Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 275: Counter! !

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In future battles with a wizard, remember that if you are slower than the opponent, you should choose the burst speed as soon as possible to close the distance with you, go around to fight with him, use your own control skills to interrupt his spellcasting, and move dexterously. Position to avoid skills;

If your speed is fast enough to suppress the opponent, then you should be the first to close the distance between the enemy and ourselves, and make a devastating blow to it. The instructive teachings from the long sword hate song.

Uh, Changjian Henge said nothing wrong, Yuye chose to speed up and get close to Yinuo at the moment.

However, the next rainy night was dumbfounded and entered an extremely embarrassing situation.

He couldn't catch up with Yinuo at all, and he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes. He could only watch his back passively be beaten, as if being tricked by a monkey.

Moreover, as a legendary powerhouse, Yinuo seemed to be able to predict the position of the rainy night, and the bursting flame attack fell on the rainy night's feet, leaving him nowhere to hide.

If it wasn't for his high blood volume and Yinuo playing with him, three seconds ago, the rainy night would have died.

With the support of medicine, it can be supported in a short time in rainy night.

Yinuo's sarcastic laughter came into Yuye's mind, thinking that this is not a fool.

The Bronze Step wanted to fight close to the Adamantite Mage. When he was young, his head was caught by the door or half of the water.

Hey, Yuye regrets using all the three amplitude abilities just now, otherwise it would never develop into this way at the moment, at least it would be able to fight against Yinuo.

During the battle, the two deliberately or unintentionally avoided the position where Bruman was, to avoid the aftermath of the injury.

Wisdom Eye Surgery lives up to expectations and successfully detects the attributes of Inno


Brief introduction The eldest son of the Norfi family, later joined the Celestial camp for various reasons.


Professional legendary mage

Associate Professional Epic Engineer

Grade Adamantite 56 Legend 106

A pair of legendary Bruman families is still very possible.

Wrath staff with epic weapons in both hands.

A set of sighs of the epic **** of armor

A set of epic jewelry flexibility

Uh, although Ino's level is higher than that of Bruman, his equipment is far from it.

But such equipment can easily suppress rainy nights.

Title Betrayer, Epic Engineer

Physique 5000

Strength 2800

Agile 1000

Spirit 5600

5000000 health

Magic value 3000000

Physical Attack Power 4000

An epic equipment bonus

Magical Attack Power 8000

Physical Defense Power 2000

Magical Defense 3000

Slow attack speed

Fast casting speed

Movement speed 1500

Crit 70

60 hit rate

Avoidance rate 50

The active skill, Flame Mage, is proficient in all skills, mastering a forbidden spell.

After Burning the sky is released, targets within 10001000 yards will suffer 100,000 points of damage every second for 30 seconds.

Cooling time one day

Consumption of full mana 70

The lower the mana value of the passive skill Mage Spirit during the battle, the faster the recovery speed.

Seeing such attributes, Yuye subconsciously thought of the skill of summoning gods.

But looking at the 25th-level epic equipment in the backpack, and thinking about the attributes of Yinuo, it seems that it is not worthwhile to use God Summoning.

ab Plague cannot be used, the amplitude of Plague World is still 50 seconds short.

What kind of situation can you still use it

This too

Uh, habitual thinking is not necessary, Yuye always thinks that the disaster of a single body cannot be used on the boss, so it is always the last one to watch.

But today he surprises him one after another.

d. What are you still hesitating

Swish, a dark light refining shot out, aiming at Yinuo.

Yinuo perceives a trace of danger and instinctively wants to avoid it, but in the next moment he finds that it is inevitable.

Even if his speed breaks through 1500 and breaks away from the skill's distance range, it still won't work.

After 0.3 seconds, 250,000 damage appeared on the top of Yinuo's head, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth. The original cloudiness, gentleness and elegance disappeared at this moment.

The eyes that looked towards Yuye were full of tyranny, and he said frantically, "Today, you must die."

Although the attributes were reduced by half, Yuye felt that Yinuo's aura was stronger and more terrifying at this moment.

Roar, Yuye no longer hesitates to summon the eleventh-level bone dragon, and resist Yinuo for a while.

Note Originally, the bone dragon was upgraded to level 9 at most with the reward of two tasks, but for the sake of Xiaoming Yuye decisively chose experience transfer.

Experience transfer transfers the experience value in its own experience slot to pets or mounts.

Limit the transfer of experience points up to one level.

Disadvantages Every transfer of experience will waste two-thirds.

This skill was learned only after Rainy Night got a pet. He really didn't want to use it as a last resort. It was a waste of experience.

At this moment, the rainy night's seventeenth level experience has been cleared, and the bone dragon has also risen and reached the bronze level, which has a big improvement compared to the black iron.

The tenth level and the eleventh level are completely different concepts. At this moment, the attributes of the bone dragon

Name Al?tdiao Brie

The introduction was originally a large part of Barabara, now it is the pet of the player's Holy Dragon.

1000000 health

Magic value 500000

Physical Attack 500

Magic Attack 600

Physical Defense 500

Magic Defense 1000

Slow attack speed

Movement speed 100

The bone dragon's current attributes are not one percent of the peak period ~ ~ but it is sufficient in the current situation.

However, Yinuo was not a fool, only a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he chased in the direction of the rainy night.

Kill the host, and the pet will naturally return to the pet space.

The light of darkness, absolutely countered, absolutely immune, rainy night used all the life-saving skills, supporting a few seconds, but still not working.

The mage imprisoned.

Ding, you have been imprisoned by Yinuo's skills, and you can't break free within three seconds.

Seeing that the huge fireball above his head is about to fall, the rainy night uses the Evil Holy Cloak with the avatar skill to quickly break free and escape.

A strange color flashed in Yinuo's eyes again. This guy has so many life-saving skills. Is he a cockroach?

Every time he thought he was at the end of the crossbow and about to be beheaded, this guy could always survive tenaciously.

But this time I don't know if you still have such good luck, a cruel arc of Yinuo's mouth flashes to Yuye's side, and the enhanced general attack is imprinted on Yuye's body.

This time the attack came very suddenly, and the rainy night had no time to react.

According to Yinuo's calculation, this rainy night will undoubtedly die.

However, in the next second, a sudden change occurred, and the evil demon saint's cloak behind the rainy night burst into light, a holy figure emerged from it, and the breath of the gods flourished.

He couldn't see his face clearly, but he could feel his compassion for the world, and a flash of light flashed, quickly pulling the rainy night's life back to its full value.

Yinuo instantly felt suppressed and generally unable to move, as if an immortal **** was watching him after thousands of years.

Rainy night will naturally not waste such a good opportunity, turning around and holding the sickle of good and evil to attack him frantically. I want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends