this moment, as long as a little monster came out, they could be destroyed.

   Within 30 seconds, they touched Reaper's cheek several times, but they were still pulled back to their blood volume by the medicine at the critical moment.

The six people in the Dragon Touring Guild and the potions controlled by Yuye will naturally not be the ordinary potions sold in the grocery store, but the'Essence * Health Recovery Potions' previously dropped by the Demon Race, which restores 500 HP per second. For ten seconds.

  Uh, as for the skinny person, naturally it is not in their consideration and cannot enjoy the medicine allowance of Youlong.

   Skinny: A group of turtles, I need your second-rate potion? joke.

   Seeing that the thin man used the instant recovery potion twice in a row without distress, everyone's hearts were dripping blood and regret. This is too wasteful.

   As for Changjian Hengge, he was thinking about how to pit a few bottles of instant recovery potions for the thin man.

   There is not much stock in the Demon Potion Dragon Tournament Guild. Everyone only has five bottles + one instant recovery potion and a full set of HP recovery potions. At the beginning of the battle, Changjian Henge said:

Demon potions and instant recovery potions are not allowed to be used until the boss, because if you can’t see the boss, it’s not the potion, but the lineup, damage, personnel, etc. Many reasons, don’t forget, they have rainy nights This hole card.

   Although this storm lasted only 30 seconds, it felt as if it had fought a small battle of 500 people, and it was the most tragic battle.

After the strong shock sensation passed, before everyone regained consciousness, a dazzling bright light shot straight in from the top of the cave, which made people unable to open their eyes, and then involuntarily penetrated the black mist to make it like a sunny spring and white snow. Melting slowly like the sun, evading quickly like encountering natural enemies of life and death.

   In the end, it was like a frightened mouse that all smashed into the two pieces of equipment on the rainy night. The equipment on the rainy night was more pure and pure, and the poisonous scorpion on the chest was more fierce and more realistic.

   Not to mention, this light is not really useless, at least it speeds up the conversion of Yuye’s equipment from ordinary to top quality, and after turning into top quality, the attributes have a small amount of amplitude.

After the black energy disappeared completely, the light quickly dissipated. However, when the light dissipated, it looked like a cat smelling a fishy cat and pierced into the body of the rainy night in the right direction. The rainy night was startled subconsciously. Checking himself, he soon discovered the problem, and the bane of the single body was sealed again...

   The thing he was most worried about before finally happened, but he remained silent and did not show it. The next battle can only be seen by the running-in between the eight of them.

   Where does this light come from? Can actually eliminate the plague bomb left by the plague magic god? And can you directly find him for the seal?

   Seeing such a scene on a rainy night, his small mouth could not help but opened in shock and looked at it.

   The plague magic **** is powerful and powerful. He has seen it with his own eyes. Can this light be restrained steadily? It's incredible, where does this light come from? What is the effect? Could it be that God was born to restrain the plague law?

   A few seconds later, the black air in the air was swept away, and at the same time the falling rocks on the ground disappeared together.

   When everyone opened their eyes, they couldn't help themselves for a long time, and they were in a trance. The cave was as if they had just entered, and all the rocks were missing. It was very bright and very empty, and even a faint plum fragrance permeated.

  咦, could it be that the falling rock just now was false? Such thoughts could not help appearing in a few people's minds, but the pain in their whole body and the reduced blood volume clearly told them that it was not a dream or a fake.

Thinking about the causes and consequences, combined with the plot before and after rainy night, a clear understanding rose in my heart: this sudden golden light should be released by the system, in order to prevent the plague bomb from causing damage to the boss, and to prevent the interference of the rainy night monomer from the dungeon, so that this The copy tour is in a fair and just state.

   And the falling rocks and earthquakes are likely to be part of the dungeon and the follow-up to the sixth wave, in order to reduce staff and weaken the team's winning rate.

   seems to be to confirm Yu Ye's thoughts, the scale on the blue and black whirlpool outside has disappeared by 5%, and at this moment there is still 85%.

Outside of the blue-black vortex, the twin stars appeared quickly from far to near. They rushed over after hearing the news of the Long Sword Hate Song, and they didn’t even repair their equipment. As for them, there were a lot of tails behind them. Know what they pictured.

  Ding, the copy is in progress, you are not eligible to enter.


  , the two of them were dumbfounded for an instant, and couldn't believe it. After trying a few more times, they still didn't work. So after sending a message to Changjian Henge, the two walked back in despair and went back to repair the equipment.

   The people outside quickly got the news and became agitated.




   Ding, the first-tier boss tyrannical Deer King is about to appear, please prepare the team "Dragon Guild".



   Three consecutive system prompts to refresh everyone.

Grass, the eight people made verbal abuse at the same time, their expressions were very angry and very indignant. At the same time, they cursed the game planners and greeted the eighteenth generation of their ancestors with no limit. At this time, everyone's blood volume has bottomed out, Not one-tenth, when the boss suddenly appears, isn’t this terrible? How to fight this?

"Auntie, you hurry to hide to the side to restore your health, I will absorb the damage, seduce the boss, and buy as much time for you as possible." At the critical moment, Yuye stood up with a flat face, said his own thoughts, and solved problems for everyone. .

  I don’t panic at all in the critical juncture, rainy night, on the contrary, my heart is very calm, there is no wave, what if there is no single disaster? Could it be possible to wipe out the fighting spirit in his heart? Can destroy the blood in his bones?

   The previous rockfall impact rainy night was the first to react. One was that he was less in size, the other was the favor of the **** of luck, and the third was that the defense was increased a lot, so he didn't receive more damage. At this moment, the state was close to full value.

   Changjian Hengge took a deep look at Yuye, and then nodded heavily at him, agreeing to his proposal.

   In fact, what Yu Ye said is what Changjian Henge thought in her heart. At this time, only one person can be released and one person can be sacrificed. Otherwise, everyone can only use instant recovery potions together.

   "President? Are you sure?" The old cow was the first to stand up for the rainy night and fight the injustice. A pair of bull's eyes spit out fire like a mountain of flames. He was very upset and dissatisfied with Changjian Henge's decision. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends