Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 274: Purple Gold Mission-Kill Ino

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The sudden change made Yuye feel at a loss, but he did not leave, but quickly calmed down and came to Bruman's side.

Take out all the props and potions on his body and let Bluman choose.

Abandoning one's own partner in a crisis is inconsistent with the education Yu Ye received from childhood.

Bluman stubbornly picked up a bottle of epic pharmacy, and took an unknown herb in his mouth. The injury finally stabilized, and the already weak to imperceptible aura calmed down.

No one pits the trade in the city lord’s mansion on the rainy night, and everyone presents them all treasures.

After finishing all this, Rainy Night turned his head and looked at the coffin in the center, and saw a handsome man full of celestial breath slowly rising from it and walking out.

Puff, Bruman spit out another mouthful of black blood while his mind was agitated, and he raised his finger to the figure with difficulty, his expression was very complicated.

There is resentment, unwillingness, wry smile, and a hint of relief

Yuye instantly used the Eyesight Technique to investigate the attributes of this person, but he also knew that the chance of success should be very low.

"My father, I don't know how this extinguishing light of the child is, no one will save you this time."

The handsome man had a gentle smile on his lips, but the words he said made people feel like falling into an ice cave, extremely cold.

"This is what Uncle Bruman calls the rebellious son"

Thinking of Yuye here, the anger in his heart rose up. Although he has no parents, under the guidance of his grandparents, he can't do things that hurt his relatives, and can't tolerate such things from happening.

"Eno, let this boy go, he has nothing to do with me."

Bluman insisted on talking word by word, not daring to expose his relationship with Yuye.

"My father, I just heard you call his young master, so he should stay."

The smile at the corner of Yinuo's mouth disappeared instantly, and he looked at Bruman cruelly and grimly.

After finishing speaking, pressing down on a bulge on the coffin, a yellow light circle instantly fitted the wall to completely seal the place, and a depressed breath swept my mind.

Ding, because nc Norfino uses a demigod item space confinement, you are already in a special environment. After death, you cannot resurrect or return to the town.

A series of restrictions made Yuye instantly dumbfounded. Is he completely locked up?

"Unexpectedly, the Celestial faction can even give you this kind of treasure. I want to come to you to mix well these years, but why do you want to do this?"

Bluman asked weakly while vomiting blood. He held this question in his heart for three hundred years, always wanting an answer.

"Father, do you know that when the sixth child died in the battle, I cried all night, and you called me a waste of money and a scumbag. The best home for a good man should be killed on the battlefield. Well, you are right.

But did you know that Lao Liu actually doesn't want to be a soldier. He just wants to learn medicine. Only when I learn medicine can I see the smile on his face. You don't know this;

When the fourth child died, I was next to him. He was killed by the gangsters of the Celestial camp to save me. Do you know what he told me before he died? He said that I am the future Patriarch and must live and live. There is hope when I go down. That night, I cried all night with the corpse of the fourth child. You don’t know this;

Do you know how the third child died? He was beaten to death by your brother. He left the camp without authorization because he violated military discipline. The third child pleaded with me. I will ask you to intercede. Do you remember what you said?

First in military discipline, it’s the first in military discipline. Looking at the distorted face of the third child and the welts all over, I hate myself, especially hate myself, do you know why he went out to find you a Qi Xue grass

The grass was found, but the people were gone, hehe, I cried all night with the corpse of the youngest, you don't know this.

There is so much sordidness in the army, you don’t care why you want the third child to die.”

Speaking of this, Yinuo stopped, he was already crying into tears, roaring loudly and questioning Bruman.

Bluman shook his head bitterly, the light in his eyes dimmed again.

The rainy night watched quietly from the side like the air. This was a matter between their father and son, and they couldn't speak.

Uh, it just inspired the storyline of the copy.

"The fifth child can't stand to run away from home. He never goes back. The second child also completely leaves the army and disappears.

But I know that they all died, not by people from the Celestial camp, but by people from the mundane camp who stood on the high moral ground.

You ask me why you still have the face to ask me why

This world should have been destroyed long ago, and should have been wiped out long ago, so the Celestial camp found me, and I agreed without saying a word. I knew they were using me, but I really wanted to avenge my third child, and I really wanted to bring the world away. Dirty shovel level. "

After listening to Bruman coughed up a few large mouthfuls of blood, his face was instantly pale, and he looked at the distance without knowing what he was thinking.

"You thought your layout was hidden deep and nobody knew it, but they all knew it, so I appeared.

You want to suppress Bone Dragon Brie, but Bone Dragon Brie also wants to enslave Without my secret arrangement, Brie would have succeeded a hundred years ago.

You want to form an army of undead, but you may not know that 90% of the sleeping undead above are already under my control.

As long as you wait for five days and wait for me to master all the undead, town No. 48, the city you have guarded for nearly forty years, is destined to become a thing of the past;

Brie was subdued, which was unexpected to me, so to be on the safe side, I could only use Divine Light.

Okay, I have said everything that should be said. Now you are here to watch the destruction of Town No. 48. "

Said that he blatantly shot Rainy Night in disregard of Bruman's shocked expression.

It's also when the system reminder sounded in the rainy night

Ding, congratulations on completing the Adamantite mission to explore the demise of the Norfi family.

Uh, this may be the easiest task that Rainy Night can complete, just after listening to a conversation and watching a short video.

Ding, congratulations on your reward

The experience value is 60,000, all allocated to the bone dragon.

Reputation worth two thousand

Opportunity to enter the treasure house on the first floor of the City Lord’s Mansion.

After listening to the quest reward on the rainy night, one rolled to avoid Ino's attack, and then four flus raged and flew.

At the same time as the damage burst out from the top of Yinuo's head, another system prompt sounded

Ding, the forty-eight town lord has released the Purple Gold mission to kill Yinuo. Do you agree?


This rainy night didn't even watch the task reward, so I just chose to agree.

The task rewards the fiery breath of the purple-gold helmet with exclusive equipment for the twentieth-level plague mage.

Taking the time to take a look at the task reward, Yu Ye was overjoyed, looking at Yinuo's figure not far away full of fighting spirit. I want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends