Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 273: mission completed

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The dragon roar was high-pitched, excited, and full of vitality from the beginning; to the screaming and hoarse in the middle, and now it is low and completely stopped, fools can hear that there is a problem.

Ten, the object they were looking for died

"How can I get in?"

The dwarf Domineering unwillingly asked the associate professionals of the guild, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Twenty minutes, but it gave him a feeling that every second is like a year.

Ba Tian knew in his heart that the dragon should have been beheaded, but he was still not reconciled and wanted to find out in person.

If he can conquer a dragon, then he may change his profession again, evolve into a dwarf dragon knight, and rise a few places in the Hall of Fame rankings, and may be able to break his wrists with real men and real men.

"No, there is no way to get in."

"Chairman, the news that I bought from Tianji Pavilion several hours ago, Changjian Hengge and his party had entered it, will they know the way to enter it, will this Dragon Roar incident have something to do with her?"

The counselor next to Tyrant turned his eyes and whispered.


"President, the latest news, Changjian Hengge, returned to the Dragon Touring Guild to actively prepare for the battle when Dragon Roar began. This time the matter should have nothing to do with her."

Two different voices gathered in Domineering's mind, and each message was confirmed to be true.

"Send a message to Changjian Hengge to buy the way she can enter the crypt."

Tyrant is not reconciled, he must know what is happening below, this is related to his future.

In his eyes, in addition to the city lord of Town No. 48, he should have everything that happened on this ground for the first time, and should have it in his hands.

The growth of the guild has never been safe and smooth. It can only go through the baptism of blood and fire and find many tasks.

"President, Changjian Hengge offers a price of five million and a set of fine gold and gold archer equipment."

"Give it to her." Ba Tian's face was ugly, his face suppressed indescribable anger, knowing that the Long Sword Hate Song was a ripped off, but he still had to eat this bitter fruit.

"Search for players in the guild who have won the title of City Guard, hurry up and bring them over."


In the tomb, after defeating the bone dragon, a system prompt sounded in Yu Ye's mind.

Ding, congratulations on completing the golden mission released by the city lord to explore the tomb of the legendary powerhouse Bruman and get rewards

30,000 experience

Skill Skeleton Disguise

Yuye allocated all the experience to the bone dragon, and at the same time took out the experience pill in the backpack and gave it to the bone dragon, so that it can be upgraded as soon as possible.

With a base of 60,000 experience, the bone dragon quickly reached the eighth level. Seeing its growth attributes, Yuye was very satisfied.

After the task is completed, another system reminder sounds

Ding, the forty-eight town lord has released a personal Adamantite mission to investigate whether the reason for the demise of the Bruman family three hundred years ago is acceptable

The mission rewards 60,000 experience points, 2,000 prestige, and enters the first floor of the treasure house of the city lord’s mansion to pick an item.

It must be accepted by asking.

The previous rewards look not good, but the rewards for entering the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion are enough to make Rainy Night excited.

If he hadn't entered the warehouse of the blacksmith shop, Yu Ye would still have no idea of ​​the treasure house, but now, he would like to enter it immediately and make a good selection.

With an eagerness to wait, the two entered the Bone Dragon's room. They were stunned when they first entered Yuye and Bluman. The layout here is exactly the same as the layout in Bluman's room.

Even the material of the coffin and the inscription on the wall are the same.

However, the content of it varies greatly. Bruman's tomb is carved with his splendid life, and the wall of the bone dragon is carved with a conspiracy and secret.

Perhaps it is because the people who built this tomb had 100% confidence in the bone dragon, so they were able to carve it so grandly.

and many more

Such a small coffin could hold such a huge bone dragon. Rainy Night's little hand made a few gestures in the air, and I didn't believe it.

The two started to look at the first picture

After Bluman fell into a deep sleep three hundred years ago, the housekeeper of the Norfi family went to find the dwarf to build a tomb for him, as ordered by Bluman.

The blueprint for Bruman has been prepared, and building according to the plan can definitely suppress the bone dragon.

At first, the dwarf Imna didn't notice the abnormality. As the leader of the construction, he admired Bruman very much. He was even more impressed by the idea of ​​suppressing the bone dragon after his death. He built it very seriously.

But soon he discovered that there was not only one construction team led by him in the underground palace, but also another team.

The reply given by the simultaneous construction steward of multiple teams is to speed up the progress.

Even if Imna was dissatisfied, she could only respond. After all, the remuneration that should be given and the area that should be built have not changed.

But over time, he suddenly discovered that everything was not the case.

The other team actually wanted to counter Bluman, and wanted to transform Bluman into the Celestial camp for a long time, while being restrained by the bone dragon. UU reading

As a curious and ethical dwarf architect, of course, after understanding all this, he decided to rot in his stomach, after all, safety comes first.

But he took everything for granted.

His intense curiosity eventually killed him, not only the craftsmen in his grave were also dead.

After reading the mural on the wall, the two could not help but take a breath, this

Especially when there was a deep fear in Bluman’s eyes, he was almost enslaved by Bone Dragon Brie

Although the story is connected before and after, most of the details in the middle are missing.

What happened back then, why did people from the Celestial camp get into Bruman’s tomb? Could it be that the butler was also instigated?

Yuye glanced at the taskbar, and the quest of Dwarf's Secret was still in progress.

How did the unfinished dwarf die?

Santo’s new mission is also in progress

At the time of the rainy night's doubts, Bluman came to the middle of the coffin in confusion. This coffin gave him a familiar breath, and he was a little puzzled.

When he saw the figure inside, his heart was shocked, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Then the sudden change occurred in the next second, and a black light with a destructive aura shot out like a sharp arrow, penetrating it and nailing it to the wall not far away.

Puff, Bruman spouted a big mouthful of blood, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and his spirit fell to the extreme in an instant. At this moment, he estimated that a wild boar of level 4 could easily kill him.

Hey, the black light disappeared, and Bruman's body fell to the ground, but he still stood up and said to Yuye, "Young master, go quickly."

It was extremely difficult for Bruman to speak the four words, and his words were full of urgency. In the process, he vomited four or five mouthfuls of black, fishy blood. I want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends