Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 281: Legendary Mount-Golden Retriever Roar

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The legendary material evil demon saint three-color stone, which contains the atmosphere of the evil demon saint three gods, with its forging equipment has a chance to be favored by a certain god.

Note Because the quantity is too small, it is impossible to forge a complete piece of equipment.


Yu Ye's face flushed red, and his breathing became even more rapid. For the first time, he thought of his Evil Sage cloak. If it were forged with the same material, how much such material would have to be wasted in his cloak.

Moreover, it has the three gods who care about it at the same time, so it takes a forge of the rank to be able to forge it.

The thoughts in Yuye's mind exploded with a bang, and it took a long time to calm down.

No, if that’s the case, how could the Evil Demon Saint’s Cloak be a Purple Gold rank, at least it should be a Legend rank equipment

Is there any story in this

Not wanting so much, at the last minute, Rainy Night grabbed this demonic sacred three-color stone and put it in the backpack.

Ding, the selection is complete, please leave as soon as possible.

This piece of material has to find a way to blend into the evil demon saint's cloak. It's a mule or a horse. You'll know when you get it. If you are right, Big Brother Batu will look for him in a while.

When they came to the central hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Bruman and the City Lord were still discussing something.

Seeing Yuye enter the two to stop the discussion.

"Young Master, the City Lord has given me a piece of water of life. I want to take this opportunity to recover some strength, and temporarily cannot follow you behind and ensure your safety."

Bluman put away the combat drawings without a trace and spoke first.

Ding, your followers request ten days of free activities, do you agree?


"Uncle Bruman, improving your strength is a big deal."

Yuye chose to agree. Although he didn't know what the water of life was, it was always good to be able to improve Bruman's strength.

"Holy Dragon, I think you have already chosen something suitable. Thank you again for bringing Bruman out and grow up as soon as possible. There are still many challenges waiting for you."

After speaking, let the soldiers lead Yuye to leave the city lord mansion.

Yuye bowed politely and exited, heading to the forge.

Grandparents are upgrading, there is nothing to worry about.

Summon the night pterodactyl and head straight to the forge.

Submerged in the sky, accompanied by a bright moon, blowing a slight cool breeze, so uncomfortable.

Moreover, the speed of night pterodactyl was found to have increased by nearly 50% on the rainy night, like a gust of wind.

Before arriving at the door of the blacksmith's shop, before a rainy night knocked on the door, a big hand grabbed it and dragged it into it inhumanely.

Head, arms, buttocks, ah, along with the screams of rainy night, apprentices and blacksmiths in the forge closed their eyes and mourned for them.

Poor baby

However, some high-level blacksmiths who are familiar with the details behind them have a look of envy, wishing to let themselves replace Yuye.

After the first treatment, Yuye's legs were a little weak, and she barely stood up.

Looked at Batu and Buss with a smile. Yuye could only look at the sky, drove the tears from the corner of his eyes back, and let out a helpless sigh.

"Xiao Ye, watch my legendary mount Golden Retriever roar, it's amazing."

Batu seemed to have amnesia. He did not remember the ravages of Yuye just now. He walked over and patted Yuye on the shoulder with a smile on his face, and summoned the golden retriever out as if showing off.

He seems to have forgotten who gave him the mount.

Oh, the golden hairy roar in the courtyard of Nuo Da occupies a full 1%, and it is three stories high. This body is too big, is this eating pig feed?

The Night Pterodactyl was already quite big, but when he flinched his wings in front of Golden Retriever Roar, he suddenly felt a little bit ashamed and ashamed.

Looking up at it on rainy night, the Wisdom Eye Surgery started instantly.

What's the matter with the Purple Gold Golden Retriever Roar. Didn’t Batu get his mount in the morning? This upgrade is too fast, right? It’s a bit fake.

When watching Jin Maohou on a rainy night, Jin Maohou's eyes with the big lanterns also watched the rainy night like looking at a toy.

Feeling the faint oppression of the golden hair roar, the rainy night is really taken.

It is also his mature temperament, otherwise he might just kneel and collapse to the ground.

Batu patted Golden Retriever's calf, and saw the big guy shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it shrank to the size of a normal dog, rubbing Batu's trouser legs, to please him.

"Brother Batu, how can your mount upgrade so fast"

In the end, Yuye couldn't hold back and asked this question.

"It's nothing, that's because I helped people forge a sub-legendary weapon and gave all the experience points to Xiaojin."

Batu said it casually, as if it were a small thing, but the show-off in it meant that anyone could hear it.

Uh, can't learn, can't learn.

The rainy night was hit instantly, and Batu rolled his eyes.

However, he quickly captured the information content of Batu’s words and forged a sub-legendary weapon.

The progress of Big Brother Batu is so terrifying. He has just forged and strengthened an epic scythe of good and evil. At this moment, he has touched the edge of the sub-legend and successfully forged it.

Even if he is accumulating his hair, it’s not so scary, is it possible that he also eats pig feed

"You have been able to forge the sword of the Asian legend"

Yuye still couldn't believe it, and even the voice of her questioning changed.

"Yes, it's just a small sub-legendary what's the problem."

Uh, Batu's nose is almost up to the sky.

"After the eldest brother broke through the legendary rank, forging has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and the whole person has become more sunny and stinky."

Buss smiled and explained for the rainy night.

"Brother Batu, I am here this time to ask you for something."

The three of them talked about the past for a while, chatting for ten minutes, and only then did the rainy night talk about the business, and took out the evil demon saint cloak and the three-color stone.

Batu had seen this cloak of Rainy Night, and he always felt that it contained terrifying power, but he didn't take a piece of equipment in his hand and watch it carefully, and he didn't know the forging technique and material.

At this moment, seeing Yuye take it out, my heart is immediately itchy, like seeing a top-notch beauty, I can’t wait to embrace it immediately.

As for the legendary material evil demon saint three-color stone, although he saw it for the first time, it did not surprise him too much.

"What this turned out to be"

Just after taking it in his hand and watching for a few minutes, Batu stood up with a loud cry, and his whole person was shocked as if he had seen a ghost.

The eyes were wide and round, and the hand holding the Evil Demon Saint's cloak trembled, and he couldn't help himself with excitement.

Taking a look at the evil demon saint three-color stone on the side, Batu suddenly understood the whole story.

"Xiao Ye, do you want me to incorporate this three-color stone into it"

"Yes, do you have a solution, Brother Batu"

Of course, the special effects and special effects attached to the Evil Holy Cloak made Rainy Night have nothing to say.

But as his rank increased, the additional attributes on it had been less and less helpful to him. Not to mention other things, even the added attributes of the hot breath just obtained are higher than it.

If it cannot be upgraded, this piece of equipment will one day withdraw from the stage of history. I want to chat with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Reading Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends